

Staff member
If you did not know that Rush also mocked you leftists you need to get out more. He has gotten extremely rich making fun of you guys.
Yes, but it's your money he's getting rich on, not mine. I think he's mocking you. Like Archie Bunker mocking the Joe Six Packs of the day.


Well-Known Member
Yes, but it's your money he's getting rich on, not mine. I think he's mocking you. Like Archie Bunker mocking the Joe Six Packs of the day.

He's rich because advertisers are there because he still has an audience to support them. His bashing the libs is apparently a timeless moneymaker as he has been doing it for 20 years with several million followers. Three cheers for capitalism at the expense of the anti capitalistic, spread the wealth, anti business liberals. Oh...........Who is your favorite radio talk show host? And for what's worth I don't listen to Rush but appreciate the fact that someone can make $ in this anti business environment!


Staff member
He's rich because advertisers are there because he still has an audience to support them. His bashing the libs is apparently a timeless moneymaker as he has been doing it for 20 years with several million followers. Three cheers for capitalism at the expense of the anti capitalistic, spread the wealth, anti business liberals. Oh...........Who is your favorite radio talk show host? And for what's worth I don't listen to Rush but appreciate the fact that someone can make $ in this anti business environment!
And the advertisers wouldn't bother if it didn't increase sales to the listeners. Bravo Zulo capitalism!


The Nim
Neil Boortz ... I like his honesty - "Don't believe anything I say unless you already know it to be true."

I like to listen to him when I'm up and about in the morning, otherwise it's Schnitt and Levin going into work and Humphries and Medved on the way home.


golden ticket member
You know, you don't realize how tall Bill O'reilly is until he appears on a show like The View and sits on their mini-couch. He's like "basketball-player tall". I'm not a fan of the View, but watch it when a conservative is a guest.

I don't listen to any talk radio. I do like O'Reilly and Hannity.........Hannity is so I can catch Bob Beckel once in awhile.........a great example of a curmudgeon!


Staff member
O'Rielly is the only one of the cable blowhards that I can stand to listen to for any length of time, but no way could I sit through his schtick every day. I don't really like any of the "opinion" shows, right or left. I find them all to be pretty predictable, almost paint by the numbers in their simplicity. I figure most people listen to/watch them for reinforcement more than anything else.