Fixing trace problems in EDD


Retired 23 years
That sounds a little dishonest to me.

No -- what is dishonest is some rookie skipping his lunch, driving like a bat outa hell and bringing back a truck load of send agains -----then having your sup or center manager jump down your throat because so and so ran your route and was way under allowed. :angry: Unfortunately UPS has created an environment where you HAVE to protect your own butt and if having your own little secrets to your route helps-then so be it. It's too bad but that is the way it is.
No -- what is dishonest is some rookie skipping his lunch, driving like a bat outa hell and bringing back a truck load of send agains -----then having your sup or center manager jump down your throat because so and so ran your route and was way under allowed. :angry: Unfortunately UPS has created an environment where you HAVE to protect your own butt and if having your own little secrets to your route helps-then so be it. It's too bad but that is the way it is.
Do I look like "so in so"? I'm not "so in so" I can't and will not try to explain what he does or doesn't do on my route. When "so in so" has enough seniority he can bid my route. When UPS gives me a perfect load I will give them a fair days work. Oh wait, I do that every day.
I'm with ya 100% on this one.

3 done 3 to go

In control of own destiny
In our building there is a big push to be 80%. We all know when we get to that number they will want 90%. You know where they want to be. When they first started this PAS(Piece A Sh#*) .I had it set up over 90%. Then they started messing with numbers now I run about 75. I redid a new DOL and somehow it disappeared. Now i just don't care. I will only do it when I get in at 7pm. So they can watch me get 40 an hr. I read slow. To me it is simple- a computer is about memory. It should set up a route on its own. Based on the week before-month before-year before.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
In our building there is a big push to be 80%. We all know when we get to that number they will want 90%. You know where they want to be. When they first started this PAS(Piece A Sh#*) .I had it set up over 90%. Then they started messing with numbers now I run about 75. I redid a new DOL and somehow it disappeared. Now i just don't care. I will only do it when I get in at 7pm. So they can watch me get 40 an hr. I read slow. To me it is simple- a computer is about memory. It should set up a route on its own. Based on the week before-month before-year before.

Here they want 85% percent but you can have a 50% day as long as there is a negative number next to you name on the operation report. I think its funny how the "best drivers" all skip their lunches and then get a big smile of pride on their faces the next morning when they see the bonus they made on the report. Fools! LOL!

outta hours

Well-Known Member
My dilemma has to do with different addresses that are close, so EDD puts the same sequence number on like 5 different stops. They come up as seperate stops in my diad, but with all the same sequence numbers, my loader lumps them all together. This will really become a problem at peak. Any suggestions???

Have your dispatcher assign a different sequence number for each stop. For example: 4750 highway dr
Best Buy 5096
Shoe store 5097
vitamin shop 5098 Etc.

It can be done. A single address can be split into different sequence numbers, they don't all have to be gridded to a single sequence. The system can pickup (hit) on the company name to differentiate the stops from each other. Many multi stop single add. stops have been done this way in my center.


Well-Known Member
In summary, UPS spent millions on development and implementation of PAS. UPS spent $9.87 on training folks to properly operate the PAS system.

Imagine how good PAS could be if the company would yank all the dispatch sups into a classroom for a day or so.

3 done 3 to go

In control of own destiny
Here they want 85% percent but you can have a 50% day as long as there is a negative number next to you name on the operation report. I think its funny how the "best drivers" all skip their lunches and then get a big smile of pride on their faces the next morning when they see the bonus they made on the report. Fools! LOL! __________________Yea its funny how those idiots think they are just wonderful. All they are doing is making their managers bonus bigger at the end of the year. That's why those managers pay a little more attention to those who need to be coddled. Last year my building mgr took home a 30,000 $ bonus. Thanks runners.


Have your dispatcher assign a different sequence number for each stop. For example: 4750 highway dr
Best Buy 5096
Shoe store 5097
vitamin shop 5098 Etc.

It can be done. A single address can be split into different sequence numbers, they don't all have to be gridded to a single sequence. The system can pickup (hit) on the company name to differentiate the stops from each other. Many multi stop single add. stops have been done this way in my center.

Thanks OH, I'll take this up with the dispatcher.


Well-Known Member
No -- what is dishonest is some rookie skipping his lunch, driving like a bat outa hell and bringing back a truck load of send agains -----then having your sup or center manager jump down your throat because so and so ran your route and was way under allowed. :angry: Unfortunately UPS has created an environment where you HAVE to protect your own butt and if having your own little secrets to your route helps-then so be it. It's too bad but that is the way it is.

That's not the way it is in the 3 buildings I worked in.


Well-Known Member
No -- what is dishonest is some rookie skipping his lunch, driving like a bat outa hell and bringing back a truck load of send agains -----then having your sup or center manager jump down your throat because so and so ran your route and was way under allowed. :angry: Unfortunately UPS has created an environment where you HAVE to protect your own butt and if having your own little secrets to your route helps-then so be it. It's too bad but that is the way it is.

Respectfully I have to disagree with you. If you are going to withhold information about your route on purpose just to make your numbers look better when compared to a cover driver, well that's just wrong.

No matter how good EDD trace is the bid driver should be able to smoke a cover driver on the bid route. Right?

As a cover driver do I ever skip a lunch? Well I don't skip them but I might take them pretty late sometimes if I am on a route I am not so familier with. But I am not being "dishonest" by doing so, it's simply that I am going to be running slower than the regular driver becuase I am still learning what door to go to etc etc. It's certianly not becuase I want to show up the bid driver. And please do not start with the "company brown nose" thing. I am not sucking up to management, I am sucking up to customers.

And I don't drive like a bat outa hell no matter what, missed packages be damned!

The more infomation I have to run the route correctly, including correct trace in EDD, will allow me to learn a route quicker and take my lunch at lunchtime!

Why would I want to show up the bid driver? It's not like I can get a raise for doing a better job.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Respectfully I have to disagree with you. If you are going to withhold information about your route on purpose just to make your numbers look better when compared to a cover driver, well that's just wrong.

No matter how good EDD trace is the bid driver should be able to smoke a cover driver on the bid route. Right?

As a cover driver do I ever skip a lunch? Well I don't skip them but I might take them pretty late sometimes if I am on a route I am not so familier with. But I am not being "dishonest" by doing so, it's simply that I am going to be running slower than the regular driver becuase I am still learning what door to go to etc etc. It's certianly not becuase I want to show up the bid driver. And please do not start with the "company brown nose" thing. I am not sucking up to management, I am sucking up to customers.

And I don't drive like a bat outa hell no matter what, missed packages be damned!

The more infomation I have to run the route correctly, including correct trace in EDD, will allow me to learn a route quicker and take my lunch at lunchtime!

Why would I want to show up the bid driver? It's not like I can get a raise for doing a better job.

Who cares what those "numbers" look like anyway? Our only job is to work safe (by the methods) and to scan each and every package in our truck. That about sums it up. Making others look bad or keeping others from making us look bad is counter productive.