I-Pads In The Classroom

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Mine was funny. Your's is not.

Actually, yours is not related, as you posted a video of a DESKTOP computer with a keyboard, and WE are talking about IPADS.... two totally different animals. Welcome to the 21st century though!

Isnt the future great moreluck!



Well-Known Member
You lead in posts per day, so don't give me any of your crap!!

Not so sure he does lead as you say!

This is just in the "Current Events" forum

Technology will become an adapted format in the classroom and the I-pad will be a part of that paradigm shift. Yes, even wi-fi access will play a part as in some future point, the world as we know it will become one big hotspot. Even colleges like MIT are going open source with all their lectures and materials in the free domain world and then other open source material like Khan Academy change the game for primary and secondary school age children and even their parents. Education because of the internet world makes education a process not 12 to 16 to 20 years long but make it a lifetime, a cradle to grave experience and that's a good thing IMO.


golden ticket member
I can only go by what the site says.

This is from my profile.

Posts Per Day 8.47

This is from Upstate's profile:Posts Per Day 11.36


golden ticket member
Eventually you will only need one centralized teacher.......no school buildings, no books. How's that going to help Obama trying to build additional schools? I want to see the teacher's union then! Membership, one.
Would you consider this to be a wise investment for your school district?

The school already invests in books that are outdated before the are received, material expenditures such as paper and printing ink and the associated equipment to support it, audio-video equipment, etc. Buy a device that can do all of these things, once (for the most part) and be done.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Eventually you will only need one centralized teacher.......no school buildings, no books. How's that going to help Obama trying to build additional schools? I want to see the teacher's union then! Membership, one.

I know its been a while since youve seen this classroom, but the future is still growth and technology.

The virtual classroom will be great in rural areas where travel is the biggest limitation. This isnt about unions, its about the future. The end of the line for unions will come in some industries, but they are growing in others. Thats a part of the transition.

This is the class of the future moreluck, along way from wood chairs and 50 gallon drums for podiums.

Try being positive about the future.



golden ticket member
I took it to it's natural conclusion. The kids won't even have to leave home. Just have their home computer. They won't need to travel to a building at all.
They all be socially inept, but hey, that's the future.


golden ticket member
That second picture is an outdated classroom and it happened while you were posting it. The picture you posted looks like the classroom I saw in Kam school just last year..................so it's not a classroom of the future.....but a classroom of the present.
Maybe you need to be better prepared for the future....no school buildings at all!


golden ticket member
Actually, yours is not related, as you posted a video of a DESKTOP computer with a keyboard, and WE are talking about IPADS.... two totally different animals. Welcome to the 21st century though!

Isnt the future great moreluck!

It just so happens I didn't have a video of someone smacking someone upside the head with an I-Pad.........it got the point across I was trying to make. So, is the feces throwing monkey the only thing you visit at the zoo?


Strength through joy
Question what happen when bhos regulations of coal powered electrical plants cause black-outs ?
How will the teachers teach without any books ?
Would they have to make high school students actually learn how to read a book ?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Question what happen when bhos regulations of coal powered electrical plants cause black-outs ?
How will the teachers teach without any books ?
Would they have to make high school students actually learn how to read a book ?

Always to the ridiculous, eh Babs? Learning to read books is the problem of the PARENTS not schools.

Would they have to make high school students actually learn how to read a book ?

Whats a book?

The ability to read and the source material used to learn it are two different things. Our local library, while still purchasing books, has allocated part of its budget to purchasing electronic versions of books as well. This allows more than one person at a time to read that book but also the ability to purchase far more titles than they possibly ever could if they had to buy a "real" book. The ability to now store them is infinite. The loss in value due to wear and tear is gone. Membership has increased because now books can be downloaded from home to anyone with a library card.

The days of a printed reading material are coming to a close.


Well-Known Member
I posted this first vid link in another thread sometime ago but it's applicable here so I'll link it again.

