Planned Day???




Easy, you file when you have an 8 hour request and the company does not get you off the clock 8 hours plus unpaid breaks later.

You do have to notify them in a timely manner if you are not going to get done in time.

In my centers I have the drivers make first contact with management at 1pm if they think there may be problems and go from there depending on the situation.

Same with 9.5 violations.

If you work over 9.5 hours past your start time plus unpaid breaks three days in a five day period and you have notified management that you do not want to do this and they do not honor your notification and contract, you file.

That said, the company has a right to hold the driver accountable that he/she is not "dogging" them to create either violation or abuse these contractual rights and that is where it gets grey for most drivers.

However, if you are consistent and work at a demonstrated work pace (you have that apparently on paper) and they still violate you you have a good case.


ups better get their act together or they will be belly up the way they treat their drivers and customers. how many more pkgs are not being delivered due to these crappy dispatches. lots and lots. ups is clearly doing DISHONEST dispatches and has lost the respect of many people. its really to bad.


I understand your pain.
We have an onroad tht has upped everyones SPH on paper very slowly for the last several years and now the roof has fallen in here.
We finally have a new center manager that is trying to get a handle on the over dispatch problem. The scream fests here on the belt are unbelievable.
The problem is the op report showing an under dispatched day beacause of the sup that (on paper only)can not back back up his claims.
It does not seem to matter that you run consistently over the same amount every day and that the cover drivers can not come close-they are even worse on the overallowed.
If you had a run that planned at 100 stops four years ago, he would up your SPH on paper and now you go out with 140.
We are a rural center, and this has now come back to bite.
As an example, my old run was at 12.5 SPH when I bid it. It is now at 17.6 SPH with nothing to back that on paper from performance rides for the four year period. I bid off of that run this time around.
Five extra stops an hour times 8 hours equaled total doom for the day.
Of course, the on road is not held accountable for this mess that was created. When questioned in front of the steward , he simply replied that he could do whatever he wants and he smiled.
The center manager has told me that no time studies will be done here because PAS implementation in our district has all of the teams tied up elsewhere.
Therefore, it seems that UPS will not fix a known problem again that adversly affects their operations.

Atlanta, where are you???????

(Message edited by wornoutupser on July 10, 2005)


According to my direct sup he has no control over the situation, all the increased stops come from upper level management. I trust him and believe it to be true. So what gives then, Atlanta is trying to find the breaking point? I know numbers (profit) drives everything. But at what cost? Missed pieces, yes. When do I have time to talk to customers about using UPS? I am out there as the face of UPS. Which to most people I see is that Brown guy who runs like a chicken with his head cut off. The technology is great but UPS cant expect to get its money back within 6 months. I feel like UPS is telling me to do contradicting things. Dont miss stops or pickups, work safe, dont run, secure vehicle, take your lunch, run 24 stops per hour, use dr bags, fill out info notice, presort, dont back, etc. Something has to give with the amount of work on the car. The job is good, but I feel they are not being honest to us. And I fear how much more they will add on a whim.


As I have no control over how long it takes me to work my day. It comes from my OTHER brain.


I knew I was doomed and had given in to the rediculous dispatches when last Friday my wife called and asked if I would be late.

My reply: "No, not bad. I should be home by 7:30."

I used to be able to get home by five or even 4:30 if I really pushed it and sacrificed my breaks. That was back when my kids were playing ball after school and I was a bit younger and more motivated. But now, even when I do have to get to something, with an 8 hour dispatch, I can seldom get home before 7. It's even worse in the winter when its dark at 5 and I have 30 stops to go.

But I'll take the money. Those Disney vacations are expensive!


We are seeing the same here...
Generally I'll run 92-110 stops. +40 4-6pm pickups (about 300 Del and 100 PU)
Back in by 6 If I'm good, but if I come in
at 6, I get more work. thats fine. Its usually not much(yet) Ok I shouldn't say this is bad, but I'm one of the first drivers in, others are still coming in after dark...

One day I started at 6pm(covering to help out)
they say you'll get like 30-40 stops. hey no
problem thats about 2 hours work, its 2 resi
areas, and spread out with a 30 mile jaunt into

I turn around and have 60 stops spread over 3
resi areas. Start delivering around 6:40. even if
I could pull 10SPORH, thats still 6 hours.. I
ended up coming back with 22 packages or so at
10pm ish. low SPORH due to widespread resi's and 3 areas.

I should mention I was sent out to areas I've
never been in, so when dark came... I couldn't
make heads or tails of where I was. Not to mention
freaking customers out, when I walk up on the
deck, and then I hear the wife or husband on the
couch say "honey did you hear something outside"

I called the sup... none were in the building..
so I came back. got a little grief but then when I
explained that I had over 60 stops dropped on me
at 6pm, they sorta understood.

I will say that they are trying, Its like
experiment after experiment, but they are trying
they are manipulating routes, and working on figuring the mess out.

I might vent, but I still love the job,
management is even getting friendlier(can it be?)
I can also see their stress caused by regional/district management demands.

