Grounds growth


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
I guess Ground has no problem with it. Got to make that double digit profit, you know?
That driver is still responsible for it.

I probably would have pulled out of the building to the nearest safe parking lot and contacted the appropriate DOT personnel and told them I was forced to take this truck out.


Staff member
That driver is still responsible for it.

I probably would have pulled out of the building to the nearest safe parking lot and contacted the appropriate DOT personnel and told them I was forced to take this truck out.
Forced? Or what? Get fired because there's a line around the corner of applicants waiting to be a Ground driver? Yeah. Right.


Well-Known Member
yeah. Know what it costs to fix those? They are really pushing their crap lately.
No idea. I bet HomeDelivery can do it on the cheap, though. In the mean time, the freight should get staged and the ISP/IC can figure it out when they show up.


Staff member
No idea. I bet HomeDelivery can do it on the cheap, though. In the mean time, the freight should get staged and the ISP/IC can figure it out when they show up.
The ISP's in our building are about at the point of telling them, "friend' off. Do it yourselves.".