George W. Bush


Well-Known Member
who Kerry or Bush? Bush went into the National Guard which was a haven for rich white people to escape going to Nam and was certainly no hero

No argument there....only one is a two term president and one is a partisan political hack wannabe that married for money. Comes in handy when you've got an agenda.....on both sides of the aisle.


Strength through joy
Calling kerry a war hero is laughable .
He knew how to play the system in Nam , three wounds and your out .
Of course his wounds were only scratches .


golden ticket member
It matches the very poor choice for sec'y of state made by the ONE...........Only Hillary was worse!!

Where's your protective arm around the Fonda broad??

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
well bush DID spend a great deal of his presidency blaming Clinton

Welcome to the EELL club!

I thought your leftist views comparing Bush to the Nazi's was over the top.... something only a handful on this website might do.

Apparently, with all the talk of Bush being a war criminal you somehow forgot that just about his entire Presidency was about 9/11. He never had time to talk badly of Bill.

Point to 5 links that support your insistence of different instances where Bush blamed Clinton in all his (Bush) 8 years in office.
Point to ONE instance of him blaming the current White House occupant or keep your trap shut.


All Trash No Trailer
Welcome to the EELL club!

I thought your leftist views comparing Bush to the Nazi's was over the top.... something only a handful on this website might do.

Apparently, with all the talk of Bush being a war criminal you somehow forgot that just about his entire Presidency was about 9/11. He never had time to talk badly of Bill.

Point to 5 links that support your insistence of different instances where Bush blamed Clinton in all his (Bush) 8 years in office.
Point to ONE instance of him blaming the current White House occupant or keep your trap shut.

My dear fellow, i never compared Bush to the Nazi's,rather I stated his war crimes involving the illegal invasion of Iraq was on par with Germany's illegal invasions of Ploland and Russia. The german generals did the big shoe dance at the end of a rope and Dubya and his cronies should have done the same!
​Ihave posted this before but since i am in a good mood i'll be more than happy to post again,just for you.

For those who need reminding:

North Korea:

Clinton reached a bilateral agreement that failed. -GW Bush

"The United States tried direct dialogue with the North Koreans in the '90s, and that resulted in the North Koreans signing onto agreements that they then didn't keep." Condi Rice


"Two-and-a-half years ago, we inherited an economy in recession." GW Bush

Middle East:

"It wasn't all that long ago where a summit was called [referring to Clinton's summit] and nothing happened, and as a result we had significant intefadeh in the area." GW Bush

Re 9/11 (a three-fer, encompassing Clinton, Carter and Reagan):

"They looked at our response after the hostage crisis in Iran, the bombings of the Marine barracks in Lebanon, the first World Trade Center attack, the killing of American soldiers in Somalia, the destruction of two U.S. embassies in Africa, and the attack on the USS Cole. They concluded that free societies lacked the courage and character to defend themselves against a determined enemy." GW Bush

Job losses:

"In the last six months of the prior administration, more than 200,000 manufacturing jobs were lost. We're turning that around." GW Bush (fun fact, at the time in his administration, there were job losses of 913,000)

In 2008, re the economy:

A senior administration official says the budgetary problems stem from what is believed to be inadequate defense, intelligence and homeland security resources that were handed down from Clinton.



All Trash No Trailer
"illegal invasion of Iraq"? More lies. It was authorized by Congress.

lies? the ENTIRE invasion of Iraq was based on lies dreamt up by the Dubya administration!!!!! Let me list a few: non existent WMD's,incorrectly tying Iraq to Al Queada,and calling into question anyone's Patriotism who didn't support the invasion.

the germans used similar lies to justify invading Poland,and yes History does repeat itself

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
lies? the ENTIRE invasion of Iraq was based on lies dreamt up by the Dubya administration!!!!! Let me list a few: non existent WMD's,incorrectly tying Iraq to Al Queada,and calling into question anyone's Patriotism who didn't support the invasion.

the germans used similar lies to justify invading Poland,and yes History does repeat itself

Hmmmm... and you say you are not comparing Bush to the NAZIS! WOW!

I do want to say that I appreciate your attempt to try and justify your comments. But the one link you pointed to was not substantive AND if the comments are factual, are they most likely taken out of context. They may be true statements that are painted to seem like he is bashing previous presidents. Just the fact that you point to "previous" presidents shows Bush was talking in a historical context.

Also, there is a difference between Bush & Obama. Obama uses Bush to spin everything off of his shoulders. Leaders don't do that. Bush never threw Clinton under the bus to make himself look better.

