No Pay -> No SFA

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Well-Known Member
I can't recall ever seeing an express guy run. They are typically painfully slow. I've seen a few that I would say are working at a good pace, but never running.

I'm an Express courier and I try to keep a sense of urgency, even if I'm only doing pickups. It sort of got ingrained during my three peaks at UPS. I'll walk very fast, but I'm not running for anyone. It's unsafe. I've seldom seen any UPS people run.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
What does a supposed ground contractor care if an Express person is running or walking? Has nothing to do with anything. You need to learn how to post like some of your peeps here.
You seem to have an irrational hatred of me. I was responding to I22 that said he thought some drivers were ostracized for going the speed limit and not running. I said from what I've seen that doesn't happen. I don't advocate running. When I train I teach efficiency, you shouldn't need to run to get 15-20 stops an hour done. Try reading the post before you fly off the handle next time.


You seem to have an irrational hatred of me. I was responding to I22 that said he thought some drivers were ostracized for going the speed limit and not running. I said from what I've seen that doesn't happen. I don't advocate running. When I train I teach efficiency, you shouldn't need to run to get 15-20 stops an hour done. Try reading the post before you fly off the handle next time.
Try understanding the differences in routes before throwing out a generic number of 15-20 stops.


Well-Known Member
I move at my pace. I couldn't give a damn if someone else can run my route faster than I can or if someone who doesn't work at Express thinks I'm working slow. If someone tries to get under my skin and calls me slow, I respond with a that's nice.

Never once has my manager told me I'm moving too slow nor has he threatened me with discipline for the pace I move at.


Well-Known Member
You seem to have an irrational hatred of me. I was responding to I22 that said he thought some drivers were ostracized for going the speed limit and not running. I said from what I've seen that doesn't happen. I don't advocate running. When I train I teach efficiency, you shouldn't need to run to get 15-20 stops an hour done. Try reading the post before you fly off the handle next time.

In my experience, when the clock is ticking towards the p1 deadline, running is often the only option to make service unless you want to speed/disobey the rules of the road. I've seen people run. When I'm in this situation I'm definitely not going to run - it says never run in the CBP book and a manager would never say run on a checkride without me showing him what it says in the book. As for 'you shouldn't need to run to get 15-20 sph done,' it all depends - any type of delay can happen. Anything from traffic, pedestrians, customers keeping you waiting, etc. These things cut into P1 time and the time on the route in general. You can be the most efficient courier and still get stuck in some situation that takes a lot of time out of your hour/messes up your ability to deliver everything by a certain time.


Engorged Member
I'm an Express courier and I try to keep a sense of urgency, even if I'm only doing pickups. It sort of got ingrained during my three peaks at UPS. I'll walk very fast, but I'm not running for anyone. It's unsafe. I've seldom seen any UPS people run.

Ah, the "sense of urgency", just like they tell you in training. These are, in fact, the exact words FedEx uses. In other words, if you're not running, you should be moving at a "brisk pace". I have seen people run, and also seen people fall and get hurt...guess whose fault it is.


Well-Known Member
Ah, the "sense of urgency", just like they tell you in training. These are, in fact, the exact words FedEx uses. In other words, if you're not running, you should be moving at a "brisk pace". I have seen people run, and also seen people fall and get hurt...guess whose fault it is.

They'll blame the courier lol. That's why I say never run. There is no set definition of a brisk pace.


Well-Known Member
If you get in an accident or get injured running, you'll always get the blame. If you have lates, they can be explained if they're asked about.


Well-Known Member
You seem to have an irrational hatred of me. I was responding to I22 that said he thought some drivers were ostracized for going the speed limit and not running. I said from what I've seen that doesn't happen. I don't advocate running. When I train I teach efficiency, you shouldn't need to run to get 15-20 stops an hour done. Try reading the post before you fly off the handle next time.
Have no hatred of you actually, you're doing your job. Again, I'm going to ask you what business it is of a ground contractor to care how fast an express courier walks or doesn't? Please tell me. Or do you have no good explanation?


Have no hatred of you actually, you're doing your job. Again, I'm going to ask you what business it is of a ground contractor to care how fast an express courier walks or doesn't? Please tell me. Or do you have no good explanation?
He's only trying to justify the Wal-Mart wages he pays his drivers.

Route 66

Slapped Upside-da-Head Member
It also makes ya look like a severe mental case if you run. Always walk at a cool "I'll get there when I get there" pace.


Well-Known Member
Have no hatred of you actually, you're doing your job. Again, I'm going to ask you what business it is of a ground contractor to care how fast an express courier walks or doesn't? Please tell me. Or do you have no good explanation?
All those fat, old, and slow express drivers make us look bad ;)


Well-Known Member
All those fat, old, and slow express drivers make us look bad ;)
I knew of an Express courier who put up incredibly good numbers, who called regulars, including drop off centers, to see if they had anything going out, who took outbound during morning deliveries and didn't come back at afternoon ready time for pups. He had very high stops per hour, had to have been working on lunch. Got done with an extended area fulltime route soon enough to get back to town and do a part-time pup rt and then get back and be haz specialist. Made $76k in 2012 on the lowest payscale. He pleased management so they let him hang around to do haz and all the OT really added up. What he got for his running was being broadsided by a tractor trailer on the job and killed. And when I took over his route pressure was put on me to do the same. Manager told me the senior mgr asked him if he thought I was milking. Lots of write-ups, lots of comments until I pointed out what customers were telling me the previous courier had been doing. The fact is, no matter the division, you guys want and want and want and give back very little. You will put our lives on the line to squeeze out an extra nickel while preaching safety. Thing is if I had done everything he had done, running all day and putting in long hours and working every Saturday to make that good money, I wouldn't have come close to what he made as he was topped out and I, after almost 15 years, wasn't even at the midpoint of the pay range. I'm not going to get myself killed for the likes of you, whether it's an accident or heart attack. If I had his pay I may look at it different, but you guys who think we should bleed purple and orange, or purple and green, for $15hr and limited or no benefits are out of your minds.

