3 day ride complete


Well-Known Member
I have a very poor time allowance on my route and was subjected to a 3 day ride this week. I usually run 45 minutes over allowed and am on the 9.5 list. I take all my breaks and do not work during my lunch. I actually was pleased to get this ride so I could show them that the problem was the time study and not my performance. I ended up running more over allowed on all three days than normal and stops per on road hour less than normal. I had a few minor issues with methods but the on road sup could not really come up with a excuse why we were coming in so far over allowed. We ran 95% on Orion and were under miles. So the Sup tells me the Center manager is :censored2: at him because he can't figure out why we were running even more over allowed than normal. The Center Manager told the on road that he believes I have tricked him and now they can't do anything to me now. I absolutely did nothing to sabotage this ride. The only thing slightly different was not indirecting shag stops to where the people work and bringing it to their house instead. Since this was a check ride, I did not feel the need to give them the advantage of my area knowledge. So, I was under the impression that 3 day rides lock you into a certain stops per on road hour. What happens Next? I am the first to get one in our small center.
You tricked him....lol what a d bag. I have heard out of center mgrs mouth before that the allowances are bogus ....it is so irrational to think that each driver across the U.S. Will get the same allowance across the board for so many different varieties of situations ....and they keep taking the time away..scam total scam corporate lie


Well-Known Member
Tell these dopes that next time you are filing harassment grievance... You are working plenty hard... 99% of us are.. No matter what the numbers say.. They get no more from you stand up for yourself be a role model for the rest of your center . You shouldn't have to be scared or intimidated at a stupud fricken job. The piss poor numbers are a corporate way to get more out of you... Period end of story. Just keep on rocking be careful and safe and you will be just fine...all ok!!!


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Nobody is perfect... Do your best... They find things wrong when they do s safety ride or s and v ride after an accident .. They will find things wrong on an ojs ride....I say whatever bring it

There is a quota. They are required to find 6 things wrong on each side of the checklist. So even if your methods were perfect, if they couldnt find anything wrong they would just make something up in order to meet the quota.


Well-Known Member
They are pushing hard to get guys off of that list
Iv been dealing with this the past cpl years. Dispatcher says he has to give me more than an 8.5hr day per his bosses, I end up with a 9hr dispatch, run .6 over and I'm some how at fault for slacking. My route had a sweet spot of an 8.5hr dispatch where I can run .2 over, but they won't give me a fair dispatch. I have a few apts in my route so some days it can grow a good amount and I end up with a 9.7-10hr planned day. I file and then they act like its my fault.

The are using longer dispatched days to make it appear Orion is working because they can cut routes


Package Car is cake compared to this...
My last 3 day ride, I "demonstrated" spohrs of 16, 12, and 14, with no suggestion that I was remiss in my methods at any time.
Now, whenever they start talking about "demonstrated performance" in regards to my stats, I ask them which day of that ride are they referring to?
They always revert back to the 3 day average of 14.4.
It frustrates them, and makes me laugh, when I explain that this 3 day ride "demonstrated" efficiently that my route varies greatly from day to day.

These rides mean absolutely nothing, unless they manage to get you, the driver, to buy in to the nonsense.
Do your job, and do it right, and let management explain the numbers.
Divorcing yourself from the company's arbitrary standards will be the most liberating thing you will ever do at UPS.

14.4 stops an hour? You burner...


My Senior Picture

There is a quota. They are required to find 6 things wrong on each side of the checklist. So even if your methods were perfect, if they couldnt find anything wrong they would just make something up in order to meet the quota.
A couple of years ago, on review of my S and V, the Supe said I made an unnecessary back on stop 'x'.
When I pitched a bitch, he admitted that he had to list one more thing, so he "reached".

That's why I don't sign anything or subscribe to their metrics or make believe safety concerns.


Well-Known Member
I started my first 3 day ride today.im averaging 38 minutes over this past month.they are mad cause i 9.5 when they yank routes on monday.all they did was yell at me for not putting diad in holder and not remembering the next stops pal when i arrive.they wont even let me take diad out of holder until im stepping out of the truck.i spent more time trying to recall the pal than anything else today.i was 6 minutes away from my 2nd 9.5....dammitt....also if i had my space and visual ride a few months ago,should i get ahold of my b.a.?