Happy employees = productive employees
Rested employees = fast working employees

Unhappy employees = unproductive employees
Overworked employees = dangerous employees(injury/accident prone)

But as been said to me in the past;
"if it makes sense... UPS will never do it"

(Message edited by fredly00 on July 10, 2005)


We were asked to sign a letter that gave up 1/2 our one hour lunch break. The whole center signed it. Not one person stood up to managemant. WHY? Because they were all scared. NO Union to give us advise. NO Union to back us up. Our shop stewart was the first in line to sign the letter. Dont get me wrong, I'm proud to be a Teamster and I'm sure most of you have strong Locals but here at the Visalia (Ca) Center you might as well call us a Non-Union center. We've been Non-Union in Visalia for so long most all of our employees believe this is how a Union should run. I've joined T.D.U. Just to get some advise from a real union. If anyone out there has any advise for us let me know.}


Put as much or as little in the truck, I don't care. I listen to books on tape while I work so if there is more work I listen to another book and make more money while I do it.

Standards aren't real so I never look at the numbers. I give them a fair days work for a fair days pay and enjoy myself while I do it.

If I am overdispatched it is their problem, not mine. I notify them and have them decide what to do.



You know guys/gals-I try to understand...Really do..but how many people have a 9 to 5 job anymore. Yeah, everybody knows the UPS driver is a hard working man/woman. So is my husband who goes in at 7 gets off work at 7:30 for a salary (NO OVERTIME PAY)and is glad to have a job. Please educate me - considering where this world is - Iraq war, Terrorism, fuel prices, etc. has it ever dawned on those of you who insist on complaining that as my mother put it to me , 'ain't nothin' so bad, it couldn't be worse'. I say dig in - DHL and FedEx are only making it tougher on us as a company Union and Non Union alike. I've seen the DHL and FedEx drivers out working late hours too. I wonder if they're complaining about having so much of our work...


The planned day is out the window here. They don't want anyone underloaded. 9.5 is out the window also. Just as long as no one is an underload.


Everyone has quit our safety team here. UPS couldnt care less. Put your guys out there with a 10.0 day just to plan 8.0 on paper. What a joke.


Everyone here too...4 9.5 grievs in a row...I think they will use them as wallpaper for the office...They are pretty ineffective...and severa lpeople hurt on the job so even fewer drivers to spread the work out to...Comp cases slowly increasing...
Worst part is, my small children have become indifferent to me...Its like they don't really know their father anymore...


Every night my daughter prays that I wont have to work late, and then I do. I just tell her that my boss is really one of Satans demons.


Could you get your hands on one of those letters by any chance? The company has to give you a copy of any thing they have you sign. If you can contact me privatly and I will see if I can give you some assistance.



Yes we all know that there is competition. What we are saying is that when you are overloaded and missing pkgs the only loser is UPS. I just got home from my 3rd straight 10hr plus day with missed pkgs. Now when the customer asks me why it was missed what should I tell them. We have the drivers 3 were scheduled off today and were allowed to go home. No, I'm not a slacker I average 19-21 sporh, but 110 bus del with 55 p/u's by 530 is too much. I skip my meal and 05 and still I have missed pkgs. What is corporate thinking? My paperwork will be filed tomorrow for excessive ot. Then when I go past 950 it will be double time, but this doesn't hurt anyone but you and your families. At some point money is not the motivating factor. Some one posted earlier that a tired worker is an unproductive worker and that the chances of injury go up with fatigue. We have had the hottest days of the year and the chsp talks about hydration and protecting your body. The company doesn't seem to care about its employeees unless we can squeeze another stop out. This is what brown can do for you.


mary smith how many 95 degee days have u spent in a brown oven for 10 hrs, I cant help it your husband is in stupervision thats a choice he made


gadistrict......If center mgr's are just order takers from the district level, then why don't we just eliminate the position. UPS would save millions of dollars and the district level mgr's could just give their orders to the on-road sups. Why have a center mgr. if he can't make his own dispatch decisions. This would be a better company if the ( higher ups ) would trust the center teams to run their own show. Sounds simple, but those days are history. What a shame.


You know Mary-I try to understand...Really do..but how many supervision spouses really have a clue (or any true empathy) about a driver's life.

If you don't think DHL and FedEx drivers complain you are terribly naive.

And I do not follow what you consider the connection is between manufacturered tragedies around the world and working drivers into the night while dishonestly lying to them with false "numbers".

If your man is an on road supervisor he either "helps" the driver when he feels like it or just "tags along" doling out criticism and condescension at his leisure. (it is far easier to critize than praise which is why the supes do that far more often despite the 4:1 policy).

Hardly the equivalent to the driver who is out there hoofing it day in and night out every day.

If they are not an on road supervisor they slave over a air conditioned desk with a computer screen in their face and a phone in their ear.

Either way, your man's salary is more than drivers make with overtime and that doesn't even factor in stock bonuses and a financially secure pension.

And your man can comfortably physically do that until he is 65, not so for the drivers.