

Für Meno :)
Your logic is twisted. Japan has a growing economy , a land of many good paying jobs , and a mountain area where suicides are common.
Sad , baba , that you have no clue !
Japan has been in a deflation for over a decade. Has negative intrest rates too.
Keeps devauluating the YEN as well.
Good luck living there !


Well-Known Member
Your logic is twisted. Japan has a growing economy , a land of many good paying jobs , and a mountain area where suicides are common.
said another way if you have a good economy people will be less likely to do self destructive things.

btw japan has had a 20 year depression / recession. they have deflation. look up what steve keen and michael hudson say about it. japans economy is the future for other western economies.


Strength through joy
CCW Weekend: The Myth Of The Gun Show Loophole
One of the most often repeated gun myths is that of the gun show loophole. Numerous candidates for political office – on state and national levels – have railed against gun shows, pledged to do away with the loophole and so on. However, as is usually the case, reality is a lot more complicated than the hype.
For the most part, however, the common claim of no background check sales at gun shows is false, for two major reasons.

Firstly, a person that sells guns for a living has to have a license to do so, which is the Federal Firearms License, or FFL. Part and parcel to the FFL, as with any license, is a list of things a person holding the license is prohibited from doing or else the license will be revoked and one of those things is selling a gun to someone without conducting a background check. Once a person obtains an FFL, they cannot sell a gun to anyone, under any circumstances, without conducting one.

Second, who has the most guns to sell? Those would be licensed dealers. What not many people may be aware of is that firearms, like many other goods, are not bought from the manufacturer by one’s local gun store. The guns you see at your local brick and mortar store actually get to the local shop via a distributor.

Some states have adopted universal background checks; California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island and both Washingtons (Washington state and Washington D.C.) require any transfer or sale of a firearm to involve a background check.

Furthermore, there are 8 states that require a person to undergo a background check for a permit to purchase a firearm in any capacity. This can be for any firearm or just a handgun. Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts and New Jersey require the background check for a permit to buy any firearm, and Iowa, Michigan, Nebraska and North Carolina require the background check and permit for a handgun only.

Maryland and Pennsylvania require a background check only for transfers or sales of any handgun.


Strength through joy
Mapped: The countries with the most guns (no prizes for guessing #1)

According to the Telegraph, the countries with highest per-capita gun ownership are:

  1. USA – 112.6 guns per 100 residents
  2. Serbia – 75.6
  3. Yemen – 54.8
  4. Switzerland – 45.7
  5. Cyprus – 36.4
  6. Saudi Arabia – 35
  7. Iraq – 34.2
  8. Uruguay – 31.8
  9. Sweden – 31.6
  10. Norway – 31.3

Note–the Telegraph presents gun ownership as so expansive in the U.S. that guns actually outnumber people. Yet the U.S. does not appear on the list of the Top 10 countries for firearm-related deaths. Those countries are:

  1. Honduras – 67.18 per 100,000 residents per year
  2. Venezuela – 59.13
  3. Swaziland – 37.16
  4. Guatemala – 34.1
  5. Jamaica – 30.72
  6. El Salvador – 26.77
  7. Colombia – 25.94
  8. Brazil – 21.2
  9. Panama – 15.11
  10. Uruguay – 11.52
The map and the accompanying Telegraph article were drawn from the Small Arms Survey and the 2012 Congressional Research Service Report.


Strength through joy
This Week’s Gun News: The Debate, Gun Free Waffle House Keeps Getting Robbed, Top 10 List

Waffle House, a restaurant chain in the South, has declared its restaurants to be gun-free zones. How did that work out?

Well, let’s see. One location in Coweta County, Georgia has been robbed twice in less than a month. It’s not the only one. It seems that once again, gun-free zones have not accomplished their stated objective. Instead, as has been the case all too often, the bad guys find them to be safe zones for whatever they have in mind. Fortunately, in this case, only money was taken from those restaurants.


Well-Known Member


Strength through joy
Federal Register :: Freedom of Information Act; Notice of Lawsuit

American Hunters Have 21 Days To Protect Their Identities Following FOIA Lawsuit

On Nov. 1, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) announced that hunters who have imported or exported wildlife specimens or hunting trophies to or from the United States are about to have their name and related documents handed over to Humane Society International (HSI)—the international division of the Humane Society of the United States. Why? Because HSI says it’s entitled to your personal information under the Freedom of Information Act (FOAI).

As noted in the Federal Register, this information includes the identity of all U.S. and foreign importers and exporters of hunting trophies for the years 2002-2010, 2013 and 2014 along with the declared value of a given trophy.


Staff member
For anyone wanting to see a fun and neutral look at the whole gun debate, episode 2 of season 9 It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia.


Inordinately Right
For anyone wanting to see a fun and neutral look at the whole gun debate, episode 2 of season 9 It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia.
For anyone who's not familiar with this show, it's on Netflix... and this episode won't leave you disappointed no matter what your stance on the gun debate is.


Nine Lives
For anyone wanting to see a fun and neutral look at the whole gun debate, episode 2 of season 9 It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia.
That was pretty funny ... probably won't watch anymore episodes though.
You from Philly?
I have relatives all around there.


Well-Known Member
Any murders ?
Gun shoot outs ?
Mysteries ?
Sci-fi effects ?
Then it wouldn't hold my limited attention span.

Okay, I take it back...maybe you wouldn't like it.

It's an absurdist show, as if Sartre had a sense of humor.

In either case, the show is funny, in an oblique way, so if you have no sense of humor, you won't like it.

Don't watch it.