I found a bottle of apple juice in my PC.

old levi's

blank space
We had preloaders and drivers pick on a female co-worker because she refused to touch it. I wasn't aware of this at the start. I finished it, by telling every single one I could find, that I would be happy to pick up their urine bottles.
I would be happy to carry that bottle right to the front of the truck(if it was a driver) and pour away on the seat they expect to sit on all day. If they don't want me to do that, don't leave one for me to find. Because there will not be another warning. To the preloaders, I offered to carry it to their personal vehicles and do the same. With any bottle found anywhere in the building, since it's no big deal.

No one pick on any girl for that issue. The drivers were a lot more diligent in making sure their weren't any 'gifts' for us to deal with. Sad. Just sad it had to get to that.

Bad Assssssssss!


Well-Known Member
Speaking of this sort of stuff. One time in my hub, some pissed off loader pinched a loaf on the heaviest belt. True story.