Strike authorization vote for 705


I voted yes today for the strike. Thank you 705red for posting the address here. It wasn't really given out well to us upsers(first timers). Do you know when the results will be posted here as you pointed out in your original post in this topic?

Sirapak you should have gotten the results when you voted yesterday. the union has had them for a couple of weeks now.:happy-very:


IL Palatine UPS Sorter
Sirapak you should have gotten the results when you voted yesterday. the union has had them for a couple of weeks now.:happy-very:

That is not possible Tieguy for I voted today lol. At 9: 30 am. The vote is for today.. so they can't have the results yet. You must be thinking of the other vote that went on. This is a different one from what your thinking.

Mike Hawk

Well-Known Member
Don't worry about Tieguy tooting his anti union horn trying to divide and conquer, he is just reading out of his management script book. He would be saying the same thing if 705/710 was holding up the master voting down a supplement instead of negotiating a separate agreement with a reluctant company. Oh that’s right reluctant company is just union propaganda, really the company is all over it, trying their best to get this issue resolved as soon as possible by making more meeting instead of canceling them. Oh wait never mind they are canceling instead of making more. What can you expect from DIAD master Scott, the guy that brought you DIAD 4, signature key where the customer grabs it and the shift key. He probably read the numbers report from the meetings, "yep the negations per hour are higher than expected, this guy needs a bonus he should have this contract wrapped up in no time".


Well-Known Member
That is not possible Tieguy for I voted today lol. At 9: 30 am. The vote is for today.. so they can't have the results yet. You must be thinking of the other vote that went on. This is a different one from what your thinking.

You may have voted today but the results were known weeks ago ! !


That is not possible Tieguy for I voted today lol. At 9: 30 am. The vote is for today.. so they can't have the results yet. You must be thinking of the other vote that went on. This is a different one from what your thinking.

Siri your union is following the same script they have always followed. Its all preordained.

After the union allegedly holds their strike vote and shows the company they are serious negotiations will suddenly pick up.

They run this fairy tale everytime we have these talks. I'm sorry you were victimized by this con game.


Don't worry about Tieguy tooting his anti union horn trying to divide and conquer, he is just reading out of his management script book. He would be saying the same thing if 705/710 was holding up the master voting down a supplement instead of negotiating a separate agreement with a reluctant company.[quote]

The true union brainwashees can not even think for theirselves. So here mike hawk borrows my words that I have been speaking when I talk about the union propaganda game because he can not come up with his own words. Its truly sad when you see the results of someone who was deep programmed by the union.

Mike Hawk

Well-Known Member
<Generic Tieguy post with the usual union goon/propaganda talking points>

Care to post a real answer rather than this management gibberish?
Why is management canceling meetings when the contract is nowhere close to being finished? Do they not see all the money they are going to lose?


Two minute Therapist
I really hope this has a fairy tale ending!!! You downplay the seriousness of the situation. Tie have you ever heard the line "be proactive instead of reactive" I wsh the company would practice what it preaches!
Why does it have to come to this? What an I supposed to tell customers when they ask me about this, lie? NO I will tell the truth! the company does not deal in good faith, we have to threaten to strike.
Siri your union is following the same script they have always followed. Its all preordained.

After the union allegedly holds their strike vote and shows the company they are serious negotiations will suddenly pick up.

They run this fairy tale everytime we have these talks. I'm sorry you were victimized by this con game.


Well-Known Member
The more PTers hired, the more initiation fees grabbed by the union. The more PTers who work for two months and leave, the more free money the Union has sucked out of their paycheck.

The Union doesn't really care too much for the fresh faced part-timers. Their bullseyes are on the people who have been inside for 2 years or more. It has been pretty evident for my 15 years in the company.

Unless you work in a Right to Work State and you WANT to join the union, you dont pay anything.
That is not possible Tieguy for I voted today lol. At 9: 30 am. The vote is for today.. so they can't have the results yet. You must be thinking of the other vote that went on. This is a different one from what your thinking.

Thanks for coming out Sira. As I understand it they were lined up around the bldg when it opened. There was a big crowd there when I arrived as well.
Pay no attention to Bloodybrown or Tie,they`re just lashing out because they feel threatened.
If anyone needs extras I have extra ballots for sale. After all this is the Chicago voting system. (yes I am kidding)


Tieguy and 705red, between the 2 of you there are over 8500 posts!!! Even on your days off your on here bitching about UPS or the union. Get a hobby, maybe then u 2 wouldnt be so angry all the time. Get out of the house.