Express Courier

Well-Known Member
I can't recall ever seeing an express guy run. They are typically painfully slow. I've seen a few that I would say are working at a good pace, but never running.
The guy who trained me when I first got hired years ago was actually running during most of the rte. He was a weirdo though and he was just a hyper dude that wanted exercise I think.


Well-Known Member
If I had his pay I may look at it different, but you guys who think we should bleed purple and orange, or purple and green, for $15hr and limited or no benefits are out of your minds.

You can't spend the money when you're dead. No one should be doing what this guy did R.I.P.. The worst part is that I'm sure management knew what was going on with him pushing it to unsafe limits - they probably didn't tell him anything because it meant having good numbers and having a DG specialist when needed. That's the thing with working for Express - very few people will tell you anything that could potentially help your knowledge of how things actually are because it's easier to keep a frontline employee in fantasy land for as long as they can than have an educated employee who knows policy, knows knows how sph can be adjusted, knows what they will face discipline for, etc. It's a lot easier to have an employee who questions nothing and blindly obeys dubious authority without thinking, researching and asking about policy.
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Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
You can't spend the money when you're dead. No one should be doing what this guy did R.I.P.. The worst part is that I'm sure management knew what was going on with him pushing it to unsafe limits - they probably didn't tell him anything because it meant having good numbers and having a DG specialist when needed. That's the thing with working for Express - very few people will tell you anything that could potentially help your knowledge of how things actually are because it's easier to keep a frontline employee in fantasy land for as long as they can than have an educated employee who knows policy, knows knows how sph can be adjusted, knows what they will face discipline for, etc. It's a lot easier to have an employee who questions nothing and blindly obeys dubious authority without thinking, researching and asking about policy.

That's why if I see a rookie courier getting screwed by management because they don't know better, I'll advise them in a heartbeat. I always tell them that management will never volunteer any information and they need to educate themselves on policy.


Engorged Member
You can't spend the money when you're dead. No one should be doing what this guy did R.I.P.. The worst part is that I'm sure management knew what was going on with him pushing it to unsafe limits - they probably didn't tell him anything because it meant having good numbers and having a DG specialist when needed. That's the thing with working for Express - very few people will tell you anything that could potentially help your knowledge of how things actually are because it's easier to keep a frontline employee in fantasy land for as long as they can than have an educated employee who knows policy, knows knows how sph can be adjusted, knows what they will face discipline for, etc. It's a lot easier to have an employee who questions nothing and blindly obeys dubious authority without thinking, researching and asking about policy.

There are a lot of people doing this, mostly to keep up and have management off their backs....not to be a superstar.


Well-Known Member
You can't spend the money when you're dead. No one should be doing what this guy did R.I.P.. The worst part is that I'm sure management knew what was going on with him pushing it to unsafe limits - they probably didn't tell him anything because it meant having good numbers and having a DG specialist when needed. That's the thing with working for Express - very few people will tell you anything that could potentially help your knowledge of how things actually are because it's easier to keep a frontline employee in fantasy land for as long as they can than have an educated employee who knows policy, knows knows how sph can be adjusted, knows what they will face discipline for, etc. It's a lot easier to have an employee who questions nothing and blindly obeys dubious authority without thinking, researching and asking about policy.
He was a topped out senior employee who knew the rules. But to get all the OT he wanted he had to do that in-town pup rt and be the Haz specialist. Started at 0800 and got off around 2000 most days plus worked most Saturday's. He took care of the mgr so mgr took care of him. He was very well liked, but had been divorced 3 times with 3 kids, so he was motivated. I had transferred there to do another route but first day there was asked to do his, he had died the previous week. We had a sr.mgr. who was located in another city. Told us in meeting that all the measures FedEx was taking to cut costs was to prevent a hostile takeover. I got on her bad side disagreeing with her. Mgr was a good guy, but under the usual pressure to perform. This is one nutty company, doubt it'll ever again be what it was in the late 80's.


Engorged Member
He was a topped out senior employee who knew the rules. But to get all the OT he wanted he had to do that in-town pup rt and be the Haz specialist. Started at 0800 and got off around 2000 most days plus worked most Saturday's. He took care of the mgr so mgr took care of him. He was very well liked, but had been divorced 3 times with 3 kids, so he was motivated. I had transferred there to do another route but first day there was asked to do his, he had died the previous week. We had a sr.mgr. who was located in another city. Told us in meeting that all the measures FedEx was taking to cut costs was to prevent a hostile takeover. I got on her bad side disagreeing with her. Mgr was a good guy, but under the usual pressure to perform. This is one nutty company, doubt it'll ever again be what it was in the late 80's.

Just curious. Did the courier in question have his route retired and then have a banner hung on the station wall? This would make it totally worthwhile.