Is Ground really getting E2 and XS?


You need to check your financial history. Much of what Ground has achieved has been with it's own profits.

How did Fred get the funding for all of his purchases? RPS, Viking, American Freightways etc.

Caliber systems was acquired using stock... Not express profits.

And what was and still is the largest division that produced that stock?Express thank you very much.


Well-Known Member


And what was and still is the largest division that produced that stock?Express thank you very much.

how can you say that if it is all the same stock? I didn't think so. Thank you.

When this company started it was Federal Express not FedEx Ground Freight etc. Express built this company thank you very much.

Fred S built this company. You are all units of production.

You are nothing but the mindless idiots who worships the ground Fred S walks on. I guess he's the 1 that delivers Millions package it's all by himself right?


Staff member
You are nothing but the mindless idiots who worships the ground Fred S walks on. I guess he's the 1 that delivers Millions package it's all by himself right?

I think we have been more than civil with you. Quit crying like an entitled little brat.


Staff member
No crying here I'm just calling it how I see it.

So Fred made an investment in 98 to buy Caliber systems. He used stock to purchase it. Are you saying that the stock belonged to you? Fred has made alot of money off that investment. Are you saying the initial investment somehow beloned to you? Somehow Fred buying Ground screwed you (in your own mind) but I am having trouble seeing how except that your own position is not as important as it once was. Or maybe that when R1a was telling folks to get put, you still wore purple tinted glasses? Anyway you cut it, the way you see things is hateful like a spurned mistress.