lunch breaks


Browncafe Steward
I enjoy taking my whole 1 hour lunch at one time. It gives my body time to rest and regain strength. When i used to work through my lunch i would be useless when i got home, now i have energy to spend quality time with the kids, even if it is an hour later.

I recently won a new bid, started it two Mondays ago. This is an industrial route with 40 to 50 deliveries for 500 plus pieces out of a 22 footer. The route had a swing driver doing it for for the last month or so. Of course he wouldn't take his lunch and slowly more work was added. A retirement community where you had to deliver to each individual unit. 8 stops would take you at least 45 Min's to walk.

I explained for the 1st week that i could not get this done before pick ups because i want my lunch. After a few days of taking my lunch, barely fitting the 1000 to 1400 pieces that i pick up and bringing the truck back to the building at close to 8pm, and filing 9.5 i haven't seen that work in a week. Which has helped to keep in a baseline route to cover that work.

Taking your lunch during the contratual time frames does help to lighten your load!


Hey Stugs, I like your pictures and think most of them are very clever and funny. But why is the co-chair of the safety committee taking a picture of his speedometer while going 68 mph?:wink2:

I have one of those speedometers that bounces as I drive. One minute I'm going 20mph and the next 70mph. Makes for a great picture. I guess I should have put this in my post, but I do like the surprised reply posts.:wink2:


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Really, you could look up your speed on say October 12,1998, if it were implemented back then?

I dont know, but I doubt it. My understanding is that its pretty much like the "black box" flight data recorder in an aircraft. As it records new data, it is deleting old data.


Well-Known Member
browniehound, as new as i am i definately agree with you. what building in mass are you out of. on a different note, if so many people complain about how not taking a break is wrong, do these same people complain about the guys who dont always use 3 points of contact, or keep their bulkhead door closed, or check their mirrors every 5-8 seconds.

Hey Rossco nice to meet you. I really don't care what other employees do. I care what I do and maybe some other employees that I consider friends. I could care less which employees take their lunch. I have enough things to worry about and which drivers take their lunch is not one of them!

You make an interesting point when you asked "do these same people complain about the guys who dont always use 3 points of contact, or keep their bulkhead door closed, or check their mirrors every 5-8 seconds". I never thought of it this way but there is no difference when you think about it.

I happen to believe that many of our supervisors want us to keep the bulk-head door open as as long we don't get hurt or caught.