Occupy Wall Street


Staff member
And who would you have "lead it"? Union stewards finally getting out there amongst the rabble? Knights in shining armour coming to their emotional rescue? I think this group needs to be left to find it's way without being co-opted by any opportunistic labour or political group.


A joke in the way you described. Buffett is buying access and making money through quid pro quo with the government. That's wrong and I don't want my taxes going into his pocket against my will. Now contrast that with Steve Jobs. I purchase Apple products, enrich Steve Jobs, and have no problem with it. Anyone in America has the opportunity to be as successful as him.

No, not everyone has the opportunity to be as successful as him. That is mind boggling.


Für Meno :)
You know, not too long ago, while presuuring the chinese companies for manufacturing things so cheap, the Chinese CEO of the company in China came forward, and said, we are not the bad guys here. We manufacture Iphones here, and with shipping costs they are under $55 a unit.
But, in America they sell for $400, so you tell me who is greedy and who is unfair.


golden ticket member
You know, not too long ago, while presuuring the chinese companies for manufacturing things so cheap, the Chinese CEO of the company in China came forward, and said, we are not the bad guys here. We manufacture Iphones here, and with shipping costs they are under $55 a unit.
But, in America they sell for $400, so you tell me who is greedy and who is unfair.
The demonstrators whine about big companies, but they have every gizmo put out by all these evil companies.....plus, mom & dad are invested in the evil Wall Street and supporting the brats on the street!


Browncafe Steward
You know, not too long ago, while presuuring the chinese companies for manufacturing things so cheap, the Chinese CEO of the company in China came forward, and said, we are not the bad guys here. We manufacture Iphones here, and with shipping costs they are under $55 a unit.
But, in America they sell for $400, so you tell me who is greedy and who is unfair.

Listen here canadien, im really getting sick reading you bash this country of ours. You dont live here and have no right bashing it. We live here we pay taxes and yes some of us are tired of what happens. But we never bash it!!!

Stay current with Canada news and leave the real countries to wear the big boy pants.


Für Meno :)
Listen here canadien, im really getting sick reading you bash this country of ours. You dont live here and have no right bashing it. We live here we pay taxes and yes some of us are tired of what happens. But we never bash it!!!

Stay current with Canada news and leave the real countries to wear the big boy pants.

I was just quoting from the Chinese firm who manufactures Apple Iphones.
Watch world news once in a while, or go watch your protesters all over the US. They are there for a reason. Go slam all of them that they are wrong "bashing" big corperate and wall street.


golden ticket member
I was just quoting from the Chinese firm who manufactures Apple Iphones.
Watch world news once in a while, or go watch your protesters all over the US. They are there for a reason. Go slam all of them that they are wrong "bashing" big corperate and wall street.

When the protesters bash Wall Street they are bashing a road in Manhatten.


Browncafe Steward
Listen here canadien, im really getting sick reading you bash this country of ours. You dont live here and have no right bashing it. We live here we pay taxes and yes some of us are tired of what happens. But we never bash it!!!

Stay current with Canada news and leave the real countries to wear the big boy pants.

They are Americans and have that right. I HATE Canadiens that think they have the right to also. Worry about your own god dam problems.


Well-Known Member
You know, not too long ago, while presuuring the chinese companies for manufacturing things so cheap, the Chinese CEO of the company in China came forward, and said, we are not the bad guys here. We manufacture Iphones here, and with shipping costs they are under $55 a unit.
But, in America they sell for $400, so you tell me who is greedy and who is unfair.

You must be speaking about the great working conditions and the huge salaries the workers are making.
I guess you mean that they have very strong labor unions work under very good contracts and are totally strapped by government and clean air regulations.

The China air is extremely clean, water is safe to drink, all the people are enjoying a very high standard of living. China is heaven on earth. Of course China is not greedy and is very fair --in your mind.

