Emmanuel AME


Well-Known Member
I would disagree.
I would say that racism was stronger when there was slavery, when there were lynchings, and when there were Jim Crow laws in effect.

We are making progress, albeit slowly.
I would disagree with you. Every measurement I've seen implies that racism is stronger now than after the Civil War.

The simple fact that the racists here (not speaking of you) deny that it exists at all or is reverse racism, speaks volumes.


Well-Known Member
What do you call it when you can't prove that your wife isn't cheating on you, but you know she is not anyway?; that you can't be sure that you might come home one day to everything in the house gone, and a note from your spouse explaining why, yet you just know they would probably never do that?


Well-Known Member
According to the bible we aren't under God's rule. We were given free will and continue to squander it under the influence of Satan. Satan has his own agenda. That includes convincing everyone to follow his ways. He is winning..... for now.

I understand that. I was alluding to your earlier point that we aren't under god but under his evil counterpart's influence. But to your point that god is out of the picture if you will and Satan has free reign. It seems you suggest this began at the fall in Eden, so if this be true then I offer that god himself is thus a liar and use his own word against him.

He claims on Sinai as being the all powerful and only god and there is no other but him. He also proclaims that all comes from him and by no other do these things come. All blessings and all curses come from him.

Isaiah 45 also recommits to this ideal of god being all powerful and the origin from which ALL things come.

NIV Text

5 I am the Lord, and there is no other;
apart from me there is no God.
I will strengthen you,
though you have not acknowledged me,
6 so that from the rising of the sun
to the place of its setting
people may know there is none besides me.
I am the Lord, and there is no other.
7 I form the light and create darkness,
I bring prosperity and create disaster;
I, the Lord, do all these things.

In the King James verse 7 states

I am the Lord, and there is none else.
7 I form the light, and create darkness:
I make peace, and create evil:
I the Lord do all these things.

Uh, who sez they create evil? Sounds like Satan needs a steward to file against Yahweh for doing work contracted to the darkside! ;)

Ironic you argue for a dualistic system and yet God at Sinai and later texts argues against the dualistic ideals of the pagan societies in which Israel came in contact with. These societies create gods who had assigned and divided duties and yet Yahwehism established a single monotheistic god and he alone was god of all creation and none other existed. Now we have returned to the old ideas prior to monotheism.

You should research gnostic chrisitanity of the 2nd and 3rd centuries as they also believed in a god of good and a god of evil. Much of that was borrowed from the neoplatonic idea of Demiurge and in jewish tradition, the creator god in Yaldabaoth. Marcion from whom we can thank for what became the list of books that make up the NT also accepted this Neoplatonic idea of god.


Well-Known Member
What do you call it when you can't prove that your wife isn't cheating on you, but you know she is not anyway?; that you can't be sure that you might come home one day to everything in the house gone, and a note from your spouse explaining why, yet you just know they would probably never do that?


That may be true but then my wife never made extra-ordinary claims and then demanding I accept them or suffer eternal punishment and imprisoned under the control of such regardless of what else I do in my life. And as to your scenario of she cleaned out and left, I'd bet dollars to donuts there were signs and it's likely you just didn't want to see it and instead you fooled yourself. That or you were just so self absorbed in yourself, you had left her long ago and she just figured if she left, she wouldn't be missed.



Pees in the brown Koolaid
Its also worth pointing out that if you are a white supremacist who wants to commit mass murder against black people in a church, you don't need a gun to do it. When the KKK murdered 4 black girls at the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham in 1963, they used explosives rather than guns. Kind of like the Russians who detonated the homemade bombs at the Boston Marathon. Evil will always find a way, the best we can often hope for is to give good men the tools they need to fight back.


Well-Known Member
I understand that. I was alluding to your earlier point that we aren't under god but under his evil counterpart's influence. But to your point that god is out of the picture if you will and Satan has free reign. It seems you suggest this began at the fall in Eden, so if this be true then I offer that god himself is thus a liar and use his own word against him.

He claims on Sinai as being the all powerful and only god and there is no other but him. He also proclaims that all comes from him and by no other do these things come. All blessings and all curses come from him.

