Worried about my pension


Well-Known Member
This company has gone to poopy. There comes a time when even the best lay to rest and It's happening at UPS. I'll start with personal appearance. Half the drivers walking in look like homeless pukes in ragged brown uniforms. There is no shaving policy anymore. Off a few days? No worries...come on in with your face moss. Dudes with prison tattoos on their necks and "sleeves". No Prob. Chicks missing Dicks? Well, put a cattle ring in your nose, lotsa tat's, a crew cut and a baggy uniform. Walk like a low-land gorrilla and you're in!. No money for DR bags, uniforms, car-wash soap, brushes or friend'n toilet paper and having fuel in your vehicle depends on the day of the week. Frankly, I'm worried about my pension. And its not just Frank. It's Shirley too. Shirley they have have to see this is a sinking ship.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
This company has gone to poopy. There comes a time when even the best lay to rest and It's happening at UPS. I'll start with personal appearance. Half the drivers walking in look like homeless pukes in ragged brown uniforms. There is no shaving policy anymore. Off a few days? No worries...come on in with your face moss. Dudes with prison tattoos on their necks and "sleeves". No Prob. Chicks missing Dicks? Well, put a cattle ring in your nose, lotsa tat's, a crew cut and a baggy uniform. Walk like a low-land gorrilla and you're in!. No money for DR bags, uniforms, car-wash soap, brushes or friend'n toilet paper and having fuel in your vehicle depends on the day of the week. Frankly, I'm worried about my pension. And its not just Frank. It's Shirley too. Shirley they have have to see this is a sinking ship.
They decided to give it to me early


Well-Known Member
This company has gone to poopy. There comes a time when even the best lay to rest and It's happening at UPS. I'll start with personal appearance. Half the drivers walking in look like homeless pukes in ragged brown uniforms. There is no shaving policy anymore. Off a few days? No worries...come on in with your face moss. Dudes with prison tattoos on their necks and "sleeves". No Prob. Chicks missing Dicks? Well, put a cattle ring in your nose, lotsa tat's, a crew cut and a baggy uniform. Walk like a low-land gorrilla and you're in!. No money for DR bags, uniforms, car-wash soap, brushes or friend'n toilet paper and having fuel in your vehicle depends on the day of the week. Frankly, I'm worried about my pension. And its not just Frank. It's Shirley too. Shirley they have have to see this is a sinking ship.

Its the sign of the times, you have to accept people with their own personal appearance standards not force them to conform to the outdated 1940’s ups standards. This is a new day, a new time, us old timers will be gone soon and this company will be run the millennial generation, we’re going to have to accept that.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
This company has gone to poopy. There comes a time when even the best lay to rest and It's happening at UPS. I'll start with personal appearance. Half the drivers walking in look like homeless pukes in ragged brown uniforms. There is no shaving policy anymore. Off a few days? No worries...come on in with your face moss. Dudes with prison tattoos on their necks and "sleeves". No Prob. Chicks missing Dicks? Well, put a cattle ring in your nose, lotsa tat's, a crew cut and a baggy uniform. Walk like a low-land gorrilla and you're in!. No money for DR bags, uniforms, car-wash soap, brushes or friend'n toilet paper and having fuel in your vehicle depends on the day of the week. Frankly, I'm worried about my pension. And its not just Frank. It's Shirley too. Shirley they have have to see this is a sinking ship.
Have you seen the competition?

Step away from the cliff we’re gonna make about 7 billion this year.


Got the T-Shirt
This company has gone to poopy. There comes a time when even the best lay to rest and It's happening at UPS. I'll start with personal appearance. Half the drivers walking in look like homeless pukes in ragged brown uniforms. There is no shaving policy anymore. Off a few days? No worries...come on in with your face moss. Dudes with prison tattoos on their necks and "sleeves". No Prob. Chicks missing Dicks? Well, put a cattle ring in your nose, lotsa tat's, a crew cut and a baggy uniform. Walk like a low-land gorrilla and you're in!. No money for DR bags, uniforms, car-wash soap, brushes or friend'n toilet paper and having fuel in your vehicle depends on the day of the week. Frankly, I'm worried about my pension. And its not just Frank. It's Shirley too. Shirley they have have to see this is a sinking ship.

While I (and others) might be shocked and appalled by the current appearance

standards.... (or lack of)

Have you seen the competition?

It's a generational thing.

How many drivers, could run a pkg car route.... without their phone ?

How many feeder drivers.... could go without a bluetooth headset ?

I stopped wearing bell-bottom pants, in the 70's.

Things change.



Retired 23 years
Its the sign of the times, you have to accept people with their own personal appearance standards not force them to conform to the outdated 1940’s ups standards. This is a new day, a new time, us old timers will be gone soon and this company will be run the millennial generation, we’re going to have to accept that.

I give it 10 years before it goes tits up under their control.


Well-Known Member
While I (and others) might be shocked and appalled by the current appearance

standards.... (or lack of)

It's a generational thing.

How many drivers, could run a pkg car route.... without their phone ?

How many feeder drivers.... could go without a bluetooth headset ?

I stopped wearing bell-bottom pants, in the 70's.

Things change.

But I know you still keep those jeans in your closet .

El Correcto

god is dead
This company has gone to poopy. There comes a time when even the best lay to rest and It's happening at UPS. I'll start with personal appearance. Half the drivers walking in look like homeless pukes in ragged brown uniforms. There is no shaving policy anymore. Off a few days? No worries...come on in with your face moss. Dudes with prison tattoos on their necks and "sleeves". No Prob. Chicks missing Dicks? Well, put a cattle ring in your nose, lotsa tat's, a crew cut and a baggy uniform. Walk like a low-land gorrilla and you're in!. No money for DR bags, uniforms, car-wash soap, brushes or friend'n toilet paper and having fuel in your vehicle depends on the day of the week. Frankly, I'm worried about my pension. And its not just Frank. It's Shirley too. Shirley they have have to see this is a sinking ship.
If I had it my way you wouldn’t get Medicaid or social security that you generation voted to plunder and underfund. How about a little personal accountability and not being entitled to the labor of others.



Retired 23 years
If I had it my way you wouldn’t get Medicaid or social security that you generation voted to plunder and underfund. How about a little personal accountability and not being entitled to the labor of others.




BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
If I had it my way you wouldn’t get Medicaid or social security that you generation voted to plunder and underfund. How about a little personal accountability and not being entitled to the labor of others.

Vote in massive numbers for fiscal conservatives. All I'm seeing now is the free stuff crowd.
Vote in massive numbers for fiscal conservatives. All I'm seeing now is the free stuff crowd.