Thoughts of your local...


My Senior Picture
Funny how Locals turned down joining the Western Region & Local 177 Health Care Plan to vote NO and chase the dream of staying in the company plan.

I'm in the Central Region and don't recall being presented with any other opportunities.
Instead we were misinformed, lied to and sold a bill of goods.
It was quite a production.

Seriously out of curiosity, did you ever think the NO vote was a political power play that gambled with your healthcare?

A political power play by who?
Most Local's including mine were "neutral" or in favor of the contract offers.
The Vote No movement was a grass roots movement that was born and perpetuated in the realms of social media and boots on the ground.
Informed members with an inkling of intelligence saw accepting any concessions from a company recording record profits in a down economy as ludicrous.

It was obvious with the taxation of employers due to Obama Care's Cadillac tax and the cost per participant exceeding the $6,250 maximum (meaning UPS could renegotiate the health care plan at contract time) that there was no way in hell UPS was going to let us stay in the company plan.

That provision in the ACA has been changed and pushed back many times over.
Hell, some say we the employees may soon be taxed?
Under previous contracts UPS could have renegotiated the plan at any time.
In the Central Region, the Teamsters could strike if they tried.
Again, how can UPS a company recording record profits, justify not continuing to fund their healthcare plan?

In the end, it was just a smokescreen designed to let the Teamsters prop up their multi-employer healthcare funds on the backs of UPSer's.
They rebranded it as TeamCare, but in the end it's still Central States, a name now synonymous with failure.
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Well-Known Member
I'm in the Central Region and don't recall being presented with any other opportunities.
Instead we were misinformed, lied to and sold a bill of goods.
It was quite a production.
So you listened to people from a grass roots movement (A.K.A. TDU) that was born and perpetuated in the realms of social media and boots on the ground?

A political power play by who?
Most Local's including mine were "neutral" or in favor of the contract offers.
The Vote No movement was a grass roots movement that was born and perpetuated in the realms of social media and boots on the ground.
Informed members with an inkling of intelligence saw accepting any concessions from a company recording record profits in a down economy as ludicrous.

Informed members in the company plan would know about the average cost per participant on page 87 in the Summary Plan Description and how there was no way we would stay in the company plan.

That provision in the ACA has been changed and pushed back many times over.
Hell, some say we the employees may soon be taxed?
Under previous contracts UPS could have renegotiated the plan at any time.
In the Central Region, the Teamsters could strike if they tried.
Again, how can UPS a company recording record profits, justify not continuing to fund their healthcare plan?

In the end, it was just a smokescreen designed to let the Teamsters prop up their multi-employer healthcare funds on the backs of UPSer's.
They rebranded it as TeamCare, but in the end it's still Central States, a name now synonymous with failure.
The ACA is constantly changing and ambiguous no doubt about that but it had UPS really scared so they wanted out of the health care. Regardless of record profits or not contractually you could not make UPS keep offering the company plan. They were contractually locked into retiree's paying $50.00 dollars a month for family health care for years and finally had their out when we hit the average cost per participant. Thus you had to get in a Taft Hartley. The West knew this and were prepared..... So in a short time the made the Western Region and Local 177 Health Care Plan and did a pretty good job. Sorry your in Teamcare.
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My Senior Picture
So you listened to people from a grass roots movement (A.K.A. TDU) that was born and perpetuated in the realms of social media and boots on the ground?

I went to meetings at my local and actually read the contract offer.
Not a member of TDU and the whole Vote NO thing started slow and picked up momentum as the half truths and lies were exposed, mostly on Facebook.

Informed members in the company plan would know about the average cost per participant on page 87 in the Summary Plan Description and how there was no way we would stay in the company plan.

So, that cost is reduced by moving me to the union plan?
If so, at what cost to me?

The ACA is constantly changing and ambiguous no doubt about that but it had UPS really scared so they wanted out of the health care. Regardless of record profits or not contractually you could not make UPS keep offering the company plan. Thus you had to get in a Taft Hartley.

UPS always wants something, as they did in '97.
If this is something that the company wanted, rather than the union, how do you explain the other concessions?

The key word was leaked by Hoffa early on, UNSUSTAINABLE and it was confirmed in the final year of the agreement in the form of an annual deductible.
We fear it will be the tip of the iceberg.
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10 point

Well-Known Member
So you listened to people from a grass roots movement (A.K.A. TDU) that was born and perpetuated in the realms of social media and boots on the ground?

Informed members in the company plan would know about the average cost per participant on page 87 in the Summary Plan Description and how there was no way we would stay in the company plan.

The ACA is constantly changing and ambiguous no doubt about that but it had UPS really scared so they wanted out of the health care. Regardless of record profits or not contractually you could not make UPS keep offering the company plan. They were contractually locked into retiree's paying $50.00 dollars a month for family health care for years and finally had their out when we hit the average cost per participant. Thus you had to get in a Taft Hartley. The West knew this and were prepared..... So in a short time the made the Western Region and Local 177 Health Care Plan and did a pretty good job. Sorry your in Teamcare.
Did I miss something referring to retirees family plan costing $50/mo?
Ours paid at least $200/mo ... But I'm not there yet so it may have been more.