Well-Known Member
I started my first 3 day ride today.im averaging 38 minutes over this past month.they are mad cause i 9.5 when they yank routes on monday.all they did was yell at me for not putting diad in holder and not remembering the next stops pal when i arrive.they wont even let me take diad out of holder until im stepping out of the truck.i spent more time trying to recall the pal than anything else today.i was 6 minutes away from my 2nd 9.5....dammitt....also if i had my space and visual ride a few months ago,should i get ahold of my b.a.?
Not yet... They are just pis$edyou are in the 9.5 list... Can guarantee there are others at your center that are more over allowed that aren't getting ridden with .... 38 minutes over... Please that's the new 1 hour under.. Don't let these clowns get to you and don't go out there and kill yourself because then you get into an accident or hurt yourself so bad your out for months.... This company isn't worth it


Well-Known Member
Not yet... They are just pis$edyou are in the 9.5 list... Can guarantee there are others at your center that are more over allowed that aren't getting ridden with .... 38 minutes over... Please that's the new 1 hour under.. Don't let these clowns get to you and don't go out there and kill yourself because then you get into an accident or hurt yourself so bad your out for months.... This company isn't worth it
All the drivers in my loop have had a 3 day ride the past year.one of them got a warning letter when his spor dropped after the ride.i havent heard what was decieded after his grievance.he said im top 3 overallowed with his drivers.im a satelite driver so i dont grt to see the list often.but when i have seen it lately 38 minutes over is good lol.im going safe and steady.it seems to me these are just harassment rides.


Gravy route
.it seems to me these are just harassment rides.
You are correct.
You demonstrated that your 38 min over is not unreasonable.
If they continue to harass you about over-allowed...File.

Next time they ride with you write down every time they subtly help you...opening doors, pointing out where to DR or indirect, touching any package, Staying at front of a house while you look for a place to leave it and calling to you that the owner is home, pointing to a house you are looking for etc. Also check with your loader that stops were not moved to a different truck. Check with other drivers to make sure they did not cover ODS pickups or any other work.


Gravy route
It is now even more important that you file on every 9.5 violation. The ride along is an intimidation tactic, and if you stop filing they will know you can be intimidated. They would then use intimidation even more to manipulate you.

They are trying to manipulate you by trying to pretend that the manager is mad at your supervisor. They think they can make you believe your on-car is a good guy on your side vs the manager so you will bust your behind for him. Good cop-Bad cop. Realize these are well rehearsed manipulations that they teach to the supervisors and managers.
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Well-Known Member
It is now even more important that you file on every 9.5 violation. The ride along is an intimidation tactic, and if you stop filing they will know you can be intimidated. They would then use intimidation even more to manipulate you.

They are trying to manipulate you by trying to pretend that the manager is mad at your supervisor. They think they can make you believe your on-car is a good guy on your side vs the manager so you will bust your behind for him. Good cop-Bad cop. Realize these are well rehearsed manipulations that they teach to the supervisors and managers.
Yer exactly right.he was n a great mood all day.and bought lunch and everything.ive been at uos over 10 years.i know that when their lips are moving they are lieing!!


Well-Known Member
A quick update about my 3 day ride. They actually did a virtual time study on my route and I gained 6 tenths of a hour. I still run over, but I don't look as bad as I did. I run the route like I always have, but now I feel a little less pressure.


good people drink good beer
Back in the day, a ride with a supe could be a fun thing. Often they would make up a benign reason (TLA) because the weather was nice and they wanted to get out of the office. If you weren't a problem child, they would buy snacks, drinks, and lunch all day. Now, it's all business. I can't remember the last time a supe bought a bottle of pop let alone lunch on a ride.


Active Member
Haha yeah my mom's neighbor said his sup used to fall asleep on an empty shelf in the back of the truck. He said he would set up a package on the upper opposite shelf and then take a corner hard so the package fell on him. Hahaha. That was a long time ago. I'm going through kind of the same thing. I used to run all the time and take as many shortcuts as I could to get scratch numbers. I have a lot of big buildings on my route that take time including a large mall that is kind of empty but that just means I have to walk further to get to the stops. I started following the meathods because my whole body would hurt everyday. Now I'm consistently 1.5 to 2 hours over sometimes more. I also have a hospital on my route and Apts and other high rise buildings that take time. Management is soo pissed. It seems that the people who do the job right are the troublemakers. I also filed for 9.5 so now they hate me and are trying to intimidate me. I told them I will gladly accept a 3 day. I know my methods. Then they ask me one day about 25 seconds here and 29 seconds here for package selection for residential stops. So now I don't answer my phone for anybody. I make them send me a message to call so and so. Then I say there is no time for that