Fired for dishonesty policy


Got the T-Shirt
Our Local 104 Package Rider has this language in Section 2, pp7: "The first offense of signing for a package where dishonesty is not proven, will not result in discharge or suspension. The second such offense shall be cause for immediate discharge."

At least.... no one can complain, that it is a "grey area" of your Local agreement.



Well-Known Member
Our Local 104 Package Rider has this language in Section 2, pp7: "The first offense of signing for a package where dishonesty is not proven, will not result in discharge or suspension. The second such offense shall be cause for immediate discharge."

Might ask why it's OK once out here in good old AZ as long as you own up to it but not where you are.

That clause is not applicable to this situation because it specifically states that the dishonesty was NOT proven.

In this case dishonesty was proven by the customers accusation and the driver's confession


Phoenix Feeder
That clause is not applicable to this situation because it specifically states that the dishonesty was NOT proven.

In this case dishonesty was proven by the customers accusation and the driver's confession

It's wouldn't be applicable because he isn't under that supplement. The dishonesty comes into play if 1. he denies signing it (the OP didn't) and 2. signed for some other purpose other than outright stealing the package, such as to make a commit time.

Customer says "I didn't sign for it"
Mgmt says "Hey, the Customer says he didn't sign for this"
Driver says "The Customer didn't sign, I did"
Where is the dishonesty?

The OP made a poor decision but it doesn't seem like he had any intent to be dishonest. If it were me I would have slid a notice in front the consignee and left. Sure, it would have probably prompted a center call to return later but you can bet that consignee would put the person on hold the next time I came through the door. It's called training your customers.

When I was a Driver even long time customers would say "just sign my name" when they missed a delivery or were busy. Yeah, not happening.

This is probably going to be an expensive lesson but if for some reason they push for termination I would certainly bring up that there is one "free pass" for this same offense in AZ & get some case histories.


bella amicizia
Thanks to all for the feedback I will let you know how it goes.
I apologize if I sounded like a disbeliever, but there are so many trolls on here. I do hope you are successful in getting your job back. I see that you were just being nice, but I know how those meetings with Labor go, as I was a steward once.

As I said, any statements on your behalf from the company would help. Give them only to your BA, and no one else.


Active Member
My BA said they are just trying to make an example of me. Their was a driver in our center that did the same thing 5 weeks previously with an AIR package that was gonna be late and he only got a 3 day. So they were more pissed than anything that it happened again.


bella amicizia
My BA said they are just trying to make an example of me. Their was a driver in our center that did the same thing 5 weeks previously with an AIR package that was gonna be late and he only got a 3 day. So they were more pissed than anything that it happened again.
I get it. You generated a report! That's why. Yeah, I see you getting the job back. Don' t worry. The Arbitrator will see through this. If UPS is stupid enough about it, you'll even score the back pay. I do wish you well.


Well-Known Member
Some people will never learn..... Don't sign for anything. We get paid $31 + hr If I have to wait for a sig so be it.
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Package Car is cake compared to this...
Never sign for a customer! NEVER!! Even if they ask you to. What's your rush? Signing your name or a customers name is wrong and it is a very bad habit to get into.

no more than 9

"Livin' the Dream"
Never sign for the customer. Never had a problem using the DR MC Man or MC Woman, at least one would be telling the truth. Although commercial deliveries aren't to be DR'd I would rather take my beating on that. Instead of signing for the customer. Never sign.


Well-Known Member
Never sign for the customer. Never had a problem using the DR MC Man or MC Woman, at least one would be telling the truth. Although commercial deliveries aren't to be DR'd I would rather take my beating on that. Instead of signing for the customer. Never sign.

I see your point but the problem with doing this is the shipper will receive a shipping charge adjustment for the higher residential rate.


Active Member
You better have your story straight at the panel and it better be the same as what you said in local level hearing.If your story changes your done.They are pissed people continue to sign for pkgs.Decision if you have clean record and customer is not to upset should be as follows,Based on the facts presented all time served suspension,rtw, final warning. Get caught again and your gone


Active Member
Xprez you couldn't of said it any better. I told the truth and admitted everything. No harm was done and I have no history of claims or followups. I will just fess up again for the 3rd time and hopefully i can move on with my life.


Places that I will sign for are places I definitely know the customer and always sign my name, not theirs.


Package Car is cake compared to this...
Places that I will sign for are places I definitely know the customer and always sign my name, not theirs.

Take this in the spirit for which it is intended, but you are stupid, and are risking your job for next to nothing. All it takes one time, one misunderstanding, one harmless argument with a friendly customer and you could possibly lose your job, and at best, lose weeks ans weeks of pay for something 100% preventable.

Are you really that much in a hurry? Or lazy?

I never understood stuff like this. You are the driver. They are the customer. So tell me once again, why are you signing for a customer's package?

Are your customer's hands broken? Are they so put out by taking responsibility for their own goods that they can't sign for their own stuff? What happens when Fed-Ex comes in and they don't want to sign? Do you sign for their Fed-Ex packages too?

Sorry, but this is just a problem without a reason. My Junior High gym teacher used to always tell us, "I trusted my dog, he bit me. I trusted my wife, she hit me. I trust NOBODY".