Customer is always right, right


That’s Craptacular
I had a customer threaten me one time.
(He had some mental issues)
He not got another delivery after that!
Every package went to, will call!
Safe to say anyone who threatens someone who's just doing their job and delivering something has some mental or anger issues. Would anyone punch the pizza guy for bringing them the wrong pizza? lol


Pineapple King
Sober, I think I will take my dog to work, and no one will screw with me, amen. Like your sig lineView attachment 14957
Keystone light? Come on with the money we make? The FedEx ground driver drinks that. We all have that same tan line around the ankle don't we? Well maybe not the feeder drivers. And put those socks in the laundry I know mine never smell too good after a nice hot day.


Huge Member
I told my "team" I am not afraid of him, in public. Just fear for my safety at his house. I called it. I saw him at the convenience store, and he was giving me dirty looks, like he was going to make some announcement to the whole store, and my favorite clerks started gushing all over me, and several customers who adore me...I turned around when I checked out, smiled my big smile at him, and gave him the finger, laughed all the way to my truck. Wimp. That was so much better than a police report.
I do hope that you are kidding.

I agree. I love ya Toon but giving anyone the finger (AS DESERVING AS IT MAY BE) in uniform is pretty frowned upon by management :foamfinger:


Geek in Brown
Screw that! You do not get paid to deal with verbal abuse and assault! I hope that your steward will get something done for you. Maybe you can request that you do not want to del. there again because you fear for your safety. When they start yelling, I tell them that they do not have the right to talk to me that way. If they continue, I will tell them that I am gonna leave if they continue. If they do I put the pkg back in the car, I'm gone. Refused!
Don't sheet it refused in that case because they didn't refuse it. EC would be more appropriate.


Well-Known Member
deny deny deny ;)

What about the footage from the security camera in the store or any of the customers who may have seen her do it?

Granted, the guy has zero credibility with UPS and a rude hourly from him would be thrown in the trash, but if anyone else in the store saw her do that and knew nothing of their confrontation what kind of reaction do you think they will have?


Huge Member
It's a different playing field if you are in street clothes and bump into the :censored2:bag. In uniform, you represent the company.
At least put on a FedEx ground jacket when you do it :teethy:


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Its too bad in this case that the Teamsters no longer have the open and direct ties to the Mafia that they used to. Back in the day, a phone call could be made to the Local about a situation like this and arrangements would be made for a couple of large Italian gentlemen to pay the abusive customer a visit and explain the error of his ways to him in a manner not likely to ever be forgotten.


nowhere special
Its too bad in this case that the Teamsters no longer have the open and direct ties to the Mafia that they used to. Back in the day, a phone call could be made to the Local about a situation like this and arrangements would be made for a couple of large Italian gentlemen to pay the abusive customer a visit and explain the error of his ways to him in a manner not likely to ever be forgotten.

Baseball bats can be a great teaching tool.


nowhere special