Maybe 9/11 was an inside job?

Poop Head

Judge me.
Believing abortion to be murder is largely, BIGLEY a conservative value; always has been.
I hope you are taking notes so you don’t get surprised with this mind blowing info out there in the real world
One of my two regrets in life, is making a woman i got pregnant get an abortion. It is murder.


I don’t work at UPS anymore.
I don't think you exactly understand the relationship between the Alphabet agencies and the government. Politicians kowtow to money, covering for their spy agency overlords. The spy agencies do what they want and kill anyone, politicians or not, who don't play ball their way. They may have been trying to send a message to wall street, for all anyone knows.
The actual “deep state”; unelected government lifers.


I'm a star
we have to get past the event. only 3000 ppl died. it was sensationalist no doubt, but we have ot get past the superficial matrix of it.

probably part of the reason it was such a big deal was firstly they wanted an excuse to go to war with countries which had nothing to do with it which they did. but then im also thinking it was a big deal because it was the business class that was mainly affected. plus they needed a new boogeyman to replace the soviet union, but i see theyve started a new cold war anyways.

We have to get past the official narrative of that event, for sure.


Well-Known Member
It's telling how the Left sees the Right, and vice versa. We on the Right see the Left as wanting centralized government with the power to direct our lives for us. Wanting to eliminate faith in anything but the government's ability to take care of us. To make everyone equal to the point no one has more than others except through their importance in the state hierarchy. Essentially unquestioning worker drones servicing the elite. With a callous disregard for the sanctity of human life.

The Left appears, strictly from a conservatives perspective, to believe the Right consists of selfish, greedy individuals who put self interests above those of the group. That the Right has varying levels of superstition that they cling to. That they distrust anything the state does that interferes with their right to make money. And they're armed to the teeth to prevent a state takeover of their lives. That they put the right of a fetus to be born over the right of a woman to control her own body.

As always the truth is somewhere in the middle depending on the subject. But politics sway people in various directions. As usual after the pendulum swings Left people grow alarmed at the rapid radical changes, the increased spending, the slow business growth. And as usual after the pendulum swings Right in reaction people grow alarmed at the wealth being created for the business elite, the rising prominence in religious influence, the gung ho attitude towards American nationalism.

We're essentially caught in the ebb and flow of influence two large camps have on American society. With a lot of distrust and even outright horror at what goes on in the other camp. And now it seems one camp is determined to achieve control politically to where the other camp no longer can influence American society. Are you familiar with what a pressure cooker does when it reaches a level it can't sustain? The only pressure valve we have is our election process. When people no longer trust the integrity of that process and feel shut out of the political process then the pressure valve will fail and the pressure cooker will explode.


I'm a star
I think we’re more divided along culture and social issues.

Of course there are those divides. The only thing that truly matters at this point in history is determining whether you support the freedom of everyone to live, as much as is practicable, as they see fit, or if you feel justified in forcing others to abide by your views.

Netsua 3:16

Of course there are those divides. The only thing that truly matters at this point in history is determining whether you support the freedom of everyone to live, as much as is practicable, as they see fit, or if you feel justified in forcing others to abide by your views.
Your Libertarian friend,
Z Shapiro.


I don’t work at UPS anymore.
Of course there are those divides. The only thing that truly matters at this point in history is determining whether you support the freedom of everyone to live, as much as is practicable, as they see fit, or if you feel justified in forcing others to abide by your views.
If the American left and right was truly made up of Socialists vs Libertarians I’d kinda agree (just not with your framing) but unfortunately left and right mean Democrat and Republican which are just culture war factions that ultimately serve corporate interests


I'm a star
If the American left and right was truly made up of Socialists vs Libertarians I’d kinda agree (just not with your framing) but unfortunately left and right mean Democrat and Republican which are just culture war factions that ultimately serve corporate interests

Meh, labels help communicate general ideas but they are sloppy and imprecise.


Well-Known Member
Someone explain World Trade Center building 7 that also collapsed on Sept 11.
I'll wait......

It’s easy. Nanothermite explosives placed on the columns long before 9/11. Professional controlled demolition on all three buildings. The planes were just a distraction. A missile struck the pentagon. 9/11/01 was the controlled demo of buildings. 3/11/20 was the controlled demo of the economy.
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It’s easy. Nanothermite explosives placed on the columns long before 9/11. Professional controlled demolition on all three buildings. The planes were just a distraction. A missile struck the pentagon. 9/11/01 was the controlled demo of buildings. 3/11/20 was the controlled demo of the economy.