trump 2016

Brown echo

If u are not alive than for sure truth is not real
Please feel free to answer this question:
If the Congress can change the Federal Reserve at any time why don't they?


Well-Known Member
If you wanted a name, you should have come to me.

Bull Connor, Democrat Commissioner of Public Safety for the city of Birmingham, Alabama.

He ordered the fire hoses and authorized the use of police dogs to put down the demonstrations.

He was also a known associate of the local KKK chapter.

You see, the Democrats and the KKK are very close.

Both loved slavery.

Both fought against civil rights.

Both love to keep the african americans down.
Were any of those 2 in the video? My question pertained to the video that you claimed to have racist democrats. Now do you think you can answer the question or deflect as usual?
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Engorged Member
Were any of those 2 in the video? My question pertained to the video that you claimed to have racist democrats. Now do you think you can answer the question or deflect as usual?

Please note that they usually refer to Democrats from the distant past or cherry-pick the bad people who just happen to be Democrats. Ted Bundy was a Republican, so does that mean all GOP types are deviant murderers?


Well-Known Member
Please note that they usually refer to Democrats from the distant past or cherry-pick the bad people who just happen to be Democrats. Ted Bundy was a Republican, so does that mean all GOP types are deviant murderers?
What? That's all TOS ever does.


Well-Known Member
Please note that they usually refer to Democrats from the distant past or cherry-pick the bad people who just happen to be Democrats. Ted Bundy was a Republican, so does that mean all GOP types are deviant murderers?
Newfie has a reading comprehension problem and short attention span. Probably ADHD. He is like rainman repeating the same line over and over again.


Engorged Member
Newfie has a reading comprehension problem and short attention span. Probably ADHD. He is like rainman repeating the same line over and over again.

I agree. It was cold today, therefore global warming doesn't exist. LBJ used the N-word, therefore all Democrats are racists.

I think I've got it.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Were any of those 2 in the video? My question pertained to the video that you claimed to have racist democrats. Now do you think you can answer the question or deflect as usual?
I only mentioned Bull Conner, and yes he is in there.

Any other questions I can answer for you, since you seem clueless.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Please note that they usually refer to Democrats from the distant past or cherry-pick the bad people who just happen to be Democrats. Ted Bundy was a Republican, so does that mean all GOP types are deviant murderers?
Distant past?

Current Democrats hate African Americans so much, they do everything in their power to keep them dependent on the Federal Government.

More like current Democrats, past Democrats and future Democrats.

All racist bastards.



Well-Known Member
Despite all of the criticism of the Fed most economists liberal and conservative agree, if the Fed did not act in 2008-09 today the banks would be nationalized and unemployment would be 25%.

Brown echo

If u are not alive than for sure truth is not real
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Engorged Member
Distant past?

Current Democrats hate African Americans so much, they do everything in their power to keep them dependent on the Federal Government.

More like current Democrats, past Democrats and future Democrats.

All racist bastards.

So, what is The Donald's plan for getting those pesky Negroes off the government dole? Send them to Trump U so they can all be successful entrepreneurs? Provide them with high-paying jobs we are going to take back from China, Mexico, and India? Please tell me how we'll "take back" employment largely outsourced and off-shored by GOP types?

The plan is that there is no plan, just hyperbole and one sentence catch phrases someone like you can glom onto, and paste in their scrapbook.

Yes, the GOP loves all minorities, as is evident by the way they cut social programs or any other attempts to lift them out of poverty.

You are one dumb dinosaur/dragon/space oddity.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
So, what is The Donald's plan for getting those pesky Negroes off the government dole? Send them to Trump U so they can all be successful entrepreneurs? Provide them with high-paying jobs we are going to take back from China, Mexico, and India? Please tell me how we'll "take back" employment largely outsourced and off-shored by GOP types?

The plan is that there is no plan, just hyperbole and one sentence catch phrases someone like you can glom onto, and paste in their scrapbook.

Yes, the GOP loves all minorities, as is evident by the way they cut social programs or any other attempts to lift them out of poverty.

You are one dumb dinosaur/dragon/space oddity.
I know his plan.

It's out there for everyone to see it.

You just have to look.

It's a great plan.