The Concept of a Pension Should be Offensive to People


Well-Known Member
I’ll keep that in mind while I keep cashing my $3200 a month pension checks I’ve been collecting for two years now since age 56 and not having to touch the few hundred thousand in my 401k.
Thank you for making my point. If we would have prioritized the 401k over the pension, you could have been cashing $15,000 a month instead of $3,200. I'm glad you've got what you've got, but your outcome is disastrously tragic compared to what it could have been.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for making my point. If we would have prioritized the 401k over the pension, you could have been cashing $15,000 a month instead of $3,200. I'm glad you've got what you've got, but your outcome is disastrously tragic compared to what it could have been.
How would I be cashing in $15,000 a month? First off I would have to work till I was 59 and a half before I could collect. I have money in my 401k that I saved and money coming from a pension where all I had to do was show up which I was going to do anyway. Let’s just say they did a match yet I didn’t or couldn’t put money into a 401k? Where would I be now? At the age I retired I’ll have collected over $115,000 dollars by the time I’m 59 from my pension alone.
Not to mention when the market tanks how much we all lose from our 401k money.


Well-Known Member
The heart of the message is this:
If you want to be average, and stay in debt, and live above your means, and not invest in your future, then the pension will be your consolation prize.
But if you prioritize your 401k, and your Roth IRA, and you brokerage account, you are going to have 10x more money in retirement.
DON'T wait passively for a pension and social security to be your safety blanket in retirement.
Be intentional. Be disciplined. Change your family tree. Leave multiple millions of dollars to your children and grandchildren!
The heart of the message is this:
If you want to be average, and stay in debt, and live above your means, and not invest in your future, then the pension will be your consolation prize.
But if you prioritize your 401k, and your Roth IRA, and you brokerage account, you are going to have 10x more money in retirement.
DON'T wait passively for a pension and social security to be your safety blanket in retirement.
Be intentional. Be disciplined. Change your family tree. Leave multiple millions of dollars to your children and grandchildren!
The secure act took care of leaving lots of money to Future generations
It falls in line with the sheeple mentality. Gotta dumb everything down for folks to follow lol


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
That's badass. I have a problem with longevity in my family. No men die before 90. Even my uncle died on his 90th birthday, but he made it. I can walk at 55, but an extra 5 years it makes a huge difference in my pension, I'll probably go to 60, but it's a lot easier in feeder.
Just keep moving ,,, long term in feeders can also beat you down ,,, upside down lifestyle and the continues bouncing and climbing in and out will do a job on you


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
The heart of the message is this:
If you want to be average, and stay in debt, and live above your means, and not invest in your future, then the pension will be your consolation prize.
But if you prioritize your 401k, and your Roth IRA, and you brokerage account, you are going to have 10x more money in retirement.
DON'T wait passively for a pension and social security to be your safety blanket in retirement.
Be intentional. Be disciplined. Change your family tree. Leave multiple millions of dollars to your children and grandchildren!
I was intentional. I was a disciplined spender and borrower. The tree hasn't changed.
Passively is not how I waited for my pension or my SS, but with much anticipation. I had great plans for it. To spend it.
I am intentionally spending all of my pension and SS now in an undisciplined way.

JOB..Just Over Broke.
I try to stay that way even though I have no job. No pressure.


60 months and counting
In the last dream I returned to the bldg. and realized 30 stops were still under the shelves.

Always stressed out situations. It’s PTSD.
Wonder if we could get it documented by doctors or psychologists and be able to go out on leave because of it. I assume some stress is good in life and family/job but when we all are having nightmares about brown something is seriously going on that isn’t ok.


60 months and counting
I plan on collecting SS at 62 for sure. Likely still won’t need to tap the 401k even at that point.
Have you looked at all the age options??? My financial dude is hell bent on Mrs cold and myself taking SS out at 70.5….i don’t get that mentality since SS isn’t the only thing I will be living on so I don’t have to maximize it.