Emmanuel AME


Well-Known Member
I know there seems to be some controversy of the Confederate battle flag being flown on the SC capital building, and after much thought I can't come up with any good reason why it should be there. First off a government building should fly the colors it is loyal too, and to fly the confederate flag is showing at least some level of loyalty to what the confederate states stood for. Secondly, the flag was not flown in SC until the early 60s when democrats controlled the south. I see this as yet another Republican led government having to reverse the racist policies put in place by their democrat predecessors. The flag won't be forgotten, but it has its place and time to be shown and that is not on a government building alongside the Stars and Stripes.


Well-Known Member
If the Stars and Bars should be eliminated for all time because of its meaning and offense to African Americans, I advocate we do the same with the Stars and Stripes because of the meaning and offense to Native Americans.

And of late there are a lot of "Brown" people across the planet who may be joining that chorus as well!

Instead of so much focus on a piece of cloth, why not look deeper at the reasons for why the need of a small minority of human kind to control everyone else and to create gang movements to do so?


Well-Known Member
If the Stars and Bars should be eliminated for all time because of its meaning and offense to African Americans, I advocate we do the same with the Stars and Stripes because of the meaning and offense to Native Americans.

And of late there are a lot of "Brown" people across the planet who may be joining that chorus as well!

Instead of so much focus on a piece of cloth, why not look deeper at the reasons for why the need of a small minority of human kind to control everyone else and to create gang movements to do so?
You've said some nutty stuff, but this takes the cake. The Stars and Bars were/are a flag of traitors. It should no more be displayed than a Nazi flag. Bringing Native Peoples into it is ludicrous.


Strength through joy
Confederate Flag Sales Up At Amazon by 2,300 Percent
The flag is also in the number one and number two best seller items in outdoor flags and banners.