Planned Parenthood


Inordinately Right
Oh but I have plenty of doctors and other experts on my side. No matter how many times you click the "disagree" or "derail" buttons (yes, I'm on to you and I enjoyed playing your game for a few minutes) you can't change the facts. Just suck it up and admit that you were proven wrong. Humility is more impressive than stubbornness.
Plenty of Christians believe the morning after pill is abortion.
They are entitled to that opinion, and you are entitled to yours.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Plenty of Christians believe the morning after pill is abortion.
They are entitled to that opinion, and you are entitled to yours.
You are correct that people are entitled to their opinions. But the morning after pill not being an abortion pill is a concrete fact supported and explained by medical science. Not opinions. Just suck it up and move on. Or you can continue to pretend you know more about the subject than doctors and other medical experts.


Well-Known Member
You're not serious, are you? Anal sex is 100% foolproof, there is no point at which the rectal cavity connects to the vaginal cavity. also, oral sex is 100% foolproof. if the semen travels down the throat, and egg cannot be fertilized.

Did you not pay attention in sexual education class??

Please, continue.


Inordinately Right
Not quite. They are arguing that a women COULD become pregnant via a breakthrough ovulation and that the chemicals are subsequently aborting the babies.
Not quite. They're arguing that life begins at conception and chemical interference with the implantation of a fertilized egg is abortion. The same thing happens with the morning after pill.... If only they had you to educate them about how wrong they are lol.


Inordinately Right
so how does this deal with the real life happening of the USA, people get distracted so easily...
Good point. I wonder why conservatives have decided to make this an issue.
The burgeoning controversy over Planned Parenthood's fetal-tissue practices may have claimed its first victim: a bipartisan bill to help wounded veterans have children.

The Women Veterans and Families Health Services Act, a bill authored by Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) that would require fertility treatment and counseling for "severely wounded, ill, or injured" military members or veterans, had been expected to proceed through the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee on Wednesday. But Murray said she has asked that the bill be pulled thanks to proposed amendments from Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) -- including one that would have, in Tillis's words, prevented the Department of Veterans Affairs from working with "organizations that take human aborted babies' organs and sell them."

"Republicans are trying to use this latest issue as just one more opportunity to roll back the clock and take away women’s health-care options," she said. "We can have that fight. We’ve had it many times before. But don’t pull veterans into the middle of it. Don’t take something that should be above politics, our sacred duty to our veterans, pull it down into the muck of petty politics. It is not fair to veterans and their families who have been hoping and praying for the opportunity to have children."


Inordinately Right
Researchers say they have developed a new technique that will get more kidneys to people who need transplants, but the method is sure to be controversial: The research shows that it is feasible to remove a kidney from an aborted human fetus, and implant the organ into a rat, where the kidney can grow to a larger size.

It's possible that further work could find a way to grow kidneys large enough that they could be transplanted into a person, the researchers said, although much more research is needed to determine whether this could be done.

"Our long-term goal is to grow human organs in animals, to end the human donor shortage," said study co-author Eugene Gu


golden ticket member
"Our long-term goal is to grow human organs in animals, to end the human donor shortage," said study co-author Eugene Gu (dido)

The PETA folks will cry foul!!!


golden ticket member
