conference call


Well-Known Member
The union cant take care of my pension!..There is no way in Hell I want them in charge of my Healthcare!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The healthcare coverage I enjoy through the Teamsters is very close to what I had when I was in the military. The only differences were the co-pays (none in military) and the level of care (much better than military).


Well-Known Member
That means if premiums do double or increase more than what was negotiated, the union or it's members are on the hook for the difference.

If the union takes over the plan and costs do skyrocket, we will be paying more out of pocket and the company can shrug it's shoulders and say, "talk to the union, they are the ones running the plan."

I am kind of surprised that the company has not agreed to that.

Some great points that I agree with. I would imagine that the Teamsters would, at least try, to put wording in contract that would have UPS up the contribution to the healthcare plan to cover the rising cost in healthcare and that would explain why this is not settled if it was just about accounting.


Active Member
hall admitted he knew there were UPS management people on the call. Of course there was. And he blamed TDU for leaking the "secret phone number and code".
Our supervisors know every word spoken at our local membership meetings. Does that mean TDU has a spy feeding the info to management?
No! It means management will always find a way to keep up to date on what is going on. Remember. We're talking UPS here!
But they never pass up an opportunity to slam TDU. No matter how absurd it sounds.
So what was the reason for the "Secret Conference Call" when IBT knew it was going to be compromised?
A shop steward who wanted to listen in had to stop what he was doing at 12 noon, EDST, and hope to get a place on the call.

When will our union officials get up to speed and just put out something on the website? "We don't want to scare the public!"
Why not?!? UPS will take notice when the customer base gets antsy. And the major shippers? You think they don't have their people all over this? Please?

So here we are asking each other what was said and what it meant.

If someone recorded it please put it on line. That way the MEMBERS will know what was said. So far it seems we are the only ones in the dark.

Maybe management will get us updated Monday.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
hall admitted he knew there were UPS management people on the call. Of course there was. And he blamed TDU for leaking the "secret phone number and code".
Our supervisors know every word spoken at our local membership meetings. Does that mean TDU has a spy feeding the info to management?
No! It means management will always find a way to keep up to date on what is going on. Remember. We're talking UPS here!
But they never pass up an opportunity to slam TDU. No matter how absurd it sounds.
So what was the reason for the "Secret Conference Call" when IBT knew it was going to be compromised?
A shop steward who wanted to listen in had to stop what he was doing at 12 noon, EDST, and hope to get a place on the call.

When will our union officials get up to speed and just put out something on the website? "We don't want to scare the public!"
Why not?!? UPS will take notice when the customer base gets antsy. And the major shippers? You think they don't have their people all over this? Please?

So here we are asking each other what was said and what it meant.

If someone recorded it please put it on line. That way the MEMBERS will know what was said. So far it seems we are the only ones in the dark.

Maybe management will get us updated Monday.

hall DID NOT ADMIT that there were NO UPS managers or personnel on the line. That is NOT TRUE. In fact, he stated that there were PROBABLY management personnel on the line listening.

It does not change the fact that TDU posted the phone number for everyone to see. While its important for as many members to hear what is going on, that information should only come from stewards, business agents or locals.

hall needs to speak FREELY, as well as the callers who have to identify themselves on the line and MAY face retaliation if they say anything against the company.

TDU "jeopardized" the security of the call and for that, they deserve to be called A-HOLES.

If you support an action such as what TDU did, then you have no right to participate in these telephonic conferences. Those of us who "GET" called by the negotiation committee directly will ultimately be the ones who get to participate if TDU cant pull their collective heads out of their Ashes.

What will end up happening is that these tele-conferences will only be limited to select members and general members will all be affected.

This will ALL fall onto the backs of TDU.

Now, if TDU wants to be a part of the negotiation information arena, then by all means, post the bullet points afterwards so everyone who wishes to use TDU as a source can do so.

The "free" speech that is used during the conversation from ANYONE should never be allowed to be heard by UPS management.

I dont care how many of you Defend TDU, its wrong and they need to STAY OUT OF THE WAY.

If they want to be respected as a functioning member group, then they need to "backthephuqueoff".




Nine Lives
Originally Posted by Brownslave688

Go take a look at google or apple or Microsoft benefits. It's just retarded. They actually treat their employees right.

Originally Posted by Hoaxster

These companies are not trucking companies and their workers have degrees with options to go to twenty other companies and makes as much or more.

It's comparing Apples to Brownies.

Yeah because we all know driving trucks isn't a skill in and of itself. Nobody ever needs drivers with clean records and a history of safe driving, unheard of!

There he is beating the college and education rhetoric again.

Nice try to spin my comments ... but you're no hall or for that matter a Monty Hall.
I was replying about comparing tech companies built on Intellectual Capital versus a trucking company like UPS (where I worked 40 years).

Now to answer your spin-job ... can you can go and get a job with another trucking company making $70K - 100K per year, up to 7 weeks vacation, free healthcare and a good pension?
Nice try to spin my comments ... but you're no hall or for that matter a Monty Hall.
I was replying about comparing tech companies built on Intellectual Capital versus a trucking company like UPS (where I worked 40 years).

