Celebrating 100 days without Bush


Well-Known Member
I for one would take GW's lack of knowledge anytime , then listen to a scripted response.


I understand you being a loyal red stater and all but seriously dude, read that statement one more time closely and give consideration to using the "edit" button!

It just doesn't read like I think you meant it too!

But I did enjoy the laugh just the same!


Well-Known Member
Accessibility is now another term for feeding the ego. I wonder how accessible he will be when this economy comes crashing down around his ears.

I don't know what demension X you come from, but didn't your party hand the baton to Obama with the economy already crashed....

Obama couldn't even speak at the CIA without his teleprompter. There is a huge, huge, very huge difference between the Obama that reads from a teleprompter and the one that has to think for himself. Bush, as much as I don't like him either, actually did better sometimes without the teleprompter. Seemed more laid back. Sure, he had his airhead moments but at least he didn't sound like a bumbling idiot like Obama. Either way Obama tries to hard not to say "the wrong thing." Its even more evident when the teleprompter is off.

Are you posting this just to be annoying, or do you really believe what you write. Big A it's important to think before you talk, as Obama demonstrates, maybe you should take notice when you post. It's pretty much a concensus from all sides that Obama is not a bad orater, in fact,it may have won him the presidencey.

Unfortunately all of his "public meetings " are staged.
His town meetings , his press conferences too.

I for one would take GW's lack of knowledge anytime , then listen to a scripted response.

Determined by your scripted responses, you have inherited GW's lack of knowledge.....:wink2:

wkmac....I shared that laugh with you....:rofl:


I don't know what demension X you come from, but didn't your party hand the baton to Obama with the economy already crashed....

Are you posting this just to be annoying, or do you really believe what you write. Big A it's important to think before you talk, as Obama demonstrates, maybe you should take notice when you post. It's pretty much a concensus from all sides that Obama is not a bad orater, in fact,it may have won him the presidencey.

Determined by your scripted responses, you have inherited GW's lack of knowledge.....:wink2:

wkmac....I shared that laugh with you....

dumb as that GW guy was he was smart enough to know the president does not bow to other leaders.:rofl:


dumb as that GW guy was he was smart enough to know the president does not bow to other leaders.:rofl:
GWB bowed and bent over and kissed & held hands.

Actually, GWB was not dumb, if he was, it sure doesn't say much for his supporters and cheerleaders over the last 8 years.

I know it is tough to accept it, but President Obama has done a fantastic job so far.




GWB bowed and bent over and kissed & held hands.

Actually, GWB was not dumb, if he was, it sure doesn't say much for his supporters and cheerleaders over the last 8 years.

I know it is tough to accept it, but President Obama has done a fantastic job so far.



Yep a fantastic job of bowing to other leaders , buddying up with third world thugs and is going to easily exceed anything bush did to increase the deficit. :rofl:


Bush did a lot more than increase the deficit, most of it bad for our country.

We might agree on this point. He didn't pick and prepare a viable successor to his presidency thus we're stuck with a bunch of liberals that are still reading leadership 101 course books. Can I get an amen on the telepromter on that one?


Well-Known Member
I will celebrate the days we did have G.W.

He has not one blessed thing to apologize for. Our country remained safe for 8 years after Willie unhinged the CIA and opened the floodgates to the kind of terrorists that took down the World Trade Towers.

He knew enough to keep Alan Greenspan at the helm of an unprecedented run in which the economy was unflappable. The liberals managed to dismantle this success, too, by regulating mandatory loans to unqualified applicants- who- oops- did not manage to make their payments. School scores went up. Employment went up. The only disasters came in the last year, after Congress gained a Democrat majority and used it to drive the economy into the dirt, for their own agenda in the upcoming election.

Bush had no scandals. No sexcapades. No lies. He stood for decency, dignity and fairness to every freedom loving American. So go ahead and celebrate your 100 days. I'm still waiting for Willie to cover his face in shame after playing Hide and Seek the Cigar in the Oval Office.


Well-Known Member
We might agree on this point. He didn't pick and prepare a viable successor to his presidency thus we're stuck with a bunch of liberals that are still reading leadership 101 course books. Can I get an amen on the telepromter on that one?

Amen.....Sarah Palan.....Can we get a Witchdoctor on the telepromter....:wink2:

its not too late to beg Bush to come back and fix Obamas mess is it?
If that's the case, Bill Clinton would have beat Gw hands down in 2000'

There's always Jeb in 2012 !! :wink2:

Baby Bush is the smarter of the two.....now he doesn't have a shot, thx to big brother.

I will celebrate the days we did have G.W.

He has not one blessed thing to apologize for. Our country remained safe for 8 years after Willie unhinged the CIA and opened the floodgates to the kind of terrorists that took down the World Trade Towers.

He knew enough to keep Alan Greenspan at the helm of an unprecedented run in which the economy was unflappable. The liberals managed to dismantle this success, too, by regulating mandatory loans to unqualified applicants- who- oops- did not manage to make their payments. School scores went up. Employment went up. The only disasters came in the last year, after Congress gained a Democrat majority and used it to drive the economy into the dirt, for their own agenda in the upcoming election.

Bush had no scandals. No sexcapades. No lies. He stood for decency, dignity and fairness to every freedom loving American. So go ahead and celebrate your 100 days. I'm still waiting for Willie to cover his face in shame after playing Hide and Seek the Cigar in the Oval Office.

:rofl: Thx, Sammie......I needed a good laugh.....
9/11 is Clinton's fault...lol, FYI Alan Greenspan admitted ineptitude (as is "The Fed") by presuming banks and creditors were best capable of protecting their self interests. And how do you regulate loans to unqualified applicants, by regulation ???

Why do you think they call it the oval office?

:surprised: :surprised: :surprised: <----does that help Sammie.....lol


How fitting it would have been for Clinton to be there to answer for his destruction of the intelligence agencies and military on 9/11.

Err, Umm...

The people Clinton put in place all but gave GWB the date and time of the attack.

Denial is not only a river in Egypt, but the central point of whatever skewed universe you choose to live in.

If you still work for UPS, consider using their mental health benefits.


Err, Umm...

The people Clinton put in place all but gave GWB the date and time of the attack.


Yet they didn't go out and arrest the terrorist who were living out in the open under Clinton?

"Oh by the way GW you got some terrorist living in this country who will take down the twin towers on 9/11 with hijacked planes. We would have arrested them already but we want you to have the glory?"

you're too much.


Yet they didn't go out and arrest the terrorist who were living out in the open under Clinton?

"Oh by the way GW you got some terrorist living in this country who will take down the twin towers on 9/11 with hijacked planes. We would have arrested them already but we want you to have the glory?"

you're too much.