Is it true that you have decided to move to China to take advantage of the personal freedoms and tremendous opportunity of free education, free medical, free housing unlimited 55 dollar iphones ??--sounds like paradise.:wink2: The Chinese are not the bad guys --they are just Communist.

Sounds like 804 is going with you.
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Staff member
You must be speaking about the great working conditions and the huge salaries the workers are making.
I guess you mean that they have very strong labor unions work under very good contracts and are totally strapped by government and clean air regulations.

The China air is extremely clean, water is safe to drink, all the people are enjoying a very high standard of living. China is heaven on earth. Of course China is not greedy and is very fair --in your mind.

Is it true that you have decided to move to China to take advantage of the personal freedoms and tremendous opportunity of free education, free medical, free housing unlimited 55 dollar iphones ??--sounds like paradise.:wink2: The Chinese are not the bad guys --they are just Communist.

Sounds like 804 is going with you.
I think the point here is not that China is or is not a better place to live (I don't think it is), but that Apple is having iphones manufactured there for $55 a piece and then selling them in the US for $400.


Für Meno :)
Watch "World.com" on the Discovery channel on of these days.
It's , I think the largest electronic maker in the world, and it's in China.

They supply their employee's with housing, the best working conditions, they have a cafeteria which is also free, and only the best cooks in the country are selected to cook there.
They even pay for weddings for their employees.

I'm not saying all of China is that great, but they aren't the bad eveil that some of you make it to be, either.
If that was the case, then stop borrowing money from them !

Any why is (almost) every US company in China manufacturing and selling goods and services ?
There are probably more Americans working and living in China then any other country outside the US.

If you want to really succeed in business management these days, learning Mandarin is a must !

One can argue that China didn't need to wipe off half the world to export, succeed, and accumulate wealth, unlike some other country after ww2.
(just saying).


Well-Known Member
I think the point here is not that China is or is not a better place to live (I don't think it is), but that Apple is having iphones manufactured there for $55 a piece and then selling them in the US for $400.

There is a bill, sponsored by Sen. Chuck Shumer of NY, to impose trade tarriffs on goods imported from China. He used a term all UPSers should be familiar with--"leveling the playing field".


golden ticket member
There is a bill, sponsored by Sen. Chuck Shumer of NY, to impose trade tarriffs on goods imported from China. He used a term all UPSers should be familiar with--"leveling the playing field".

Even Donald Trump, when he was thinking about running had some great ideas about China and charging them and leveling things.


Staff member
There is a bill, sponsored by Sen. Chuck Shumer of NY, to impose trade tarriffs on goods imported from China. He used a term all UPSers should be familiar with--"leveling the playing field".
you don't need a level playing field. You are doing just fine.


Well-Known Member
The Idea behind occuy Wall st is a great example of Americans getting together to voice their dis-satisfaction with how things run. Companies got bailed out while the working men and woman of this country got sold out. These companies where given money to stay in business. Now they are back giving out bonuses to the knuckle heads that caused many of these problems. They are not hiring and saving money which is not going back into the economy.

The problem most people have are teh :censored2: bags that the news finds to interview. They do not help the cause by speaking. Anyone here in 97 remember the strike???? Remember being on the line and told not to talk to the media??? Refer media to so and so??? Thats because those of us that we allowed to talk to the media knew hat to say and how to say it.

This needs more organization and people to lead it properly instead of the free for all it has turned out to be.


It's not a free for all. Granted, the media is pulling various types out to build a stereotype in the minds of the public but these Occupy Actions have more organization to them than you think. One example they are experimenting with before the public is a form of pure democracy. Every evening around 7 pm, each Occupy group has a general assembly and the floor is open for general business. If you have an idea or cause to put before the group, you can but you'll have to have built some initial consensus before hand in order to bring it before the larger assembly. In effect, you'll have to market your idea in a free market. If it passes that, then the full assembly hears your cause or idea and counterpoints are allowed to be voiced and then the assembly of equals at large votes and if the consensus carries, the idea or cause goes forward. This part of the action has been mostly left out by at least the Mainstream Media (MSM) but alternative media are covering these general assemblies. Credit goes to RT for example.

