Has our union proven themselves useless at this point?


My Senior Picture
Snappy comeback.

Someone, with that kind of mental acuity.... should run for office in their Local.

Oops.... my bad.


There are worse things than losing....Boss.
In the case you reference, it would have been winning.
I won't make the same mistakes again.
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Staff member
I'm not complaining about the reponsibility to pay for heslth insurance for me.
But government shouldn't be involved. They screw up everything and create a whole class of freeloaders.
You suggested it should be my #1 complaint. I see nothing to complain about.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
You suggested it should be my #1 complaint. I see nothing to complain about.
That's why you work for purple. You could have went to work for a company that has a much better benefit package.
Face it, you settled for less.
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Got the T-Shirt
Some people are just comfortable with their prejudices. Blatant racism is all over this country. BUG is just another example on this board of unfiltered racism.

True. Nobody is "playing the race card" with an actual racist.

Gee.... what a shock.

When confronted with the painfully obvious realities of life,

The "bleeding heart" liberals resort to pulling their one and only trump card.

Call everyone a racist. Blame everything on racism.

Instead of taking a honest, intellectual assessment of a situation....

They continue to wade in the "shallow end" of the cerebral pool.

With nary an original thought, amongst them.



Staff member
Gee.... what a shock.

When confronted with the painfully obvious realities of life,

The "bleeding heart" liberals resort to pulling their one and only trump card.

Call everyone a racist. Blame everything on racism.

Instead of taking a honest, intellectual assessment of a situation....

They continue to wade in the "shallow end" of the cerebral pool.

With nary an original thought, amongst them.

Because all blacks are lazy? That's your obvious truth?
Too often we cast stones at other believers when we are not without sin. I have frequently said that if I have a stone to cast, it would have to be at my own self. Jesus did not say that the woman caught in adultery was without sin but those who are without sin can cast the first stone. Everyone left of course and Jesus said, “Now, go and sin no more” (John 8:11). This verse is often taken out of context but Jesus was clear that this woman had sinned and commanded her to not sin any more. Incidentally, why wasn’t the man brought along with this woman for he was also caught in the act of adultery. What a double standard by these religious hypocrites.

Quote Jesus

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Gee.... what a shock.

When confronted with the painfully obvious realities of life,

The "bleeding heart" liberals resort to pulling their one and only trump card.

Call everyone a racist. Blame everything on racism.

Instead of taking a honest, intellectual assessment of a situation....

They continue to wade in the "shallow end" of the cerebral pool.

With nary an original thought, amongst them.


The only painfully obvious reality, is that you made a completely racist/biggoted statement about african americans.

Their is no bleeding hearts involved and as it was told to you, you cant blame the "race card" when you layed it down in your hand.

There is NO "honest" "intellectual" assessment necessary in your statement. It contained no Honesty or Intelligence.

The only "wading" of thoughts was YOURS, which appears to be as deep as a puddle.

To cast a judgement upon an entire peoples is blatantly racist given the facts. As I stated, there are Thousands of employed african americans working for UPS and the Teamsters and for you to make such a "unintelligent" statement out loud only demonstrates your "inner" animous for African Americans.

You are an embarrassment to the Teamster Brand with thoughts like this. You may not like african americans, and that is your right, but outing yourself as a racist probably wasnt the best move you have ever made.

Let this hole close on its own and dont make it worse with excuses.



My Senior Picture
The only painfully obvious reality, is that you made a completely racist/biggoted statement about african americans.

Their is no bleeding hearts involved and as it was told to you, you cant blame the "race card" when you layed it down in your hand.

There is NO "honest" "intellectual" assessment necessary in your statement. It contained no Honesty or Intelligence.

The only "wading" of thoughts was YOURS, which appears to be as deep as a puddle.

To cast a judgement upon an entire peoples is blatantly racist given the facts. As I stated, there are Thousands of employed african americans working for UPS and the Teamsters and for you to make such a "unintelligent" statement out loud only demonstrates your "inner" animus for African Americans.

You are an embarrassment to the Teamster Brand with thoughts like this. You may not like african americans, and that is your right, but outing yourself as a racist probably wasnt the best move you have ever made.

