Bye Daylight Savings Time

bitter to the bone

Well-Known Member
I work inside and I hate it too. Walked in the building today and it felt like it was 10 o'clock at night. I'm used to daylight coming in through the skylights and the open bay doors. How many more days before we set the clocks forward???? They should just do away with DST. Does it really serve any purpose anymore?


golden ticket member
I work inside and I hate it too. Walked in the building today and it felt like it was 10 o'clock at night. I'm used to daylight coming in through the skylights and the open bay doors. How many more days before we set the clocks forward???? They should just do away with DST. Does it really serve any purpose anymore?

No facts, but I always thought it was so school kids weren't in the dark when they waited for the bus or walked to school. Kids still go to school. It always sounded good until you remember the months of the school year.

Read about it here....


Retired 23 years
A long as you are familiar with your route delivering in the dark isn't really a problem. In a way its more relaxing because I know when I was delivering cardboard I would shift into a slower speed as soon as the sun went down.


Huge Member
The only thing I do different is ring the bell at every delivery

​I know I know, "it's a method" but I've woke up too many babies and 3rd shifters doing it during the day


Geek in Brown
A long as you are familiar with your route delivering in the dark isn't really a problem. In a way its more relaxing because I know when I was delivering cardboard I would shift into a slower speed as soon as the sun went down.

That's the thing...I dont have enough seniority for my own route so while I know several routes well... I only know house numbers on like 2 of them.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I just started driving a few weeks ago and the other day I had to deliver in the dark for the first time - my flashlight died on me and I was so screwed because nobody has porch lights on my route. Sups weren't too happy but now I've been making sure I get everything done and I'm in by 5pm. I got this big LED spotlight for peak too.


Oh Yeah
Delivering in the dark is what it is. Just take your time and bring a spotlight or flashlight. Better get used to delivering in the dark for 4 or 5 hours during peak while getting those :censored2: whoopins lol.


Geek in Brown
That's the thing...I dont have enough seniority for my own route so while I know several routes well... I only know house numbers on like 2 of them.
Only know 2 house numbers. Don't have many tracers do you? lol

Im saying I know several routes well but two of the routes I know the house numbers without looking for the numbers on the houses and no I rarely have followups.


My eyes are not what they used to be.I stop at 16:30 now and prerecord all my remaining stops.
I attatch info notices to sig req pkgs,in case no one is home.