Lack of control on a center level


That’s Craptacular
Where do you put the trunk? and tusks?!
he shops at Costcave....
Same for preloaders. They really had to know their shtuff. Had to have a good memory.
Sorters and preloaders could do their own address corrections as they loaded or sorted. Now they don't even look at the address. Had a misload for Salt Lake City one day. Bad PAL and nobody caught it. I'm in the Midwest. Even showed it to the preloader and a PT sup. "What's the problem?" was their only reply.
I don't know about how many people quit, but I do know UPS really jack up the PPH to where all you can do is just throw the boxes into the truck and hope it is the right truck. Misloads are thru the roof some days. Can't keep preloaders or preloads sups. I wonder if there is a connection.