Retirement Diet


I have seen several comments about gaining weight in retirement , getting the gut , etc. Staying in shape was no problem while working for sure , but going from 100 mph to 0 overnight has its disadvantages .
I have been out 8 years now and have always laughed at diets and the latest fads about how to loose weight , etc.
I have always exercised , biked , walked , swam , but always stayed at the same weight , gaining a pound or two over the years.
My wife has always "watched " her weight . She weighs 8 pounds more than she did when we got married 38 years ago , she is at 130 lbs. Her secret.. vegetarian .
I have always ate whatever I wanted , when I wanted , till my belly was full .
I decided to try her hippie diet 2 months ago . I weighed 227 when I started this and morning I am at 207. 20 lbs in 2 months. I never did anything but change what I eat.
She says the loss will probably slow way down now to about a pound or so a month. My body is just now getting "flushed out".
I have to say , I feel good and have ate till I am full each time. I just haven't had any meat or dairy . Pretty wild .

How bout some pics of the


Happy Verified UPSer
Fasting not only helps with weight, but has other health benefits. If you want to put in a bunch of effort to plan meals, time your carb loading and work outs, go ahead. But if you want to simply lose weight/keep it off while enjoying the other health benefits without any effort whatsoever, try fasting from time to time.
i agree. have gone on several 3 day fasts. always feel so much better afterward. did a 8 day fast one time.

what it does for me is cut out the sugar cravings and it cleans out your system of toxins. food tastes so much better after also. the best thing is you crave good foods like salads and fruits.

when i was working , I fasted every Monday. it was easy plus like you said you could eat almost anything you wanted without gaining.


Well-Known Member
i agree. have gone on several 3 day fasts. always feel so much better afterward. did a 8 day fast one time.

what it does for me is cut out the sugar cravings and it cleans out your system of toxins. food tastes so much better after also. the best thing is you crave good foods like salads and fruits.

when i was working , I fasted every Monday. it was easy plus like you said you could eat almost anything you wanted without gaining.

You remind me of a former member (@menotyou) for whom I coined the following phrase-----"Anything you can do I can do better."

Why do you feel the need to "one up" everyone on this forum by claiming that you not only did what they did but did it much better than they had done it?


I'm a star
You remind me of a former member (@menotyou) for whom I coined the following phrase-----"Anything you can do I can do better."

Why do you feel the need to "one up" everyone on this forum by claiming that you not only did what they did but did it much better than they had done it?

I didn't take it that way. Seemed like she was just sharing her experience. I never really said how I fast, just gave general information. I haven't done anything long term, yet, but from what I've read, it gets much easier after the third day. I generally do an ongoing intermittent fast, 16/8 split. Then on some weekends I'll do a whole day. Going for 36 hours this weekend. My wife is too good a cook for me to make it more than a day most of the time.

FYI - If you like coffee or tea you can drink either straight without breaking your fast.

el blanco

when I was working, I didn't eat breakfast or lunch

seems so strange now to eat lunch

el blanco

You remind me of a former member (@menotyou) for whom I coined the following phrase-----"Anything you can do I can do better."

Why do you feel the need to "one up" everyone on this forum by claiming that you not only did what they did but did it much better than they had done it?

full of hate, keep sipping that posion

el blanco

You remind me of a former member (@menotyou) for whom I coined the following phrase-----"Anything you can do I can do better."

Why do you feel the need to "one up" everyone on this forum by claiming that you not only did what they did but did it much better than they had done it?

do you think you're hurting her
she doesn't even remember you
she isn't even here to defend herself

she is living rent-free inside your head, forever


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I know 2 people who fast 1 day each week and eat 2 meals a day instead of 3-5 like everyone else . They feel great and look good . I have done some other reading on fasting . Not only is there physical benefits but the mental - spiritual benefit is proven and goes way back.
I haven't went that route yet . The vegan diet has been really worked for me . I may figure out a way to work in some kind of fast down the road .