confederate flag?


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately the flag is a distraction - it's just a symbol that has been coopted by some racist morons. That's unfortunate as well - I lived in the South for over a decade and I guarantee that there are folks who fly (that particular flag) and don't have a racist bone in their body.

After I moved back up North, where I was born, I realized that racism is insidious and's everywhere, even in the 'North''s just different.

In many ways, the South is less racist than the other ways, it's the reverse.

Amazon etc may ban that flag, and that's a knee-jerk reaction, but the flag isn't the point.

One thing I was impressed about Southerners (being a Yankee) was their politeness.

If only for that, that flag should come down from the Capitol building, since it offends half the population of SC. As well, the government serves everyone, so there is a place for the flag, just not on the Government steps.

Slavery was an American sin, and both sides of the Mason-Dixon are guilty.

I just hope this is the start of a conversation, instead of it just dying out.

(Amazon will resume selling the flag, and that was never the point anyway)


Man of Great Wisdom
Imagine for a minute that you own the General Lee car from the Dukes of Hazard. You've been holding on to it to sell for a lot of $$$. You're screwed now !!
Probably worth more now. I've seen a few new confederate flags pop on properties since the outrage.


Strength through joy

Pelosi Tries to Force Vote on Bill to Ban Mississippi Flag from Capitol Grounds


Well-Known Troll
Imagine for a minute that you own the General Lee car from the Dukes of Hazard. You've been holding on to it to sell for a lot of $$$. You're screwed now !!

No you're not. The knee jerk liberals won't pay for your car to be repainted. Hold that car and sell it when you're ready