New Member with two related questions.

It is very easy to regain time throughout the day. You certainly don't want to just sit somewhere for 10-15 minutes.

Like dragging your feet here, standing a minute there? The 180* version of coming in early for free is the not actually doing work when you're supposed to. That's called stealing time.

Two wrongs don't make a right.


20 Year Package Car Driver
Am I the only one who smells BS regarding the OP and this thread? A 20 year driver doesn't know how to file a grievance? Hmmmmm......
No where in this thread did I say I don't know how to file. I've done so plenty and now I have to yearly to get on the 9.5 list (that's how they do it in my hub). However, I've only filed on things that are between me and management, not involving other employees. But hey, thanks for proving my point on how UPS loves it when drivers are at each other.


20 Year Package Car Driver
I called the hotline on an issue involving our former center manager. The center manager did end up losing his job but not as a result of my phone call. Sadly I read in the paper where his beloved BMW is being auctioned off to satisfy a garagemen's lien.
Thanks upstate for a straight forward answer to one of the questions I asked. I really wanted to know how the hotline works or doesn't.


20 Year Package Car Driver
Are you a driver ?? If so what problem do you have with this these people are they taking work away from you ?

I'm not saying it right or wrong but sometimes you need to just mind your own business especially when it has nothing to do with you.

If you complaining that these driver get done before you you don't have a leg to stand on...

UPS isn't forcing you or anyone to do any work of the clock. You can show up 30 min or 30 sec early the choice is up to you. But showing up late is going to get you in trouble. You can be a hard ass and tell management that you will not do anything including talking to them, getting your call tags, ETC before your start time. But remember it's a two way street.

Calling the help line isn't going to do anything UPS isn't your problem your problem are the driver that show up a little early to prepare themselves for the day. Some only be getting there stuff together other by going to there car and adjusting the load.

You could file a grievance for these people working off the clock that probably will not go any where. It's not the same as management doing union work or being sent home will a junior employee does your work. As you said some grievances just don't go any where and other are settled quickly this is called give and take or every grievance would end up at a panel and take months if not year to have a resolution.
This most definitely is going to be a problem for UPS. The law does not say UPS has to force someone to work off the clock to be in the wrong. It says that UPS only has to know about it and not put a stop to it. If these drivers did not work hours off the clock (Yes some come in at 7 for a 845 start) then UPS would have to put in more routes and hire more drivers. But just so I get you straight, I'm in the wrong for wanting this to stop but the drivers helping management without getting paid for it are the good workers. OK


Safety Expert
Our local is pretty weak where I work.

You are your local - grow a pair and stand up for your brothers and sisters.

You may be hesitant to because you think this is "you against your co-workers" but it's not. It's you, others, and the union vs the company. The company is letting this happen. Letting people work off the clock so they don't have to change start times or hire someone else.


Well-Known Member
This most definitely is going to be a problem for UPS. The law does not say UPS has to force someone to work off the clock to be in the wrong. It says that UPS only has to know about it and not put a stop to it. If these drivers did not work hours off the clock (Yes some come in at 7 for a 845 start) then UPS would have to put in more routes and hire more drivers. But just so I get you straight, I'm in the wrong for wanting this to stop but the drivers helping management without getting paid for it are the good workers. OK

As I said before mind your own friend-ing business or be prepared for what happens after. It is cheaper for UPS to pay you over time than to hire more people you as can't work enough OT in a week because of DOT rules to make it so that UPS is losing money on paying you OT. So your theory about them hiring more people and putting more routes is BS.

You only can set your car up so much then packages start getting in the way. I pull over a couple of times a day and take 5 - 10 minutes and sort which over the course o the day save me well more then the time that I sorted. But I still only can sort so much because of lack of open shelve space.


Well-Known Member
When I first started driving, I would come in an hr early to set up my car but as years and route changes have went by, I am finding out that it really doesn't make or break my day anymore because I can only work 12 hrs a day or 60 a week. I don't work that many hours all the time but they can't get more than that out of me either
This most definitely is going to be a problem for UPS. The law does not say UPS has to force someone to work off the clock to be in the wrong. It says that UPS only has to know about it and not put a stop to it. If these drivers did not work hours off the clock (Yes some come in at 7 for a 845 start) then UPS would have to put in more routes and hire more drivers. But just so I get you straight, I'm in the wrong for wanting this to stop but the drivers helping management without getting paid for it are the good workers. OK
We fought this battle a few months ago in my building. Preloader made all the same charges you are making. A few drivers were all upset because they were not allowed to go into their trucks before their start times. Most drivers just said they do not work off the clock. Federal Labor law is very specific about not being allowed to work off the clock. It is your management teams responsibility to see that it does not happen. Even if it involves disciplinary action to stop it. Of course like everything, after a few weeks it is all forgotten about.


Well-Known Member
We had a driver get injured while sorting his pkg car before start time-----mgt was quick to put an end to this practice. This lasted a week or so.

The sad part was the obviously upset center manager personally drove the injured driver to the ER.


Well-Known Member
The OP is a 20 year package car driver and now he suddenly gets the urge to do something about his long time coworkers working off the clock ??????

Might the OP be in some hot water himself and trying to find a way to plug the hole in the sinking ship....


Well-Known Member
The OP is a 20 year package car driver and now he suddenly gets the urge to do something about his long time coworkers working off the clock ??????

Might the OP be in some hot water himself and trying to find a way to plug the hole in the sinking ship....
If he needs advise on plugging holes I can help.