We had hoped for a mou.
All we could do was try.
Like local 89 it would have been forced upon us anyway.
We didn't like the mmi clause that was added; "service, methods, and safety" added to 17i; lack of protection from technology and most of the locals that voted No heavily (here in Ohio) may have had issues with their BAs or officials (from what I can see) and that didn't help matters.
The C6 plan (offered at first) was FAR from "mirroring" our existing plan. We had no idea Ohio locals were already in that plan.

It seemed that we were negotiating with the union instead of the company on so many issues. Some members being called "over paid cry babies" (or something similar) by a BA really helped boost confidence in leaders.
Maybe we're not informed as we should be (locally) or maybe the info is suspect do to the source but there were a lot of issues in this CBA and it wasn't all about healthcare when 18 supplements and riders failed in round 1.

In round 2 I think it (the Central) only passed by around 3,000 votes if I remember correctly.

I think that in itself shows a lack of trust in leadership (local and international) and a lack of in depth communication prior to July 31.
That's just my opinion from what I saw and experienced for what it's worth.
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10 point

Well-Known Member
PS/ UPS is not out of providing healthcare and if the union officials wanted a positive reaction on the first vote there should have been ALOT more conversations about the future of our healthcare plan(s) than we got prior to July 31st.


Well-Known Member
I went to meetings at my local and actually read the contract offer.
Not a member of TDU and the whole Vote NO thing started slow and picked up momentum as the half truths and lies were exposed, mostly on Facebook.
Seriously? Half truth and lies exposed? The vote NO page on Facebook was hilarious.... One truth to 50
misconstrued and exaggerated posts. Maybe a handful of people actually got the regions part of it.

Ron Carey lives on

Well-Known Member
" what do you think about your local" this question really aggrivates me. Your are your your local. Your centers, your shop, if your are not happy with the leadership, throw your hat in the ring, during election time.

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My Senior Picture
Seriously? Half truth and lies exposed? The vote NO page on Facebook was hilarious.... One truth to 50
misconstrued and exaggerated posts. Maybe a handful of people actually got the regions part of it.
Like any "source", you have to consider all aspects of the source.
There were many Facebook group, aside from the Vote NO group.
This site and post is no exception.

1 in 50, really?
I try to form my opinions by listening to multiple sources and I smelled a rat from jump when these "negotiations" were being revealed, drop by drop.
As I stated earlier I also actually read it myself, over and over.
Now that I'm living it, I'm really not feeling any better.


Well-Known Member
Thoughts on my local are easy...
Weak... Company friendly!
Hoffa's blind mice!! LIARS !!
Throws grievances out!!
Makes plenty of extra contract agreements to benefit almighty brown!

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Even PT jr when asked to come in early to do set up refuses because "I don't end up getting paid for it and just work for free."

My reasoning is always that + I don't want to potentially get seriously injured off the clock. Which could happen doing anything. So my sups don't bother asking anymore. :-)


Got the T-Shirt
Don't play BUG's stupid game, he knows what happened.

It's not a game to ask questions, and try to understand someones perspective.

As far as what happened.... same old thing, the members don't care enough to vote.

If nothing else is accomplished at the National Convention next summer, Art XII Sec VI must be deleted from the IBT Constitution.

I'm sure that a tdu'er will propose an amendment, and the delegates will vote it down.

He just likes playing games.

Discussing issues on a web forum, is not like talking to people in person.

He does post some good stuff. But can't be trusted.

Kind of a double edge sword.... eh ? :biggrin:

How many times has Cheryl warned him ?

Twice, that I can recall.... for posting "some" peoples pictures.

Not always...If half of the DRIVE designated money is coming back to the local, the local has requested (wisely) to be a "rebate" local. Not a lot of locals know about that process, as DRIVE prefers to keep and distribute all the dollars as they determine need.

My Local is very active, politically. Especially.... locally.

The observation was more in reference to that. But, thanks for the assist.


Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
My local (480) is great. So great they consider themselves the "Premier Local in the South." That was their words at one of the last meetings I went to. I have to say I agree with them. They are awesome...... IF you work in the hub. For extended centers not so great.

Sure, they are USUALLY pretty quick to respond to missed calls and handle MOST of our grievances like they should. But the same definitely can't be said about grievances concerning feeder work. Their representation in that regard is lacking to say the least. Extended centers in my local have to go against the company. AND the local when fighting for what should be our feeder work. The disparity is sickening.

I could also do without the local letting local politicians come in and spew their lies and propaganda during elections. When I'm at a union meeting I want us using that time dealing with our local union issues. Not outside politics no matter how much they might affect unions. Not all of us will vote for candidates just because they are supposedly pro union. What If the rest of their agendas are bad for our community/state/country?

That's all I guess.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure that a tdu'er will propose an amendment, and the delegates will vote it down.


Hey bug are you saying what the 3 blind mice did was right???