BC Fantasy Football League


Well-Known Member
When is draft order going to be set?
Yahoo's default says it will be 30 mins before draft. If you want more time to plan, I can "pick order out of a hat" and get it done within the next couple weeks. I don't see an option to set draft order earlier, but will keep looking.


Yahoo's default says it will be 30 mins before draft. If you want more time to plan, I can "pick order out of a hat" and get it done within the next couple weeks. I don't see an option to set draft order earlier, but will keep looking.
I was just curious. With my skill level I don't need a lot of time to know what position I have in order to dominate the rest of you chumps.


Well-Known Member
Here are the divisions based on how people entered the league.


And will be the only time I'll be at the bottom of my division.


Well-Known Member
We need a program telling us who is who. And weekly updates for the fans.
Most are self explanatory. One is confusing, and the rest could use some clarification. I'll post who's who later. Nothing will give anyone's anonymity away. Getting ready to go to a movie.


Man of Great Wisdom
I want the MONSTER to play. I need the MONSTER to play. I like the MONSTER and I can talk fantasy football trash to him and TRASH HIS GREEN BAY PACKERS. (This helps me develop the trash I will toss at my husband in regards to those PACKERS. And my HUSBAND is a MONSTER.)

Wow, I'm feelin the love. Fortunately for you, the only whoopin the Pack will put on the Aints is the final pre-season game.


Age quod agis
Dear Mr Monster
I am compelled to hurl Packer epitaphs.
Actions suspended:
Out of Respect for the man...
  • Pulled a future HOF QB out from under Gandville as his first order of business when he left New York for Green Bay.
  • Most prolific free agent signing which changed a culture, city and history.
Suspended actions will resume without notice.

(Monster knows of what I speak...the rest of should look it up)
Hey, I want to desperately attend the Thanksgiving game when Brett is reveled in ring of honor.

Browncafe NFL insider AJ



Well-Known Member
For everyone's info

Blu Bayou----------------upschuck
Future Turd Stompers---Future
Holy Cannoli------------- Big Arrow Down...D
inflatable swan army-----mjjlohn
johnnys team-------------Johnnyfootball2014
jumpmans smash team--jumpman23
Mr. Bubble----------------Bubblehead
Revis and Butthead-------FrigidPTSup
The Browns---------------IVE GOTTA PACKAGE 4U
Tmoney's team-----------tonyexpress
Tumbling Turds-----------turdferguson

Don't shot me if I'm wrong.


Resident Suit
Nobody has a sense of humor this evening? I feel like I'm at the morning PCM.
My guys laugh at my PCM. I think they may be laughing at me though...
Yahoo's default says it will be 30 mins before draft. If you want more time to plan, I can "pick order out of a hat" and get it done within the next couple weeks. I don't see an option to set draft order earlier, but will keep looking.
Let it go random. Make it a little more exciting