National Security


The Nim
I've heard for several years that there is something on the engine that the police can signal to slow, then stop a vehicle, but that can be disabled. Don't know if this is true or not.

It depends on certain systems that may be installed. OnStar can turn off the engine if it's installed.

As far as the article quoted from oldngray while it seems like a nice thing with so many of the safety and control features being increasingly operated by computer on newer cars it really is a recipe to create a rolling deathtrap that may kill the person fleeing and potentially many others. It's probably safer for the police to station a sniper with a 50 cal in the pursuit path to put a slug into the engine block.


Well-Known Member
It depends on certain systems that may be installed. OnStar can turn off the engine if it's installed.
I heard it was on all newer cars(this was several years ago), but we all know how different conspiracy theories get started. Don't know if there is any truths to this or not.


golden ticket member


I started this.
Staff member
The NSA’s Secret Role in the U.S. Assassination Program - The Intercept

The National Security Agency is using complex analysis of electronic surveillance, rather than human intelligence, as the primary method to locate targets for lethal drone strikes – an unreliable tactic that results in the deaths of innocent or unidentified people.

According to a former drone operator for the military’s Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) who also worked with the NSA, the agency often identifies targets based on controversial metadata analysis and cell-phone tracking technologies. Rather than confirming a target’s identity with operatives or informants on the ground, the CIA or the U.S. military then orders a strike based on the activity and location of the mobile phone a person is believed to be using.

The drone operator, who agreed to discuss the top-secret programs on the condition of anonymity, was a member of JSOC’s High Value Targeting task force, which is charged with identifying, capturing or killing terrorist suspects in Yemen, Somalia, Afghanistan and elsewhere.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The NSA’s Secret Role in the U.S. Assassination Program - The Intercept

The National Security Agency is using complex analysis of electronic surveillance, rather than human intelligence, as the primary method to locate targets for lethal drone strikes – an unreliable tactic that results in the deaths of innocent or unidentified people.

According to a former drone operator for the military’s Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) who also worked with the NSA, the agency often identifies targets based on controversial metadata analysis and cell-phone tracking technologies. Rather than confirming a target’s identity with operatives or informants on the ground, the CIA or the U.S. military then orders a strike based on the activity and location of the mobile phone a person is believed to be using.

The drone operator, who agreed to discuss the top-secret programs on the condition of anonymity, was a member of JSOC’s High Value Targeting task force, which is charged with identifying, capturing or killing terrorist suspects in Yemen, Somalia, Afghanistan and elsewhere.

This practice has been going on since 2004.



Well-Known Member
Does that mean that this very good policy has been kept in place and continues today with Support and consent from President Obama ??

Or does it mean it is Bushes fault ??


Strength through joy
First it was the idea that North Korea would/could set off a nuclear bomb from a cargo ship creating a massive emp shockwave to cripple our country .
Now today the same sources are saying that the Iranians could too.


I started this.
Staff member
Mikko Hypponen: How the NSA betrayed the world's trust -- time to act

Recent events have highlighted, underlined and bolded the fact that the United States is performing blanket surveillance on any foreigner whose data passes through an American entity — whether they are suspected of wrongdoing or not. This means that, essentially, every international user of the internet is being watched, says Mikko Hypponen. An important rant, wrapped with a plea: to find alternative solutions to using American companies for the world's information needs.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Mikko Hypponen: How the NSA betrayed the world's trust -- time to act

Recent events have highlighted, underlined and bolded the fact that the United States is performing blanket surveillance on any foreigner whose data passes through an American entity — whether they are suspected of wrongdoing or not. This means that, essentially, every international user of the internet is being watched, says Mikko Hypponen. An important rant, wrapped with a plea: to find alternative solutions to using American companies for the world's information needs.

AGAIN, this is the same argument that "WE" progressives made when BUSH signed executive orders creating the survelliance programs that spied on all americans. In 2004, it was the GOP and its talking heads, from Limbaugh to everyone on FOX news who supported DATAMINING and spying on americans.

When Democrats like myself spoke out against the NSA's action back in 2004 and throughout the BUSH administration, it was Limbaugh, Ingraham, Beck, Hannity, Orielly and all the other spokesholes on FOX news who defended it.

Here's Hannity's before and after montage on NSA spying...

It matters not what is being done now, its the creative narrative that the GOP is trying to establish using FOX news and AM Radio to get the job done. Who cares if they all look like hypocrites? They know you all wont go back and examine what they said before.

Case and point, Sean Hannity.



I started this.
Staff member
AGAIN, this is the same argument that "WE" progressives made when BUSH signed executive orders creating the survelliance programs that spied on all americans. In 2004, it was the GOP and its talking heads, from Limbaugh to everyone on FOX news who supported DATAMINING and spying on americans.

