Part Timers Don’t deserve $25


I love my job. Don't you?
Just gonna be honest here, its a part time job for a reason. Why should they make equal pay? If you want to make more money, then why are you doing a part time job? Also, is it really that hard to load and unload trailers? It’s basically grunt work, and you should make accordingly. 21 is more than good enough for what they do
Here’s the issue with your logic. The cost of everything is sky rocketing so therefore people have to make more money to keep up. Our wages are not competitive in any way on the part time side. We get crap loaders because currently that’s what we pay for. If we want to be able to be selective again and employ only the best then we have to pay in that range again. Part time sucks. Loader, unloader or whatever else. We should be aiming to pay more than Amazon, CVs, chewy etc. not less.

Secondly your thought process is exactly what ups wants. They have driven such a wedge in between full time and part time that you now have anger and resentment towards them. We are meant to be a united teamsters not a fractured one. We should cheer anyone getting more money from this company. They did us dirty during the pandemic and made untold sums of money for doing it. Everyone needs their fair share and I’d argue this isn’t enough. Carol didn’t deliver anything or do anything for us but got multi millions in bonuses off our backs. Shareholders profited immensely from corporate stock buy backs. We did that. None of those cowards lifted a finger to help us when we were working 70 hour weeks non stop to try and keep this going. So no $21 an hour isn’t enough for them and $49 at the end for us drivers is not enough either.


I love my job. Don't you?
That's what I'm wondering.

You people are complaining that a fellow part timer will make the same amount as you.

'waaaaah I managed not to get fired for a few years, I should make more than him waaaaahhh '
This is what ups wants. They’ve successfully driven a wedge in between all of us for decades now. Everyone should be cheering each other getting more money but also saying it’s not enough for everything we did during the pandemic.


Well-Known Member
That's what I'm wondering.

You people are complaining that a fellow part timer will make the same amount as you.

'waaaaah I managed not to get fired for a few years, I should make more than him waaaaahhh '
No I’m not. I’m paid well with my UPS MRA and I’ve never once complained that I get paid the same as a new hire
maybe if you’re going by the contract, but no where is starting that low. For a lot of places it is only a dollar or two raise. For most places it’s a pay cut with the MRA

Ups is not even legally allowed to pay the contract starting wage anymore because it’s too low
"No where" "most"

You couldn't be more wrong.


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
This is what ups wants. They’ve successfully driven a wedge in between all of us for decades now. Everyone should be cheering each other getting more money but also saying it’s not enough for everything we did during the pandemic.

Consider the 2 dollars of that 2.75 first year GWI (heroes pay. Everybody happy now.).

The next three GWI’s of .75, .75 and 1.00 would be what the Company now calls (cost neutral).

The last GWI of 2.25 kicks in at the start of the 2028 talks. We all know what that will be used for, don’t we.

The projected new 7,500 jobs will be only driving positions, guessing feeders.

The current 22.2 and 22.3 positions are protected by numbers only, once a vacancy exists through retirement or termination the Company has the right to move and change the start times to whatever they want, the 22.2’s maybe locked in because of their classification and seniority. Really not too many of them anymore the ones that are still active will be gone probably at the beginning of 2024.

The Company will make these inside full time positions more physically demanding to prevent any left over high seniority part timers from bidding on them. They are hoping to fill these coming vacancies and the 7,500 new driving positions with off the street hiring. Starting rates for a new hire full time didn’t go up much, they will all have to go through that standard (4 year) progression.

Those 7,500 newly created full time driving positions will start on the third year of the Contract, those positions will see a .75 and a 1.00 GWI until 1 August 2028 that is when the 2.25 kicks in. At least they get GWI’s and any COLAs while they are progression. Safe to say that most of these 7,500 members will be looking at that attractive 2.24 GWI and will be inclined to vote yes in the 2028 Contract, in fact most of our membership will see that carrot on a stick at the start of the next Contract and will vote accordingly.

I am not sure about the language about hourly increases in the Teamsters’s Monetary Contribution Plans like the Western, or even the IBT/UPS Defined Pension Plan. Article 34 needs more explanation, also everyone in the know will be looking at the supplemental and riders which will be voted separately. Unfortunately we are going to heard the (sheep) start bleeping “ we’re
Is my (retro) check, I deserve it” crap, and start blaming other members for their selfish hold outs. Just wait it is a coming.



Your ≠ You're
There schizophrenic. Now @BeachBoy is lovin’ it.
They're, not there. The GED has to have more of a knowledge assessment than this. You're not your. You got that one. Now, learn they're, not there. You are progressing, little by little. Congratulations, please don't stop your journey and continue to gain more (3rd grade equivalent) knowledge. I am impressed and hopeful.


Well-Known Member
The union sold out existing part timers for the more money in union dues from starting employees. Old rate of 15.50 at 2.5x per month meant union dues of $38.75. Now it is $21 x 2.5 or $52.50 a month. That is what this was all about.

PT'ers in yrs 1-4 will make the same as a new hire off the street.
PT'ers with 9.99 yrs will make $1.55 more than a new hire off the street having started at $8.50 in 2013 and then in 2018 the same employee under Hoffa's greatest contract ever made $1.45 more than a new hire then.

Anyone okay with that when those same part timers did not get equal pay for equal work for those up to 9.99 years doesn't realize what the company has done with this contract.

They've broken the union in those PT'ers eyes. Not talking FT'ers--just PT'ers. They've created animosity towards the Teamsters....and just like the 22.4's from before it's going to fester and get worse.