From TED:

Education scientist Sugata Mitra tackles one of the greatest problems of education -- the best teachers and schools don't exist where they're needed most. In a series of real-life experiments from New Delhi to South Africa to Italy, he gave kids self-supervised access to the web and saw results that could revolutionize how we think about teaching.


Sir Ken Robinson makes an entertaining and profoundly moving case for creating an education system that nurtures (rather than undermines) creativity.


And Sir Ken Robinson spoke again at TED 4 years later (last year)

In this poignant, funny follow-up to his fabled 2006 talk, Sir Ken Robinson makes the case for a radical shift from standardized schools to personalized learning -- creating conditions where kids' natural talents can flourish.


Rice University professor Richard Baraniuk explains the vision behind Connexions, his open-source, online education system. It cuts out the textbook, allowing teachers to share and modify course materials freely, anywhere in the world.



Strength through joy
Yes,moreluck I do not enjoy being called Babs.

Now if tos wishes to join me for a couple of hot showers together, I might make an exception.


Well-Known Member
Ipads or some kind of e-reader are the next logical step in classroom reading. Books are heavy, expensive, and take a lot of paper, and if something changes regarding the information in them you have to start all over again updating then reprinting and distributing more books to the classrooms that need them. In the meantime the classroom has old obsolete textbooks with bad information in them and with an Ipad or e-reader you can eliminate a lot of these problems. The e-books can be cheaper because they require almost no material to produce, they can be updated overnight as history is made or new discoveries in math or science are found. Textbooks will no longer be necessary, nor will libraries as these e-readers become the default choice for classrooms and people of all walks of life. An account we just picked up this spring was one we lost to fedex ground a few years ago that primarily ships textbooks to schools. I am glad to have the volume as its helped create a need for new feeder runs in my area, but that volume will become a thing of the past as the books those warehouses now hold and ship will be converted into an electronic form that requires no physical movement of the material.


Strength through joy
Now how is bhos going to explain to the teacher's unions that with i-pads fewer of them will have jobs ?
He should ban all of these new teaching ideas and demand that only real books be used, thus saving some jobs and creating more jobs , tree loggers, paper recyclers, ink makers, printing companies, transportation jobs.
Imagine such a simple request could actually grow businesses .

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Now how is bhos going to explain to the teacher's unions that with i-pads fewer of them will have jobs ?
He should ban all of these new teaching ideas and demand that only real books be used, thus saving some jobs and creating more jobs , tree loggers, paper recyclers, ink makers, printing companies, transportation jobs.
Imagine such a simple request could actually grow businesses .

Look, no matter how it turns out, technology is changing america. All kinds of jobs are going by the wayside in the future. Teachers will ultimately be reduced in the future and any child today studying to be a teacher may want to rethink the career.

President Obama has said that "new" jobs of the future need to be created TODAY. We cant be like the USPS and wait until its too late to save an industry.

We can agree that BOOKS are on their way out. Look at newspapers, they are failing at a greater rate every year because of WIFI and readers. How much longer before all newspapers are gone from racks and stores?

Look at CD's, that industry is drying up now that digital music is dominating the industry. Same with DVD's as televisions are now built with WIFI and hard drives that will hold 1 to 2 terabytes of storage. No one will need a cd player as the new televisions will have them built right into the set. I just bought a Sharp 70" -3d television with built in WIFI. These television are the future but will put other industries out of business, like the company that builds the DVD racks that I no longer need as I can download movies directly to the television and keep them without the hassle of a disc and another piece of furniture.

The music industry continues to contract (losing jobs) as sales of cd's continues to shrink. The record industry no longer talks about going "Gold" or "Platinum" as sales dont reach "GOLD" anymore. Digital sales outpace physical sales to a point where the future is clear to see.

The new jobs of the future have to be created today if we are going to have low unemployment in the future.

We need to teach the children of the future, and technology cant be stopped.

Technology has hurt employment since the begining of time. Every company that has invested in technology has reduced employment. UPS is no different. As more technology comes online, the employment number drops every year.

Its the future.
