Crossing Picket Line.


Master Loader
its not like these CEOs are stealing money out of your paycheck. they are not forcing anyone at gunpoint to take the low-paying jobs they offer, nor are they even legally required to offer you a job at all.

If you accept a job at $8.50/hr, dont be surprised if the company actually pays you $8.50/hr.

Its not that they stealing money out of us, its that they are taking home way too much for fractions of what we do everyday. We here do a ton of work for those fractions, and call it highly payed. These cats roll in, year round, and are blessed with fractions less of work and get paid a million times more. Thats the joke sir! Wheres a union to stand up to that?

Just wait, the fiscal cliff is coming, it maybe reality. Just wait till you pay 8.50 a gallon! Or 2.50 for a loaf 0f bread. Good job guys, your gonna get what you elected. More taxes, and another recession. Good job kids, you did it! Ruin the country moreso, its what you voted for, enjoy!


Livin the cardboard dream's not the unions that caused US Auto workers, Hostess, The steel industry, or any other debacle. It was legislation that killed those entities. Those industries were doing just fine and dandy until the foreign tariffs were removed...let's see...who did that...oh yeah - Reagan. Then there was NAFTA...hmmm...who started that...oh yeah - H. Bush. Who finalized NAFTA and tinkered with it so it allowed tax breaks for companies that moved overseas...oh yeah - Clinton! It doesn't friggen matter if it's Dems or Reps, they're both bought and paid for by people like Grover Norquist and other Super PACS. Until the American people get sick and tired of taking less than fair from their government, then yes, the fiscal cliff will get us all. CEO's are not worth 200 times the average employee. Owners are worth their weight in gold. CEO's and other executives do make important decisions, but the reality is they don't earn what they make. The average driver is worth 70 grand a year because their bodies are nearly worthless to them when they retire and you know what, we're also the face of the company that the customers see everyday. So that makes us UPS's celebrities. No one really knows who Scott Davis is unless they're into that kind of thing. Everyone knows who their driver is. Unions also make sure that other companies that aren't union pay competitive wages so they don't get stuck with bad apples. Henry Ford paid his employees well for a couple of reasons...1 was so he didn't have to retrain new employees all the time because people stayed with Ford. 2 was because he wanted his employees to buy his crap so he could make more cars. It's not rocket science.