Re: tie be afraid

be very afraid tie be very afraid big yes vote for the strike vote. So proud of my union brothers and sisters thanks to all my friends we will make you proud


I really hope this has a fairy tale ending!!! You downplay the seriousness of the situation. Tie have you ever heard the line "be proactive instead of reactive" I wsh the company would practice what it preaches!

have you ever read a fairy tale. You're union is writing one right now.

Why does it have to come to this? What an I supposed to tell customers when they ask me about this, lie? NO I will tell the truth! the company does not deal in good faith, we have to threaten to strike.

You should tell them you don't know and that you hope everything gets settled quickly. If you do tell them the last line above then you should also tell them you are too stupid to know when your union feeds you propaganda.

Tieguy and 705red, between the 2 of you there are over 8500 posts!!! Even on your days off your on here bitching about UPS or the union. Get a hobby, maybe then u 2 wouldnt be so angry all the time. Get out of the house.

Ladys and Gentleman, Dr. Phil is paying us a visit.:happy2:


Two minute Therapist
Calling people stupid when you have no idea who I am is pretty arrogant
! But coming from an idiot, it does not surprise me. Tie YOU do give the good management people a bad name, and I have met many, but you are like the plague! I take care of my customers like an extended family, why would I stab them in the back by not letting them know what Will affect their business. My customers need to eat, make money, they have families and obligations.
You should tell them you don't know and that you hope everything gets settled quickly. If you do tell them the last line above then you should also tell them you are too stupid to know when your union feeds you propaganda.


Well-Known Member
I really hope this has a fairy tale ending!!! You downplay the seriousness of the situation. Tie have you ever heard the line "be proactive instead of reactive" I wsh the company would practice what it preaches!
Why does it have to come to this? What an I supposed to tell customers when they ask me about this, lie? NO I will tell the truth! the company does not deal in good faith, we have to threaten to strike.

I have to ask, in '97, did you tell your customers that the union was not bargaining in good faith? I find it ironic that UPS is being accused of doing the same thing this time that the union did back than, refusing to come to the table with a comprehensive offer. Were they bargaining in good faith? Honestly, I do not believe so, but I could be wrong. Why is it that you are so sure you are correct, why do you believe you can read into the heart of the UPS negotiators? Who is really being arrogant here?

(just for clarification, if this is what the company is doing in Chicago, I am certainly not endorsing it. Just asking why it is you feel so sure of the truth in the line the union is spinning)


Well-Known Member
I was on the picket lines with my overnite brothers here in chicago, and there was no violence!

The state with the Windy City is not the only one by any means. There are another 49. Each one has it's own issues and problems.

Some of the worst Union Violence during the Overnite Unionization happened in the south. Memphis if my memory serves me correctly.

I challenge anybody here to watch the movie that I mentioned above, American Standoff. Both sides were in error and it was ugly. It makes you see both sides of the coin. It's a wake up for not only the rank and file, but also anybody with management aspirations.

If you can't take the time to see the movie, then you really don't have the time to post here. It's done by HBO, not Corporate America.

Nice management propaganda here, the company is passing the fuel charhes right on to the customers.

Anything that is said that challenges you is propaganda. Take a chance to relax, back away and think. I realize some people are stirring up the pot, but others are giving genuine feedback.

As for the Fuel Surcharges, you can pass them on, but until what point? UPS's warning on the 2nd Quarter was because of a volume shift from the more profitable Air to less profitable ground shipments. The Fuel may be passed on, but UPS can't make up for the difference in customer's switching services because of the high prices. This was clearly outlined in the earnings warning.

FedEx has said the same about their current economic situation.

If ups wanted us under the national comtract dont you think they would have asked? You sound like your high up there on the food chain in atlanta, you should have the answer to this.

Believe it or not, I don't believe the company is out there to make great changes to the contract. Has the local ever asked what supplements would be offered if they went on the National?

Also, I'm definitely NOT in Atlanta. I do think it's funny that anybody that tries to reason with you sounds like they are in upper-management and has to be at 55 Glenlake Parkway.

So take my challenge, watch the movie. Take a step back and think about everything.

My opinion about all of this is hang tight, both sides should be open and ready to collectively bargain. It's a two way street. Be careful how you approach it, what words you use to describe the process. If the local treats the Company folks in the highest regard (Not saying your not already) you come out looking like Saints. You also come out in a better position in the future.

Not only in how you approach the process, but the words, the metaphors that you use to describe the bargaining.

Be upbeat, positive that the company will meet your requests (not demands) and it will happen. Trash everybody, the company included, and it will come back at you.