When Democrats like myself spoke out against the NSA's action back in 2004 and throughout the BUSH administration, it was Limbaugh, Ingraham, Beck, Hannity, Orielly and all the other spokesholes on FOX news who defended it.

Here's Hannity's before and after montage on NSA spying... hannity on nsa spying then and now&FORM=HDRSC3#view=detail&mid=7008118F8B0715D835DF7008118F8B0715D835DF

It matters not what is being done now, its the creative narrative that the GOP is trying to establish using FOX news and AM Radio to get the job done. Who cares if they all look like hypocrites? They know you all wont go back and examine what they said before.

Case and point, Sean Hannity.


Oversimplify much?

I posted this in 2006:

Fear as a Weapon

How the Bush administration got away with its abuses of power

That terrorism is a real and serious threat cannot be denied. But America has never been a nation characterized by fear. Yet, for the last five years, we have had a government that has worked overtime to keep fear levels high because doing so served its interests. More than four years after the 9/11 attacks, the Bush administration continues to keep up the relentless drumbeat of fear. Here is Dick Cheney in early January 2006, proudly defending the administration’s illegal eavesdropping program by invoking the specter of terrorism fears:

As we get farther away from September 11th, some in Washington are yielding to the temptation to downplay the ongoing threat to our country, and to back away from the business at hand.... The enemy that struck on 9/11 is weakened and fractured, yet it is still lethal and trying to hit us again. Either we are serious about fighting this war or we are not. And as long as George W. Bush is President of the United States, we are serious—and we will not let down our guard.

Cheney never once addresses the fact that the administration had full leeway to eavesdrop on terrorists without breaking the law. He ignores that fact because he is not making a rational argument. He is attempting to play on the fears of Americans to justify their violations of law.

I posted the following al jazeera video in Jul 2013. I suggest that you watch it.

Maybe read the following article. I'm sure Noam Chomsky listens to fox news all day long...

Noam Chomsky: Obama's Attack on Civil Liberties Has Gone Way Beyond Imagination


Well-Known Member

Those points have been pointed out to TOS and others, I appreciate your efforts but TOS has proven to be a waste of time. And not that he's alone either and I also speak of some here of the opposite political narrative. TOS like others are trapped in the very false dilemma of politics he/they advocate.

TOS rightly points out Bush and his supporters who made excuse after excuse and now he does the same with Obama. He and others are trapped into doing exactly what they were critical of under Bush and now republicans are critical of those things they supported under Bush now being done by Obama. It's not about right or wrong, it's about power and then keeping it by any means necessary. Right is my side and wrong is your side regardless of what the side is doing to begin with. Sad that both sides are right on some levels but only when they are out of power so to speak and then sell their soul once they have it back.

He spoke of so-called "progressives" and that in itself is a loaded term (labels typically are) but there are those principled voices on the left which have been equally critical of Obama and the democrats just as they were of Bush and republicans. And there were voices of the old/paleo right who were critical of Bush much in the same voice as the old/paleo left now. Funny how those ideals seem to merge together as to form a bi-partisan middle.

The republican/democrat narrative of TOS and others here IMHO is a textbook example of hypocrisy and never disappoints in continuing to prove itself so.

As to the NSA and the surveil state, last month the maverick democrat Congressman Otis Pike of NY passed away and his history and great fight is worth the read. He and democrat Senator Frank Church went a long way in exposing the treachery that is the federal state.

And for those still wedded to the "I have nothing to hide" thinking.


Well-Known Member
AGAIN, this is the same argument that "WE" progressives made when BUSH signed executive orders creating the survelliance programs that spied on all americans. In 2004, it was the GOP and its talking heads, from Limbaugh to everyone on FOX news who supported DATAMINING and spying on americans.

When Democrats like myself spoke out against the NSA's action back in 2004 and throughout the BUSH administration, it was Limbaugh, Ingraham, Beck, Hannity, Orielly and all the other spokesholes on FOX news who defended it.

Here's Hannity's before and after montage on NSA spying... hannity on nsa spying then and now&FORM=HDRSC3#view=detail&mid=7008118F8B0715D835DF7008118F8B0715D835DF

It matters not what is being done now, its the creative narrative that the GOP is trying to establish using FOX news and AM Radio to get the job done. Who cares if they all look like hypocrites? They know you all wont go back and examine what they said before.

Case and point, Sean Hannity.



Do you ever think about what YOU post ???

In your own words --During the Bush Administration YOU spoke out against the spying on American's by their Government--it was wrong--I get it. Hannity supported it then -against it now -hypocrite !!

President Obama is still doing the same spying and expanding it ----YOU --do not speak out against it ---In YOUR world OBAMA can do know wrong--so when Bush did it --it was very bad --when Obama does it --it is Hannitie's fault ???? or Bushes fault ???? That is how YOU justify it ????

So --Some people are much nicer than me --It is not just "over simplifying"
YOU accuse Fox news etc etc --of being for it under BUSH --now against it under Obama--Hypocrites !!!

