
Why because I know a good thing when I see it. I don't want to end up like that steel workers or the UAW. I don't want to bleed UPS dry so we can't compete. Some of you guys want everything on a platter because they made 5 billion. What are you going to say when they only make 2 billion because operating costs skyrocketed? Don't answer that I already know. You guys will be saying BS! They're hiding the other 3 billion.

Who gets that money which is pure profit if not us?

By The Book

Well-Known Member
Well, really you didn't get a concession. You're getting that $400 back in the first month of your retirement. Plus another $4400 a for the other 11 months. Dont forget about those wage increases. .70X40=$28 a week. $28x26 weeks (Aug. 1st through Feb. 1st) =$728. Now on Feb 1st you get another .40 raise. So now you're up to $1.10 X40 hours= $44. X 26 weeks(Feb 1st to Aug 1st 2016) =$1144. So August 1st 2015 to August 1st 2016 your wages went up $1872.00, if you work a 40 hour work week.

So much for that concession.
I'm pretty sure the raise is not split for August1,2015 to August1,2016. It splits August 1,2016. Let me know.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
What about health welfare and pension?
We'll since you asked, our healthcare got worse in 2013 and more expensive.

And they are diverting at LEAST 3 years (maybe more) of our pension increases toward our healthcare.
Way to go Hoffa and Hall.......NOT.
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