Isaiah 45 also recommits to this ideal of god being all powerful and the origin from which ALL things come.

NIV Text

In the King James verse 7 states

Uh, who sez they create evil? Sounds like Satan needs a steward to file against Yahweh for doing work contracted to the darkside! ;)

Ironic you argue for a dualistic system and yet God at Sinai and later texts argues against the dualistic ideals of the pagan societies in which Israel came in contact with. These societies create gods who had assigned and divided duties and yet Yahwehism established a single monotheistic god and he alone was god of all creation and none other existed. Now we have returned to the old ideas prior to monotheism.

You should research gnostic chrisitanity of the 2nd and 3rd centuries as they also believed in a god of good and a god of evil. Much of that was borrowed from the neoplatonic idea of Demiurge and in jewish tradition, the creator god in Yaldabaoth. Marcion from whom we can thank for what became the list of books that make up the NT also accepted this Neoplatonic idea of god.
A quick search found an explanation:
The word translated “evil” is from a Hebrew word that means “adversity, affliction, calamity, distress, misery.”

Read more: http://www.gotquestions.org/Isaiah-45-7.html#ixzz3deb585d8
The context of Isaiah 45:7 makes it clear that something other than “bringing moral evil into existence” is in mind. The context of Isaiah 45:7 is God rewarding Israel for obedience and punishing Israel for disobedience. God pours out salvation and blessings on those whom He favors. God brings judgment on those who continue to rebel against Him. “Woe to him who quarrels with his Master” (Isaiah 45:9). That is the person to whom God brings “evil” and “disaster.” So, rather than saying that God created “moral evil,” Isaiah 45:7 is presenting a common theme of Scripture – that God brings disaster on those who continue in hard-hearted rebellion against Him.

Read more: http://www.gotquestions.org/Isaiah-45-7.html#ixzz3deaXOAGb

You chose your course


Pees in the brown Koolaid
I would disagree with you. Every measurement I've seen implies that racism is stronger now than after the Civil War.

The simple fact that the racists here (not speaking of you) deny that it exists at all or is reverse racism, speaks volumes.
There are still huge racial problems in our country but the reality is that, unlike the aftermath of the Civil War, overt racism is not socially acceptable to any but a tiny minority of degenerates. Jim Crow laws are gone, segregation is gone, de facto disenfranchisement of blacks is gone, and it is now commonplace to see blacks in positions of authority and respect (teachers, ministers, doctors, judges, police officers, Presidents, etc.) I am by no means saying our problems are anything close to being solved, but I would be willing to bet that if you could put 100 black people from the year 1930 into a time machine and bring them here to 2015, they would probably agree with me.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
I understand that. I was alluding to your earlier point that we aren't under god but under his evil counterpart's influence. But to your point that god is out of the picture if you will and Satan has free reign. It seems you suggest this began at the fall in Eden, so if this be true then I offer that god himself is thus a liar and use his own word against him.

He claims on Sinai as being the all powerful and only god and there is no other but him. He also proclaims that all comes from him and by no other do these things come. All blessings and all curses come from him.

Isaiah 45 also recommits to this ideal of god being all powerful and the origin from which ALL things come.

NIV Text

In the King James verse 7 states

Uh, who sez they create evil? Sounds like Satan needs a steward to file against Yahweh for doing work contracted to the darkside! ;)

Ironic you argue for a dualistic system and yet God at Sinai and later texts argues against the dualistic ideals of the pagan societies in which Israel came in contact with. These societies create gods who had assigned and divided duties and yet Yahwehism established a single monotheistic god and he alone was god of all creation and none other existed. Now we have returned to the old ideas prior to monotheism.

You should research gnostic chrisitanity of the 2nd and 3rd centuries as they also believed in a god of good and a god of evil. Much of that was borrowed from the neoplatonic idea of Demiurge and in jewish tradition, the creator god in Yaldabaoth. Marcion from whom we can thank for what became the list of books that make up the NT also accepted this Neoplatonic idea of god.