Inordinately Right
The union sold out existing part timers for the more money in union dues from starting employees. Old rate of 15.50 at 2.5x per month meant union dues of $38.75. Now it is $21 x 2.5 or $52.50 a month. That is what this was all about.

PT'ers in yrs 1-4 will make the same as a new hire off the street.
PT'ers with 9.99 yrs will make $1.55 more than a new hire off the street having started at $8.50 in 2013 and then in 2018 the same employee under Hoffa's greatest contract ever made $1.45 more than a new hire then.

Anyone okay with that when those same part timers did not get equal pay for equal work for those up to 9.99 years doesn't realize what the company has done with this contract.

They've broken the union in those PT'ers eyes. Not talking FT'ers--just PT'ers. They've created animosity towards the Teamsters....and just like the 22.4's from before it's going to fester and get worse.
So you think $21 starting rate is too high?
How old and fat are you? I doubt you can unload a trailer without having a heart attack. Regardless, every teamster is assisting in the forward of packages. One hour of PT is comparable to one hour of FT. Both are labor intensive, both as risky to ones health, both are equally skilled.
Money should only be differentiated by things like seniority, risk to ones health, and accredited skill like(pilots/CDL).
Consider the 2 dollars of that 2.75 first year GWI (heroes pay. Everybody happy now.).

The next three GWI’s of .75, .75 and 1.00 would be what the Company now calls (cost neutral).

The last GWI of 2.25 kicks in at the start of the 2028 talks. We all know what that will be used for, don’t we.

The projected new 7,500 jobs will be only driving positions, guessing feeders.

The current 22.2 and 22.3 positions are protected by numbers only, once a vacancy exists through retirement or termination the Company has the right to move and change the start times to whatever they want, the 22.2’s maybe locked in because of their classification and seniority. Really not too many of them anymore the ones that are still active will be gone probably at the beginning of 2024.

The Company will make these inside full time positions more physically demanding to prevent any left over high seniority part timers from bidding on them. They are hoping to fill these coming vacancies and the 7,500 new driving positions with off the street hiring. Starting rates for a new hire full time didn’t go up much, they will all have to go through that standard (4 year) progression.

Those 7,500 newly created full time driving positions will start on the third year of the Contract, those positions will see a .75 and a 1.00 GWI until 1 August 2028 that is when the 2.25 kicks in. At least they get GWI’s and any COLAs while they are progression. Safe to say that most of these 7,500 members will be looking at that attractive 2.24 GWI and will be inclined to vote yes in the 2028 Contract, in fact most of our membership will see that carrot on a stick at the start of the next Contract and will vote accordingly.

I am not sure about the language about hourly increases in the Teamsters’s Monetary Contribution Plans like the Western, or even the IBT/UPS Defined Pension Plan. Article 34 needs more explanation, also everyone in the know will be looking at the supplemental and riders which will be voted separately. Unfortunately we are going to heard the (sheep) start bleeping “ we’re
Is my (retro) check, I deserve it” crap, and start blaming other members for their selfish hold outs. Just wait it is a coming.

All of those 30k jobs you're talking about are 22.3 jobs. They're specifically noted and discussed under article 22 section 3. The 7,500 specifically are to be made by combining two PT jobs.
The union sold out existing part timers for the more money in union dues from starting employees. Old rate of 15.50 at 2.5x per month meant union dues of $38.75. Now it is $21 x 2.5 or $52.50 a month. That is what this was all about.

PT'ers in yrs 1-4 will make the same as a new hire off the street.
PT'ers with 9.99 yrs will make $1.55 more than a new hire off the street having started at $8.50 in 2013 and then in 2018 the same employee under Hoffa's greatest contract ever made $1.45 more than a new hire then.

Anyone okay with that when those same part timers did not get equal pay for equal work for those up to 9.99 years doesn't realize what the company has done with this contract.

They've broken the union in those PT'ers eyes. Not talking FT'ers--just PT'ers. They've created animosity towards the Teamsters....and just like the 22.4's from before it's going to fester and get worse.
Not to worry, whomever youre talking to is expendable. Get mad, leave, we're all replaceable. Someone will fill those shoes, and when that pissed off 9.99 year PTer gets a 22.3 job because "sOmE PeOpLe CaN't dRiVe" they'll be back to happy.


Well-Known Member
Carol's divide and conquer strategy is all going according to plan.
It's the union's fault for playing into it with the PT contract that rewarded the "unborn" people that will be hired Aug 1st and beyond at the expense of the 4-9.99 year crowd.

But I guarantee that my production level will fall (I am doing the best I can while following the methods I have been taught will be my canned response to everything) and so will my attendance record (call me on it and well go through everyone else's attendance with their discipline record) with this :bsbullf: dumpster fire of a contract.

I just wish SOB showed up at my building so I could call him Hoffa Jr to his face....and as soon as my state goes RTW I will be filling out a goodbye card to the Teamsters.


Never bought my own handtruck
It's the union's fault for playing into it with the PT contract that rewarded the "unborn" people that will be hired Aug 1st and beyond at the expense of the 4-9.99 year crowd.

But I guarantee that my production level will fall (I am doing the best I can while following the methods I have been taught will be my canned response to everything) and so will my attendance record (call me on it and well go through everyone else's attendance with their discipline record) with this :bsbullf: dumpster fire of a contract.

I just wish SOB showed up at my building so I could call him Hoffa Jr to his face....and as soon as my state goes RTW I will be filling out a goodbye card to the Teamsters.
You must’ve gotten a lot of trophies when you were young. You’re ability to handle adversity is commendable.