In the "Current Events" forum under the "Demonstration" thread I posted a video from the OccupyAtlanta General Assembly meeting the other night in which Congressman John Lewis wanted to address the group. There were some folks who wanted this to happen almost as a arbitrary by virtue of Lewis' hierarchy standing in the state structure and his history in the civil rights movement which deserves respect obviously. However, the rules of the forum held and Lewis was denied the special treatment he wanted and he was treated on the same level as any of us if we were to show up wanting to speak. Lewis could have joined the ranks, built a consensus and then move to speak but no, he just abandoned the cause and left. IMO he had a purely political agenda. This form of leaderless democracy is an interesting experiment to watch work and has many pros and cons.

As for media broadcasting of examples that make the movement look bad, large crowds of this type especially in major metro areas will naturally attract people who live on the edge and often have mental issues in which they could act upon. Those are going to happen as a result of this just as a Tea Party event attract a few idiots who think it necessary to wave guns around in such a public setting. That does nothing IMO to advance a cause of the right to self defense in which I fully support but it is a purely macho thing for what I consider as males with little diks and little brains who use guns as a means to compensate.

Regardless of who might be "controlling" the crowd or "astro-turfing" the events or cause (yes I do believe some of that is happening), the majority of these people know and sense something is seriously wrong with our gov't and they would be right so now it's about having a conversation on going forward.

The several prior protests say for the G8, the G20 and just State Globalization in general have in many cases turned violet and there is reason to consider the so-called "Black Block" an action that is a cover for agent provocateurs within the crowd. It's not new either as the infamous CoIntelPro was used in similar fashion and more.

It's not to say I agree with all facets of the Occupy Movement nor do I agree in all facets with some stances they take or position demands they make. However, as I said, these folks sense something is wrong and that's always a first step towards a solution so I applaud them there. As for a leaderless movement, it's not leaderless because every person you see at these events are leaders themselves and unto themselves. As for the bad examples, ask yourself are they real or could they be a plant? Ask the critical questions, look and think about the situation and then if their actions are apart of the Occupy movement and you think it wrong, by all means speak out because if they act out wrong and begin to hear back for us who are watching, it could have an effect. I know for a fact they are listening!



A Package Center Manager
No, not everyone has the opportunity to be as successful as him. That is mind boggling.

His dad was a machinist and his mom was an accountant, nothing special about his family. What advantage did he have that none of us have? The world is just waiting for the next great idea and all we're worried about is getting home back to the couch. Because we're unwilling to quit our jobs and take a risk doesn't mean opportunity is unavailable to us. It just means we're not willing to take the risk to go after it. I grumble about UPS sometimes and I hear a lot of grumbling on here, but none of us have attended a shareholder meeting to voice our opinions or cause change. We're pretty sorry protesters.


A Package Center Manager
You know, not too long ago, while presuuring the chinese companies for manufacturing things so cheap, the Chinese CEO of the company in China came forward, and said, we are not the bad guys here. We manufacture Iphones here, and with shipping costs they are under $55 a unit.
But, in America they sell for $400, so you tell me who is greedy and who is unfair.

Every buyer has decided that the Iphone is worth $400. I think it would be unfair if they were forced to buy one but they're not.


Well-Known Member
His dad was a machinist and his mom was an accountant, nothing special about his family. What advantage did he have that none of us have? The world is just waiting for the next great idea and all we're worried about is getting home back to the couch. Because we're unwilling to quit our jobs and take a risk doesn't mean opportunity is unavailable to us. It just means we're not willing to take the risk to go after it. I grumble about UPS sometimes and I hear a lot of grumbling on here, but none of us have attended a shareholder meeting to voice our opinions or cause change. We're pretty sorry protesters.

That's a pretty huge assumption in this forum IMO!