husband terminated...advice please.


All Trash No Trailer
I'm thinking if he was terminated for sheeting the call tags while not at the location and the center manager is chomping at the bit to go to panel rather than settle it at a Local Hearing the REALLY want to get rid of this guy,and there is probably much much more to this story than is being told


Well-Known Member
Is it impossible for u to get a day job and have your hubby work nights and try to supplement some income until there is a result? seems like all the financial boredom is on him and I don't think that's fair at all.

I can't function in a relationship like this especially if you complicate it and throw children into the mix.

Orion inc.

I like turtles
Back pay for admitted dishonesty?
Are you bi polar ? You of all people have this point of view?? You've admitted falsifying records and being dishonest numerous times here.

To the OP, do not follow anything Dave says or your husband will be out of a job. Go to all the hearings, don't change or lie about anything. Get your job back and from now on follow every method every time. It will save you from ever being in this position again. Sheeting missed will not get you fired. Late airs won't either. Sheet every package every time only at the exact delivery location. Do not sign for packages or falsify records. When in doubt, ask management how to proceed before sheeting. Put it on them.

And disregard anything said by Upstate. His advice will get you in trouble one way or another.


I imagine the fired driver is going through a great deal of anguish right now. Not only does he have the pressure of providing for the family but he will always be trying to live up to the standard set by his father in law, who should be supporting his son in law but calls him a maroon instead.

His wife should be supporting her husband 100%. It is time like these that should pull the family together as a unit, and the husband and wife as a couple. The punishment does not fit the crime and the driver is taking it in the chops from the bosses and his father in law. The dirty looks should end and she should make it clear she is behind him 100% no mater what the outcome. And for the sake of the kids, no one should be disparaging the driver in front of them.


Well-Known Member
She said that nobody was home so I'm guessing he attempted but didn't sheet it right then.

Has anyone else gotten dish network call tags for the same address multiple times?

These dish network call tags seem to be hit or miss, mostly miss. Hate to see someone fired for a package that might not even existed, ie. customer has no idea what you're talking about when you show up with call tag.


Light 'em up!
I'm thinking if he was terminated for sheeting the call tags while not at the location and the center manager is chomping at the bit to go to panel rather than settle it at a Local Hearing the REALLY want to get rid of this guy,and there is probably much much more to this story than is being told

Looks that way.

The other issue is what did he do with the info notice that should have been scanned and left at the house?

Did he scan one and then throw it away?

He did more than just one thing wrong.


Active Member
My husband has been with ups for three years now and is/was a temporary cover driver. He was recently discharged for dishonesty. He sheeted up packages while waiting at his letter box rather than at the actual address when no one was home to send back dish network boxes. He knows what he did was wrong, and only defense was that he was trying to save some time. He has no previous disciplinary actions against him.

He went to the local hearing and admitted he did wrong and was trying to save time. Apologized, etc. Now it is going to a regional panel. Any advice or enlightenment for us?

We have two year old twins and it's taken a pretty big toll on our savings to pay bills while he's been out of work, plus the expenses for traveling to the hearing. Hoping he won't be going for nothing.


Active Member
Thanks. I figured it was just going to be mercy thing. He did go take full responsibility and admit stupidity at the local hearing. The guy from the UPS side said he was going to recommend that the dishonesty be removed, but evidently it didn't turn out that way.

The district union man said that he "is confident that employment will be regained to some capacity" we're hoping it's worth going to the panel (7+ hours away plus 3 days of hotel room)

My husband has been with ups for three years now and is/was a temporary cover driver. He was recently discharged for dishonesty. He sheeted up packages while waiting at his letter box rather than at the actual address when no one was home to send back dish network boxes. He knows what he did was wrong, and only defense was that he was trying to save some time. He has no previous disciplinary actions against him.

He went to the local hearing and admitted he did wrong and was trying to save time. Apologized, etc. Now it is going to a regional panel. Any advice or enlightenment for us?

We have two year old twins and it's taken a pretty big toll on our savings to pay bills while he's been out of work, plus the expenses for traveling to the hearing. Hoping he won't be going for nothing.


Active Member
It sounds like he did a lot of things wrong and my guess is they looked back through the records and found a pattern of this happening. There probably was a concern called by someone waiting on their pickup. If there isn't a long history he'll probably get his job back but my question to you is why are you doing your husbands research on here. With two kids maybe he needs to man up and start taking care of his business. Good luck to you guys though, tell your husband to keep us posted. I hope he appreciates his union when this over as well.


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking if he was terminated for sheeting the call tags while not at the location and the center manager is chomping at the bit to go to panel rather than settle it at a Local Hearing the REALLY want to get rid of this guy,and there is probably much much more to this story than is being told

I agree with this. This alone would not be panel worthy here, slap on the wrist type of violation, local level hearing stuff. Something stinks.


Victory Ride


Well-Known Member
Has anyone else gotten dish network call tags for the same address multiple times?

These dish network call tags seem to be hit or miss, mostly miss. Hate to see someone fired for a package that might not even existed, ie. customer has no idea what you're talking about when you show up with call tag.
All we are for this company(Dish Network) are bill collectors.


Well-Known Member
Has anyone else gotten dish network call tags for the same address multiple times?

These dish network call tags seem to be hit or miss, mostly miss. Hate to see someone fired for a package that might not even existed, ie. customer has no idea what you're talking about when you show up with call tag.
You have to remember though in this circumstance dish network is our customer, not the consignee. Dish ships the boxes and issues and pays for call tags. Those are usually RS3. They pay for 3 attempts. Not 2 and a I don't feel like it.