Now to answer your spin-job ... can you can go and get a job with another trucking company making $70K - 100K per year, up to 7 weeks vacation, free healthcare and a good pension?
Probably cant make that much somewhere else,but it is still no excuse for them to treat us like crap!...Dont have to kiss my butt,,but please dont kick it!!!!!


Well-Known Member
The reality is that the Union is negotiating a national contract that involves very different health care options in each state. That gives the company leverage especially since the average annual cost per retired employee exceeded $6,250 this contract. You are in far better hands with the union then UPS.... The concern I would have is how many workers comp cases end up on the teamster health care plan.

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that "Workers Compensation" claims are NOT paid from the individuals insurance plan(s). Disability IS paid from the health care plan. Employers pay into a "Workers Comp" fund to cover the cost of WC claims.


KTM rider
Some great points that I agree with. I would imagine that the Teamsters would, at least try, to put wording in contract that would have UPS up the contribution to the healthcare plan to cover the rising cost in healthcare and that would explain why this is not settled if it was just about accounting.

Any wording like you suggested would be an unknown liability that would scare off stockholders. Exactly what UPS is trying to avoid.


Got the T-Shirt
I dont care how many of you Defend TDU, its wrong and they need to STAY OUT OF THE WAY.

If they want to be respected as a functioning member group, then they need to "backthephuqueoff".



TDU has never offered anything positive to the arena. Carey is the prime example.

Can you can go and get a job with another trucking company making $70K - 100K per year, up to 7 weeks vacation, free healthcare and a good pension?

Griff makes a valid point.... there are a limited number of people that have the mental and physical acuity to be a pkg car driver.

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that "Workers Compensation" claims are NOT paid from the individuals insurance plan(s). Disability IS paid from the health care plan. Employers pay into a "Workers Comp" fund to cover the cost of WC claims.


I can't disagree with that and you made the statement without trying to tie in disparate analogies.




Well-Known Member
Any wording like you suggested would be an unknown liability that would scare off stockholders. Exactly what UPS is trying to avoid.

Again we agree. What I have been getting at is that I feel as though the statement made by Hall where he said that UPS showed him paperwork that demonstrates that the company provided healthcare is a liability and if the teamsters took control of the healthcare it would relieve UPS from the liability, is not entirely true. Something is being left out.

I imagine that having a monthly bill for healthcare would go on the balance sheet and read as a liability when analyzing the company value.
Paying a lump sum annually, or whatever, could perhaps avoid the payment from being a liability.
This could make sense. The part that is probably being a sticking point is the amount of the payout.

Again, I am still looking into the issue of liability and company value.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Nice try to spin my comments ... but you're no hall or for that matter a Monty Hall.
I was replying about comparing tech companies built on Intellectual Capital versus a trucking company like UPS (where I worked 40 years).

Now to answer your spin-job ... can you can go and get a job with another trucking company making $70K - 100K per year, up to 7 weeks vacation, free healthcare and a good pension?

How many trucking companies make 1 billion dollars a quarter. That's the point.

Also I would say many more upsers have degrees that they could easily jump to another career than your average trucking company.

Ups may think they would like to have FedEx model and pay scale but they would soon find out they have been spoiled.

It would be a totally different type of employee they would get for half the price. People aren't willing to be harassed and micromanaged every second of the day, constantly told how terrible they are. All for $15 an hour.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
It's now 7:03am. I just woke up and realized something. TDU still sucks!!!!

What a waste of another post. We are on the eve of a potential strike that if it happens, UPS will be completely prepared for. Not like the last 10 day strike in '97.
And gotta love the people who take the time to knock the other teamster political party. Like I said before Democrats and Republicans.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
It does not change the fact that TDU posted the phone number for everyone to see. While its important for as many members to hear what is going on, that information should only come from stewards, business agents or locals.

TDU "jeopardized" the security of the call and for that, they deserve to be called A-HOLES.

Thank god TDU posted that number. If Hall expected our stewards to tell us what is going on, well that never happens where I work. Ususally the stewards never know crap about whats going on. As for management possibly being on the line-SO WHAT! You think they learned anything that they didn't already know. Hell no.
The truth is I am a fan of TDU for mainly one reason. Information.
I'm tired of feeling like a teamster mushroom-kept in the dark and fed ****.


Well-Known Member
Here is what I got so far:

"Executory contract" is something companies use to avoid a debt or liability from showing up on the balance sheet. Installment contracts fall under the Executory contract. From my limited investigation, and even more limited knowledge on corporations accounting techniques, it seems as thou it is possible that by the Union taking over the administration of healthcare and UPS paying the union in installments, they avoid the obligation from showing up on the balance sheet. By doing so the company appears to be in a better financial state, which allows it borrow money cheaper and make their stock that much more attractive.

I would assume that the amount of payment is one of the issues at hand.

This is another reason why UPS wants to keep negotiations out of the media. Just one of the many reasons I am sure.
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Well-Known Member
Use the safe work methods. UPS profited over $4 BBBBBBBBILLION last year and I'm glad. Should we take a cut in wages and benefits. Now, those that don't pay union dues for negotiations, let their wages and benefits get cut, maybe they'll join in to support the cause.


All Trash No Trailer
As money is the last thing negotiated in a contract the news makes me feel rea lprogress is being made. I'd sure like to see an announcement of a tenative contract in the next couple of weeks