A quick search found an explanation:


You chose your course

People can go back and forth for days on this. Especially those that are willing to take passages out of context. God was once a jealous God that didn't hesitate to destroy those that oppose him. There's no denying that. It will happen again according to The Bible. Jesus's sacrifice allows us all a chance to live up to God's standards and will even allow those that dont a chance at redemption.

When I start contemplating Bible teachings I want to start googling things like many people do but immediately stop and take a breath and remind myself that it's usually silly to take that approach due to the fact that plucking Bible versus out of thin air, or, in this case, cyber space, tends to eliminate the context that the versus were taken out of. I see that as much from Jehovah's Witnesses as much as anyone though.


Well-Known Member
People can go back and forth for days on this. Especially those that are willing to take passages out of context. God was once a jealous God that didn't hesitate to destroy those that oppose him. There's no denying that. It will happen again according to The Bible. Jesus's sacrifice allows us all a chance to live up to God's standards and will even allow those that dont a chance at redemption.

When I start contemplating Bible teachings I want to start googling things like many people do but immediately stop and take a breath and remind myself that it's usually silly to take that approach due to the fact that plucking Bible versus out of thin air, or, in this case, cyber space, tends to eliminate the context that the versus were taken out of. I see that as much from Jehovah's Witnesses as much as anyone though.

After reading your post, I completely agree in your case, the approach you are taking is perfect for you.


Well-Known Member
I can understand and appreciate that. Generally speaking, in what manner do you learn what you know?
Basically, I'll hear something new or unsure about, I'll search out answers in all the normal ways. I like some documentaries, but most seem slanted one way or the other. Real journalism is a thing of the past, in my opinion.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
After reading your post, I completely agree in your case, the approach you are taking is perfect for you.
It's perfect for everyone. The only way to truly understand The Bible is to read it in its entirety and to ignore all outside opinion and publications. Even with all of the different translations, some of which are agenda driven, someone can still come out of their reading with the true meaning of The Bible. Or at least the gist of it. I have read the entire Bible but wasn't really interested in it at the time. It was at a young age and spread out over a long time period. I need to commit myself to reading it again.


Well-Known Member
Basically, I'll hear something new or unsure about, I'll search out answers in all the normal ways. I like some documentaries, but most seem slanted one way or the other. Real journalism is a thing of the past, in my opinion.

One thing to do with documentaries is to watch them knowing they may slant one way and then seek out another documentary on the same subject but slanted the other way. Find the points in which they both agree or voice in similar ways and then follow those points towards any possible conclusions.


Strength through joy
First things first. This little monster was raised by a family of bigots, racists and extremists. The symbolism alone in the many photos of this little white trash tell the story.

His and his family's infatuation with the numbers 1488.

Now, I know you and the other racists on this board probably have these numbers on your raised up 4 x 4 's (and it wouldnt surprise me at all) but lets take a quick look into the meaning.

According to the Southern Poverty Law Center’s glossary of racist skinhead terms, “Fourteen stands for the ‘14 words’ slogan coined by David Lane,” who died in 2007 while serving a 190-year sentence for his part in the assassination of a Jewish talk show host.

The slogan, according to the center, is

“‘We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.” The letter H is the eighth letter of the alphabet, so 88 is a known code for “Heil, Hitler.”"

Now, you dont embrace this symbolism unless you are the kind of dirtbag white trash that hates all people of color. This monster is in many photographs with those numbers somewhere in them.

YOU on the other hand, want to point to a sentence, that in YOUR mind, defines him not as a racist, but as ...... who knows what the heck you are trying to say, its just stupid nonetheless.

His manifesto contains this sentence, which clearly defines his RACISM, HATRED and BIGOTRY clearly.

“I have no choice. I am not in the position to, alone, go into the ghetto and fight. I chose Charleston because it is most historic city in my state, and at one time had the highest ratio of blacks to Whites in the country. We have no skinheads, no real KKK, no one doing anything but talking on the internet.
Well someone has to have the bravery to take it to the real world, and I guess that has to be me,”

To you of course, its normal everyday speech.

The SPLC is wrong so often that nothing they say makes any sense to a rational person .