building heat @ 45 degrees


Grease Monkey
I guess UPS is still looking for THEIR loophole in these Minnesota OSHA violations for workroom temperature and ventilation...

@disgruntled pointed out Massachusetts has a minimum temperature rule too

People often refer to "OSHA" and the 25 independently operated and regulated State OSHA plans as 1 in the same, when in fact they are mostly autonomous in that they only need to be "as effective" as the Federal OSHA. They are free to enforce stricter regulation, hence better air contaminant laws, ergonomic rules (ie temperature), etc...

In summary,

Federal OSHA = no minimum workroom temperature requirement

State OSHAs = some do some don't (@socks jimmy dean sausage varies by state I guess)


Well-Known Member
I THINK THIS IS A BIG JOKE. I why should we be without heat. ask
the supervisors and building manager, if there office have heat.
I bet 1000 to 1 they sure do. Just another way to stick to the workers.


bella amicizia
You people work in a warehouse, there is no law governing temperature. You may want to re-read whatever law you are talking about. There are loopholes and UPS is one of them. Some locals have a contract with UPS that has language about the temperatures of the buildings, but it is often ignored. I knew a steward once that came to me about the temperature in the building. It was a bitter winter. I asked him to come into my office and sit down. I Gave him a hot cup of coffee and a Jimmy Dean sausage sandwich. Our conversation ended with me being extremely busy but I told the steward to stop by the next day and we would talk some more. The greedy steward stopped by everyday that winter for his hot cup of joe, and Jimmy Dean sandwich some days we didn't even talk.
According to OSHA(my district office), the center I work at is a Class C warehouse. Inside temperature has to be maintained at 60 degrees. NYS has health codes that cover it. Building codes has versions to cover what is left to be covered. A building that doesn't comply can actually be shut down. No grievance required. No "greedy" union steward to bribe.


Well-Known Member
menotyou, you may want to look over NYS code again. Your entire post is false. As far as the person that posted about Maple Grove nothing has been actually proven and the fine was very small. For the rest of you work faster..... You won't be as cold.


bella amicizia
menotyou, you may want to look over NYS code again. Your entire post is false.

This is what you said. My entire post is not false. County building code officer said he would be more than happy to investigate the heat issue next year. If compliance is an issue, the building can be shut down. I stated in a previous thread that I don't lie and you "liked"it.


bella amicizia
According to OSHA(my district office), the center I work at is a Class C warehouse. Inside temperature has to be maintained at 60 degrees. NYS has health codes that cover it. Building codes has versions to cover what is left to be covered. A building that doesn't comply can actually be shut down. No grievance required. No "greedy" union steward to bribe.

Here is where I state Osha is the one requiring it to 60 degrees. Again, no "greedy steward" to bribe. Because that is what you admitted to. Bribery.


Grease Monkey
menotyou, you may want to look over NYS code again. Your entire post is false. As far as the person that posted about Maple Grove nothing has been actually proven and the fine was very small. For the rest of you work faster..... You won't be as cold.

The entire point of the article is about greed... Who's being greedy? 12.4 million shares repurchased vs 12.04 million shares repurchased in 2010 (would cover heat "savings")...

WORKER MORALE...PRICELESS (and less effects of hypothermia, arthritis, asthma, etc...)


From the promised LAND
Wow, have we hired a bunch of crybabys or what. Complain about 45, and demanding 60?

The contract is pretty specific. Centers will be heated where practical. Practical is subjective. It also relies on the cost to do so. So by its very nature, the contract is slanted towards the company.

Next, Meantoyou, while portions of the building might be considered a ware house, the majority will not be considered as such.

OK, back in the dinosaur time......when UPS started out West, UPS did not have it's own place right away and rented a space from a gas station
Dear More, the next center down the road from ours is an old abandoned gas/repair facility. I guess it had been empty since the civil war, so UPS moved in. It is not heated, heck, they are lucky they dont drown when it rains.

The year I went to the BOD meeting, UPS rented a van. We started to go down the road, and because the air did not work, we had to leave the windows open. Well that created a suction, which caused the roof of the van to collapse. Anything above 45 and the roof was at seat level.

We stooped by that center, then shuttled us to the Greyhound bus terminal in a P500. Talk about dingy.

And last time I was in the keys, all they had was an MDC in a field.

One last thing. IF you cant stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. In other words, either accept the bullseye, or quit yer bellyachin.



Grease Monkey
We used to paint houses with lead, doctors recommended smoking for constipation, put cocaine in Coca Cola, but by golly we were happy about it! ^^^^^


From the promised LAND
I didnt say you/we liked it. Funny how people that dont have a leg to stand on when in a discussion derail the conversation.

I said that the contract now covers the heated building aspect. I quoted the language. Dont like the language, change the contract. You have the ability to vote it up or down.......Oh wait, thats right, part timers dont vote. Well, then continue to bellyache about the cold, and see what happens.



Grease Monkey
State OSHA laws that regulate temperature (the State OSHA plans that have them) have the rights to enforce them. I can't recall seeing a paragraph or article in any contract that says OSHA laws (state or federal) will not be followed.

That's why UPS in Minnesota was FINED for violating minimum air temperature.

Maybe the corporate lawyers can show Minnesota OSHA the Union contract and see if they care.


From the promised LAND
Thats nice to live in a state where they have the manpower to regulate air temps in a building.

But since this is a national forum, what happens in Minnesooooota does not apply to the rest of the USA. So be thankful for what you have and can get.



bella amicizia
NY is covered by OSHA. If I lived in another state, I would wish for these rules. No one bellyaches when it -20 below with the wind hollowing. I'm not bitching because I won't purchase silk understuff. I'm not bitching because I own a different carhart for every season and fashion. I have 15 pairs of boots for various reasons and seasons. I have liners for things I didn't know could be lined. LL Bean knows my smell. Muck boots up the wazoo. I will bitch if a law that was put in place for these exact circumstances is not being followed. Misloads are written up by managers who shuttle them off. That is against the contract.

As for my building- no, about 10% of the space is offices. 90% dock/ mechanics bay/ unload area.


Well-Known Member
NY is covered by OSHA. If I lived in another state, I would wish for these rules. No one bellyaches when it -20 below with the wind hollowing. I'm not bitching because I won't purchase silk understuff. I'm not bitching because I own a different carhart for every season and fashion. I have 15 pairs of boots for various reasons and seasons. I have liners for things I didn't know could be lined. LL Bean knows my smell. Muck boots up the wazoo. I will bitch if a law that was put in place for these exact circumstances is not being followed. Misloads are written up by managers who shuttle them off. That is against the contract.

As for my building- no, about 10% of the space is offices. 90% dock/ mechanics bay/ unload area.

Just fake an injury next winter. Then you don't have to worry about the temp.


Grease Monkey
Thats nice to live in a state where they have the manpower to regulate air temps in a building.

But since this is a national forum, what happens in Minnesooooota does not apply to the rest of the USA. So be thankful for what you have and can get.


BTW, who said I live/work in Minnesota? Also I believe it was mentioned that Massachusetts has a similar law. There are probably others, haven't had time to research.


bella amicizia
BTW, who said I live/work in Minnesota? Also I believe it was mentioned that Massachusetts has a similar law. There are probably others, haven't had time to research.
I think he got that from your snipit about the Minnesota OSHA violations.
As far as Mass. having those rules, I am sure they do. I would think most state that enjoy winter would have similar laws.