Favorite Rewatchable films.....


That’s Craptacular

I love Hollywood Babble-On and Jay and Silent Bob get old. Really good stuff.
Babble the friend on!!! I love that show....my BFF got me into that a few months ago and I've been binge listening to past episodes at work.


That’s Craptacular
Lol. Ralph Garman is my man crush.

The Kim Kardashian and Justin Bieber jingles are the absolute best.
And the Germans!!! My friend and I are sooo going to a show if they ever come to the Midwest or NY again. My shoutout request .....and it may have been requested before....will be Sly Stallone, Al Pacino and Arnold singing the 80s pop horror "That's What Friends are For." :rofl:


That’s Craptacular
There was an inappropriate toys segment...in a past show in July. One of the toys was called Creamy Crayons...lmao. I found them on Amazon. He's getting them for Xmas....lol

clean hairy

Well-Known Member
Nobody mentioned any of the Chevy Chase vacation movies?
Original Gone in 60 seconds.
Used Cars
The Car
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
The Out of Towners
The Money Pit (the first one)
3 Amigos