Election 2016


Well-Known Member
sense great fear in you

Dr. Jill Stein ‏@DrJillStein 15h15 hours ago

A majority of Americans are planning to vote out of fear. You can choose to perpetuate this failed system, or help build a new one.



golden ticket member
Hollywood is all upset about Trump. The great equalizer among the Hollywood elite is that they have ONE vote just like me and the dead people..


Well-Known Member
Last night was the first time that a US presidential debate was broadcast live in Iran. They figured it was the best anti-American propaganda they could air.

I'd likely agree with them. Although I've not watched any debate, most of what I hear coming out of the mouths of all politicians, especially for the office of top dog, I myself consider anti-American in the first place. These days it's an easy first principle.


Well-Known Member
i was listening to howard zinn and he said presidential elections dont really matter and the government doesnt respond to injustice unless people pressure it to by organizing.

chomsky said there are differences between candidates so he votes least evil if its a tight race in that state or whatever, and he will vote 3rd party if its not close.


Well-Known Member
You think this is what the people actually chose?

What is Really Happening To Your Votes

The fact that 300 million plus just go along with it, yeah, they do actually choose.

I do feel for those folks who really think they are doing a good thing only to find out they've been used. With each day, a few more have their red pill moment and begin the process of waking up. I suspect that one lady will never look the same at someone tagged with the ad hom "Conspiracy theorist" because she's now seen "conspiracy fact!"

The beauty of all of this is the system will burn itself to the ground. No one need lift a finger, we only need step back, get out of the way and let human evolution run its course.


Well-Known Member
Not much of a fan of Ann Coulter but she is spot on around the 1:30 mark in this video where she rightly points out that the RNC has the same damaging emails as the DNC and I'm hoping a hacker will also bring them to light. I support the hacker community and those on the dark web who kick open doors and expose those spaces to light giving us the transparency these worthless bastards promised we would get.

"Crush the Bastards!" Julian Assange
