
Maple Grove MN Driver

Cocaine Mang!


nowhere special
In Sicknick's case, it's still not known publicly what caused him to collapse the night of the insurrection. Findings from a medical examiner's review have not yet been released and authorities have not made any announcements about that ongoing process

According to one law enforcement official, medical examiners did not find signs that the officer sustained any blunt force trauma, so investigators believe that early reports that he was fatally struck by a fire extinguisher are not true.
One possibility being considered by investigators is that Sicknick became ill after interacting with a chemical irritant like pepper spray or bear spray that was deployed in the crowd. But investigators reviewing video of the officer's time around the Capitol haven't been able to confirm that in tape that has been recovered so far, the official said.
The case could also be complicated if Sicknick had a preexisting medical condition. It could not be learned if he did.



Well-Known Member
11 RINOs voted against Jewish Space Laser Lady. The rest are all on board with the crazy.
Did you see her speech today? Seems once again the media took something that she had since disavowed and used it to smear her. Of course anyone running for office today has got to understand that everything about them down to the smallest detail will be turned up and some of the things she had discussed in the past should have gotten her disqualified before she ever ran. Things that Trump said and did pale in comparison to saying a school shooting was staged.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Did you see her speech today? Seems once again the media took something that she had since disavowed and used it to smear her. Of course anyone running for office today has got to understand that everything about them down to the smallest detail will be turned up and some of the things she had discussed in the past should have gotten her disqualified before she ever ran. Things that Trump said and did pale in comparison to saying a school shooting was staged.
She is a crazy person that the vast majority of the GOP supports. Your party has fallen off the rails.
Did you see her speech today? Seems once again the media took something that she had since disavowed and used it to smear her. Of course anyone running for office today has got to understand that everything about them down to the smallest detail will be turned up and some of the things she had discussed in the past should have gotten her disqualified before she ever ran. Things that Trump said and did pale in comparison to saying a school shooting was staged.
Don't forget her advocating for the assassination of our political leaders. These weren't things she said as a foolish young adult or teen but were remarks made just a year or two ago.