I am a big fan of the former President. I even like Clinton. Obama and his thugs make Clinton look like a right wing school boy!


All Trash No Trailer
Hmmmm... and you say you are not comparing Bush to the NAZIS! WOW!

I do want to say that I appreciate your attempt to try and justify your comments. But the one link you pointed to was not substantive AND if the comments are factual, are they most likely taken out of context. They may be true statements that are painted to seem like he is bashing previous presidents. Just the fact that you point to "previous" presidents shows Bush was talking in a historical context.

Also, there is a difference between Bush & Obama. Obama uses Bush to spin everything off of his shoulders. Leaders don't do that. Bush never threw Clinton under the bus to make himself look better.

I am a big fan of the former President. I even like Clinton. Obama and his thugs make Clinton look like a right wing school boy!

I'm a HUGE fan of Clinton. The economy was better in the 90's since the end of WW2, the Federal Budget was balanced and a surplus was handed to George W Bush who in 2 terms very nearly bankrupted the country with his administrations follies,mistakes and profiteering.

I am very much hoping Hillary Clinton is elected president in 2016,as the upward swing the economy will experience the next couple of years will be catapulted into the stratosphere as someone who has had experience (dont think for a moment she wasnt involved in Clinton's presidency) with the Oval Office and who has the guidance of a Former President as her husband. The late 20teens could very much eradicate the 8 years of losses from the Dubya administration once and for all.

This isnt blaming Bush,rather stating the fact damage his administration caused ran so deep that it will take that many years to see signifigant gains


Well-Known Member
Clinton was smart enough to govern from the center(mostly) like the centrist he ran as. Look at DOMA as well as welfare reform.

BO & MO are the most divisive White House occupiers ever.


Strength through joy
You're not with the program .
michelle is going to be the next president , hillary lost all hope when she fell & hit her head a few months back , we can't have a woman with selective memory loss in charge of the football.


All Trash No Trailer
All three of Kerry’s Purple Hearts were for minor injuries, not requiring a single hour of hospitalization .

again,very poor form to ridicule a mans injuries who put himself in the line of fire. He had Shrapnel from a grenade removed from his arm and leg .You can call that 'minor' all you wish.

I wish to call your attention to this article in, it makes good reading and debunks your attempts to tarnish a brave man's deeds and injuries. John Kerry's Service Record

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Hmmmm... and you say you are not comparing Bush to the NAZIS! WOW!

I do want to say that I appreciate your attempt to try and justify your comments. But the one link you pointed to was not substantive AND if the comments are factual, are they most likely taken out of context. They may be true statements that are painted to seem like he is bashing previous presidents. Just the fact that you point to "previous" presidents shows Bush was talking in a historical context.

Also, there is a difference between Bush & Obama. Obama uses Bush to spin everything off of his shoulders. Leaders don't do that. Bush never threw Clinton under the bus to make himself look better.

I am a big fan of the former President. I even like Clinton. Obama and his thugs make Clinton look like a right wing school boy!

Is this post a serious thought? I often wonder how your thought processes work. You say BUSH never threw Clinton under the bus? Why would he do that? He inherited a SURPLUS from Clinton that BUSH turned into a ginormous 11 trillion dollar deficit. BUSH inherited a 4% unemployment rate that he turned into 8% in 8 years. BUSH inherited the largest private sector job growth in history and turned that into the largest exodus of jobs in history to foreign countries. BUSH inherited a stock market on the rise and saw that rise to 14K and in a matter of 2 years, saw that same market crushed down to 6800 and a near depression.BUSH saw industries of pensions being dumped into the PBGC in record numbers in 8 years until the PBGC operated in the red. BUSH took a stable housing market, ballooned it up and blew it up with his Home Ownership society plan.

What is it about you elder folks that prevents logic and reality from sinking in?

Obama has done nothing wrong to this country. Obama has led this country right out of the ditch that your beloved "nazi" BUSH drove us into. Obama has rebuilt corporate american profits to record highs. Obama has created jobs for over 26 straight months. Obama has ended one useless war and is ending another next year. Obama has taken this country out of the deepest recession in history only second to the great depression, and yet, you still find a way to place Blame on him?


BUSH was the apitamy of an embecile. Even people in your own party agree with this assessment. BUSH was hated around the world. BUSH is a war criminal and war crimes charges await him in the international court.

All BUSH can do now is HIDE from the public. A public that HATES the man for everything he stands for. A man who allowed the greatest attack on our country to happen while he read "my pet goat".

You praise him and I loathe him.

Fortunately, the majority of the country and the world agrees with me and NOT you.