YOU -no longer speak out against it --NOW --present day --What does that make YOU ???

A mirror vision of FOX !!!! Just a little common sense !!! Please.

Skip the personal attack on me in response --address it to yourself !!


Well-Known Member
Do you ever think about what YOU post ???
In your own words --During the Bush Administration YOU spoke out against the spying on American's by their Government--it was wrong--I get it. Hannity supported it then -against it now -hypocrite !!
President Obama is still doing the same spying and expanding it ----YOU --do not speak out against it ---In YOUR world OBAMA can do know wrong--so when Bush did it --it was very bad --when Obama does it --it is Hannitie's fault ???? or Bushes fault ???? That is how YOU justify it ????

Maybe therein lay the problem. Obama never ran his election that he would do this but since he is, why for example is Hannity not being supportive of Obama at least on this point? If one is operating on principle and an opponent so to speak adopts your same standard, in political debate would that not be a win?

There were those here, some no longer around, who defended Bush when he did these things and yet those of this same mindset now speak against Obama as if this is something all new that he created. I've said before that Presidents are nothing but puppets, PR spokesman to sell the gullible public a narrative they want to believe in. In the case of the public, does she swallow? Hell yeah she swallows, the present world of politics proves that.

I won't begin to speak for Hannity because I've never watched or heard the man other than what folks on both sides assert but if Hannity supported Bush when he did such things, then someone who is operating on principle would support the other guy who did the same at least when it comes to those common principles. "IF" Hannity is not doing this, seems to me he operates not on principle but rather self service. And let's be honest here, I've seen Rachel Maddow doing the same so this by no means is a Fox News narrative either. They all are doing it and thus we should condemn those who follow this same method.

It's about power not principle and thus hypocrisy runs rampant back and forth across the political isle. Depending upon who is in power determines who is the bigger hypocrite at the time and more often than not, like policy, it's hard to tell the difference between the two!


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Lets be clear. I was against spying THEN, and against spying NOW. My position has not changed. I am no more happy with the government using its powers to spy on americans than any of you.

My argument isnt whether or not its right or wrong any longer. YOU folks, supported it when it was created under BUSH, EXPANDED under BUSH and ABUSED by BUSH, and today, its turned into "just another practice" for the government.

There is a difference however.

CONGRESS has done nothing about it, or has tried to stop it.

In fact, this current DO NOTHING congress has argued to keep things the way they are. The Patriot Act which was created by republicans and abused by republicans is the law of the land. Until that law is ended and every executive order that BUSH signed creating spying on americans is overturned, then why complain about it now?

Why are you mad at OBAMA for this? He didnt create it. Its now an "arm" of the government and a tool that is being used the way it was created.

My compliants are simple.

WHY are you all being hypocrites on this issue?? (few were on my side against it at the time)

You were all for it before you were all against it. I can point out the many hypocrites on this board or on FOX news or AM Radio who today say the complete opposite of what they argued under BUSH.

My second complaint is the "narrative" that you are being sold today, as if the spying is something new to report on. This has been going on for 10 years now, but NOW, because the narrative has changed for the GOP, they want to make an issue out of it.

As for Noam Chomsky, his positions arent very different than mine. Of course he is upset with civil liberties being violated, but this isnt OBAMA's law or creation. Its the creation of a desperate political party and their reckless regard for our constitution. The republicans, BUSH, CHENEY and our military didnt give a rats behind about our rights as citizens, and they all thought they could do or use any kind of technology against us all no matter what that entailed.

OBAMA is the president, he has control over our military, or does he? This is what happens when you let the military industrial complex take over a nation. We were warned about this by republican president Dwight Eisenhower on his last day in office.

No one wants to hold BUSH or CHENEY responsible for the spying on america. BUSH/CHENEY had their puppet attorney general Alberto Gonzales rubber stamp spying on americans and it became the law of the land. But now, some of you folks want to be outraged??

Give us a break.

The NSA is simply doing what it was instructed to do when it was created by BUSH/CHENEY and expanded over their administration.

You want to be outraged? Then throw out the GOP in congress who also rubber stamped the practice.

Back then, you all were chanting "FREEDOM ISNT FREE" when the arguments over the patriot act and spying were raised, and now you have NO ROOM to complain.

You were part of the problem then, and you are still part of the problem now.



I started this.
Staff member
Lights Out for NSA? Maryland Lawmakers Push to Cut Water, Electricity to Spy Agency Headquarters - US News

The proposal is the latest in a series of state bills aiming to cut off the NSA one jurisdiction at a time for allegedly ignoring the Fourth Amendment with its dragnet collection of phone and Internet records.

The legislative wave is spearheaded by the Tenth Amendment Center, which along with the Bill of Rights Defense Committee launched the OffNow coalition last year seeking to cut off water to the NSA’s just-built Utah Data Center.