Zimmerman case - Found Not Guilty

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nowhere special
Now it looks like Zimmerman's lawyer will file for a stand your ground hearing. If he wins then he is free from any civil suits.


Well-Known Member
Re: George Zimmerman found Not Guilty

If this case were to happen in Mexico (Zimmerman's homeland, I believe), and Travor was just there on vacation.
Same situation, but instead a hotel/motel complex and same circumstances.
There would be a US public outcry about the verdict and police handling in Mexico.
And of course US citizens pointing out how dangerous Mexico is, and to never visit there.
But, this happened on US soil, so it's all fine and goody !

And on the other hand, if it would have happend in Mexico, Zimmerman would have been convicted, since he wouldn't have been allowed to carry a gun in the first place, and definitly wouldn't be able to justify it as self defense after being told by the "cops" (911) to stay putt !
In matter of fact, Zimmermann would have been conficted in almost any other country of this planet, except some war torn ones.

This outcome in Florida opens the door to allow almost any common fist fight to have fetal outcomes with no concequences.

Or........ What if Zimmerman and Martin were best buds and were on vacation in Canada and some maroon had been drinking on his lunch and then ran them over with a company vehicle. The outcry would be.....blah,blah.

You get the picture.


Well-Known Member
Now it looks like Zimmerman's lawyer will file for a stand your ground hearing. If he wins then he is free from any civil suits.

A piece at Reason presents an argument that would seem to make that claim an uphill battle. I would think a civil suit could still challenge on the grounds of neglect and depending on how the neighborhood watch was set up, the residents of the neighborhood may be on the hook as well. What process was used to make sure Zimmerman was capable and qualified to act in the capacity that he did? Civil cases also don't have to rise to the same standard as evidence in a criminal proceeding.

IMO in the civil court is where this case belonged in the first place. If in the course of, evidence came out to better support a criminal claim, that could go forward then. Where life is lost in a criminal matter, the statutes of limitations are far, far more flexible as it relates too time passed. Politics on all sides seems to have gotten ahead of everything else in this case.

Both men had believability issues because of past actions. The jury for the most part was only able to hear one side, as the other party is dead, and there was just not enough to contradict the surviving party's claims. George Zimmerman and I have a conflict of interest as I wanted him to take the stand.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Re: George Zimmerman found Not Guilty

Unfortunately it is quite easy to get a CCW in Florida. $50 at the local gun show for the course(includes your fingerprinting,picture) and $75 background check that's it. I know of a person once convicted of assault have his rights restored and now carries legally. Welcome to the Gunshine state. I believe we have more CCW licenses than any other state.

What happened to the violent crime rate in Florida when you adopted the "shall issue" concealed carry law back in 1987?

It dropped. A lot. And it kept dropping every year since then. "Shall issue" concealed carry laws prevent crime. Its a proven fact.


Well-Known Troll
Re: George Zimmerman found Not Guilty

I would sure hate to see some fine, upstanding members of the NBP get caught in a cross fire when they roll into the wrong "whitey" neighborhood that happens to be well organized.

Are there any fine, upstanding members of the NBP party? I'm going to suggest not. Those are the A-holes promoting Racial violence and division. Come on Panthers, Come rolling into my neighborhood and we'll have you driven out shortly there after


nowhere special
Re: George Zimmerman found Not Guilty

What happened to the violent crime rate in Florida when you adopted the "shall issue" concealed carry law back in 1987?

It dropped. A lot. And it kept dropping every year since then. "Shall issue" concealed carry laws prevent crime. Its a proven fact.

Don't confuse people with logic.


Staff member
Re: George Zimmerman found Not Guilty

What happened to the violent crime rate in Florida when you adopted the "shall issue" concealed carry law back in 1987?

It dropped. A lot. And it kept dropping every year since then. "Shall issue" concealed carry laws prevent crime. Its a proven fact.

I think you need to check those facts. Violent crime I believe dropped throughout the country at the same time. It is a phenomena not easily explained.


Für Meno :)
Re: George Zimmerman found Not Guilty

I think you need to check those facts. Violent crime I believe dropped throughout the country at the same time. It is a phenomena not easily explained.

Yes it is !
An aging population is one factor.
And another huge factor is our kids being whimps to what they once were !
As examples : parents aren't punishing them with beatings anymore, or teachers for that matter, either (the old principle strap).
Fist fights are basically totally illegal, and so is bullying.
They are growing up totally different then us old timers did. And, I must admit - probably a good thing, in some (but not all) ways.
Violent crime rates have gone down in all civilized countries around the world - so , I wouldn't even compare that to more gun ownership !
Plus, everyone has a cell phone these days - you can't even get-a-way with excessive speeds on highways, since someone will call it in, besides the point that a cell phone also works as protection, too.


Pineapple King
Re: George Zimmerman found Not Guilty

No, they are completely different things.

In the Peoples Republik of Kalifornia for instance, you have a "duty to retreat" even within your own home before claiming self defense as a justification for killing someone, and can be prosecuted and or civilly litigated for failing to do so.

"Stand your ground" or "castle doctrine" generally only means that, at some point (usually within one's home) the attacked party has the legal right to stand and defend themselves than being forced by the law to continually retreat from the aggressor.

"Castle doctrine" was not a legal issue in the Zimmerman case and was not part of his defense.

Florida's stand-your-ground law has come into the national spotlight following the shooting death of teenager Trayvon Martin by a neighborhood watch volunteer, George Zimmerman. Florida law states that a person has the right to stand his or her ground if he or she (1) reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm, (2) is not engaged in an unlawful activity and (3) is attacked in any place where he or she has a right to be (FSA § 776.013(3))
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Pineapple King
Re: George Zimmerman found Not Guilty


Through no fault of their own.... they are mental midgets.

Fueled on by people like this.

Bring it on LOSER'S!


Pineapple King
Re: George Zimmerman found Not Guilty

What happened to the violent crime rate in Florida when you adopted the "shall issue" concealed carry law back in 1987?

It dropped. A lot. And it kept dropping every year since then. "Shall issue" concealed carry laws prevent crime. Its a proven fact.
Yes I agree. I don't have a problem with Florida's gun laws or their easiness to get CCW permits.


Pineapple King
Re: George Zimmerman found Not Guilty

Nice. I think the Black Panthers have a handful of members these days, and the vast majority of African-Americans think they are idiots. Although I disagree with the verdict, I heard some commentary last night that made sense. It's apparently very difficult to get a Second Degree Murder conviction in Florida. The prosecution should have never gone for "Murder 2", but should have tried to get Zimmerman on Manslaughter instead. Game over.
AH, the judge also instructed the jury that they could also give a manslaughter verdict.
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