Let this hole close on its own and dont make it worse with excuses.


Perhaps it is time to move the label of "troll" to a more recently validated recipient?


My Senior Picture
Too often we cast stones at other believers when we are not without sin. I have frequently said that if I have a stone to cast, it would have to be at my own self. Jesus did not say that the woman caught in adultery was without sin but those who are without sin can cast the first stone. Everyone left of course and Jesus said, “Now, go and sin no more” (John 8:11). This verse is often taken out of context but Jesus was clear that this woman had sinned and commanded her to not sin any more. Incidentally, why wasn’t the man brought along with this woman for he was also caught in the act of adultery. What a double standard by these religious hypocrites.

Quote Jesus

The difference in this instance, if I remember the story correctly, is that the sinner wanted forgiveness for her transgression, hoping to shed the the scarlet letter "A".

The bigoted scarlet letter "B" here is being worn without remorse, much like the man in your biblical parable, leaving him much harder to forgive.
Perhaps there was no "double standard" or "religious hypocrites" as you contend?
Isn't "forgiveness" irrelevant unless the receiver seeks it?

What's being said here, by all but one, is not a kin to the angry mob you are referencing.
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10 point

Well-Known Member
The only painfully obvious reality, is that you made a completely racist/biggoted statement about african americans.

Their is no bleeding hearts involved and as it was told to you, you cant blame the "race card" when you layed it down in your hand.

There is NO "honest" "intellectual" assessment necessary in your statement. It contained no Honesty or Intelligence.

The only "wading" of thoughts was YOURS, which appears to be as deep as a puddle.

To cast a judgement upon an entire peoples is blatantly racist given the facts. As I stated, there are Thousands of employed african americans working for UPS and the Teamsters and for you to make such a "unintelligent" statement out loud only demonstrates your "inner" animous for African Americans.

You are an embarrassment to the Teamster Brand with thoughts like this. You may not like african americans, and that is your right, but outing yourself as a racist probably wasnt the best move you have ever made.

Let this hole close on its own and dont make it worse with excuses.

Wow. And YOU, TOS, belittle Christians on here with the pompous righteous attitude that portrays hate and degradation thus giving you the title of "moral policeman"?

What a joke.

The original post may be a little strong on passion but you were all too ready to trash an obviously discouraged member. Facts about our compensation speak for themselves without the venomous response.
Wow. And YOU, TOS, belittle Christians on here with the pompous righteous attitude that portrays hate and degradation thus giving you the title of "moral policeman"?

What a joke.

The original post may be a little strong on passion but you were all too ready to trash an obviously discouraged member. Facts about our compensation speak for themselves without the venomous response.
I think this thread should be closed 10 point. It's not going anywhere. All it's going to do is leave more hard feelings.


Retired and Happy
Why do I have to choose? Because otherwise the Union doesn't get a ton of my money funneled to them?

Pensions and social security are essentially the same. And guess what in the long run they don't work. History should easily show us that.

Give me a 10-15% 401k match and the company saves money. I also end up with more money when I retire. That I get to do whatever I please with. There's only one loser in this scenario........ The union. Shocking I know.

I highly doubt the company would even consider half of that match amount. All the while, you are putting YOUR money into your 401k account.

Now consider your pension. All monies are contracted and paid by UPS through your wages, not your paycheck. A pension will net you an extremely higher amount of money over a 30 year period. I've been retired for almost 4 years and in that time I've received almost $170,000 in wages. A 401k account would never make you that kind of money even if you could possibly max out your contribution. Pension money trumps 401k money in every scenario, period.

A conservative estimate will tell you that for every 7-8 years in the stock market you CAN double your money. Doesn't mean you will, only that it's an average since the beginning of the NYSE. When I got into the 401k in 1991, the S & P 500 was at 397. Today it's over 2021. Not bad, but not nearly the kind of money 23 years of my pension would've given me over that same time, nearly $1,000,000.00 is what the pension would've paid me. I'll take the pension over the 401k any day for all the reasons outlined in my post.

You guys that think your 401k will save you if you don't get a pension are in deep doo-doo!