Teamsters United = inexperienced and down right laughable.


Well-Known Member
I can't believe they have guys going from a local shop steward to an international Vice President
Over the years I have met or known some pretty smart shop stewards. Just because they might not have won any elections for whatever the reason should not disqualify them. At least you know that person knows the job well and is not out of touch with the members. Also wouldnt be burdened with having to make deals or compromises some would consider selling out. In a lot of cases a steward is more pure while the BA or officer has to be more balanced and nuanced.
Anyway what it seems Tim is putting together is a very diverse slate. Leaders from different crafts. Full timers as well as a Part timer running on his slate. Officers, BAs, trustees, even a shop steward. Leaders from every region of this country A slate very diversified racially that actually looks like our union membership. A slate of local leaders willing to stand up and take on an old, tired and entrenched "leadership". A slate that will listen to the rank and file and fight for justice and dignity and respect. A slate that will visit every barn and hub and center NOT EVERY GOLF COURSE!! A slate with a fire in their belly to stand up to UPS and willing to SAY NO to UPS and not DICTATE contracts on the members who pay their salaries!! I know we havent had that at the Intl level since the Carey days. But pendulums swing. And it certainly is time for a change!!


Well-Known Member
why are you worried about right to work? the answer is because of weak representation. when the members don't get what they pay for monthly they quit buying into it. there are other candidates besides Scott Walker so let's not lead the witness with that confined statement. I'll never vote for Hillary and it's a sad commentary on the Democratic Party to say that she is their leading candidate. pathetic.
We should all be worried about RTW.
I disagree with the weak representation comment. 8-1-15 package drivers will be making $34.49 and part-time employees making $32.80 in Ohio. You may not like the way things are going in your area but it isn't like that all over.

street walking cheetah

Well-Known Member
We should all be worried about RTW.
I disagree with the weak representation comment. 8-1-15 package drivers will be making $34.49 and part-time employees making $32.80 in Ohio. You may not like the way things are going in your area but it isn't like that all over.
Part timers don't make a set pay rate. The start at $10, go through a 'progression' then get contract raisies. Every part timer makes a different pay rate while doing the same work. That's a problem, as it was when I was a part timer too.

10 point

Well-Known Member
We should all be worried about RTW.
I disagree with the weak representation comment. 8-1-15 package drivers will be making $34.49 and part-time employees making $32.80 in Ohio. You may not like the way things are going in your area but it isn't like that all over.
I would hope it isn't that way everywhere.

I would bet you a big steak dinner that at least 50-75% of our local's ups members would go RTW if they had the opportunity today just to send a message.


Well-Known Member
Over the years I have met or known some pretty smart shop stewards. Just because they might not have won any elections for whatever the reason should not disqualify them. At least you know that person knows the job well and is not out of touch with the members. Also wouldnt be burdened with having to make deals or compromises some would consider selling out. In a lot of cases a steward is more pure while the BA or officer has to be more balanced and nuanced.
Anyway what it seems Tim is putting together is a very diverse slate. Leaders from different crafts. Full timers as well as a Part timer running on his slate. Officers, BAs, trustees, even a shop steward. Leaders from every region of this country A slate very diversified racially that actually looks like our union membership. A slate of local leaders willing to stand up and take on an old, tired and entrenched "leadership". A slate that will listen to the rank and file and fight for justice and dignity and respect. A slate that will visit every barn and hub and center NOT EVERY GOLF COURSE!! A slate with a fire in their belly to stand up to UPS and willing to SAY NO to UPS and not DICTATE contracts on the members who pay their salaries!! I know we havent had that at the Intl level since the Carey days. But pendulums swing. And it certainly is time for a change!!
One of my concerns is ups doesn't respect Tim S......when you see what happened in every other local this would have been an easy fix what led up to the firing of the original driver

street walking cheetah

Well-Known Member
One of my concerns is ups doesn't respect Tim S......when you see what happened in every other local this would have been an easy fix what led up to the firing of the original driver
The more likely scenario, is that in many other locals, ups does what led up to the firing of the original driver but the local doesn't fight back. Just speculation.


Well-Known Member
One of my concerns is ups doesn't respect Tim S......when you see what happened in every other local this would have been an easy fix what led up to the firing of the original driver
I disagree with you on this. The way I saw it I think UPS now respects Tim and with it our Local BECAUSE of how Tim handled the situation. It was because our local used alternative means to get results. Management didn't want to budge so Tim called on the media, local politicians and religious groups to put economic and political pressure on management to come to the table. This allowed for the deal which brought Jairo and the 250 back to work.
It was this muscular mobilization by Tim and his men that earned Tim that respect that you so doubt. And with that respect came the real feeling of fear that I'm sure UPS does not feel from Hoffa or Hall. UPS management might "respect" H2O too but only because they play nice and don't make waves. It is that type of muscular mobilization that needs to be brought to the Intl. Otherwise we continue to be slaves owned by UPS and overseen/governed by our own union.


Well-Known Member
I knew you would see it that way......but I heard tim's voice say he didn't want Liam there and wanted Liam to leave the members stranded.......I'm sure you saw the video and heard the audio..........but you claim Tim was behind the members 100% and was there working to bring ups to there knees.......I'm believe tim's voice not you typing spin

wide load

Starting wage is a waste of time.
