Do we work Monday July 5th?


Not gonna let ‘em catch the Midnight Rider
My run has Sunday-Monday off by default. Do I have to work on Monday? On topic only.

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
Ups is so petty they can’t even let you enjoy a long weekend. It’s always been an us against them mentality. Before cell phones were around in the late 90s they gave us pagers, don’t laugh, we could take them home and use them too. Went on strike in 97, first thing they did was take them back when it was over. They literally spited themselves since it benefited them to be able to reach us during our day. That’s how these ass…. think.
If you were on the had to accept it. Punch out.....leave in your locker.....seems fair enough.

Conspiracy? Huh?

I take my ivis home in my backpack every telephone rings all the time.....I don't know this because the volume is off...

They've disabled the phone part for us calling. I used to call THEM because they would never answer a text on the Ivis(one way)(apparently too difficult for them to read)....

I find it hard to believe the entire feeder dept will clock in this weekend. Some skeleton crew.....low seniority. But the whole dept...BS.
Yup. Now I still haven’t decided if I’m showing up but yes feeders in the 177 is working. Ridiculous. No one is going to be open. Package not working. Hub employees not working but they’re making feeders work. Something about it being a 7 day operation and they made a deal with the union to make M-friend drivers work, because it wasn’t fair to S-T drivers. Nothing like 250 feeder drivers sitting around with nothing to do. Going to be a lot of trips to buildings to grab empties. And you know as soon as you walk in the door they’re going to ask you if you want to go home. Brilliant minds at work.