Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
2/3?? Let's be honest! You ran behind the part timers to get your vote to pass this contract! Full timers who voted overwhelmingly said no to this contract.


Well-Known Member
A 447 guy was telling me about how much there new pension credit was in there new pension fund! Ups doubled the mechanics pension accrual credit from 144.00 per year! To over 300.00 a year!!! That's great!! What they did loose! Is there early retirement and age 55!!! If they leave before 62 they get hit with Major penalties. So! We lost clearly lost in our past supplement, pension and the ability to believe our Executive board could ever protect the members future!!!!


Well-Known Member
Great job to all the locals out there still battling with there contracts! Please stay strong and use common sense! You don't have to sell something good! It's the crap that people have to sell you! It's not too often a great deal is staring you in your face! You have to earn that! DO NOT think that local 804 received best contract like our Executive Board PR groups write on here! Our members are afraid of the new supplement more than the national language!


Well-Known Member
DO NOT think that local 804 received best contract like our Executive Board PR groups write on here! Our members are afraid of the new supplement more than the national language!
The members of L804 voted in favor of the Supplement by over 63%. It would appear they're not so afraid of it.


Well-Known Member
No! They lied to the part timers!! This was the same contract that was turned down bye members!! Nothing was changed! Why didn't your PR group tell members they where raising age on the 25 years of service


Well-Known Member
No! They lied to the part timers!! This was the same contract that was turned down bye members!! Nothing was changed! Why didn't your PR group tell members they where raising age on the 25 years of service
PR group? Right. Local 804 voted in favor by 63%. Part timers don't vote in any numbers in any local (aside from L89, which is predominantly pt at UPS). The supplement was voted in by full timers. The Pension requirements were fully explained at the meetings. It's a good deal, your side lost. Go shopping.


Well-Known Member
Didn't really know there was a side in unions! You and others like yourself created such a thing!!! Always believed in new ideas! But what you and others like you preach! Has torn this local and others to pieces! I hope that's what you wanted to achieve!!!


Well-Known Member
Didn't really know there was a side in unions! You and others like yourself created such a thing!!! Always believed in new ideas! But what you and others like you preach! Has torn this local and others to pieces! I hope that's what you wanted to achieve!!!
You refer to "sides" in your previous post then you state you didn't know sides exist. You're a dandy alright...
Anyway pal yes there are sides in unions and your side, the side that supported the losers in the last two elections, can't face that reality so you keep making up BS to undermine your political enemies. Your attempt to achieve your failed agenda keeps me posting to expose your lies. This is easy as the facts and truth are on my "side".


Well-Known Member
Let's stay focus! You wanna attempt to change points which might be good for your rating and paycheck from the local! But we want to know Why you didn't tell members that we would lose 25 and out at 55? You claimed no transparency! We haven't heard a pension report in several months?? Why haven't you told us that you agreed with company to increase age


Well-Known Member
Let's stay focus! You wanna attempt to change points which might be good for your rating and paycheck from the local! But we want to know Why you didn't tell members that we would lose 25 and out at 55? You claimed no transparency! We haven't heard a pension report in several months?? Why haven't you told us that you agreed with company to increase age
Took my own advice and went shopping. Far more productive than trying to make sense of your false, illogical, and grammatically incoherent postings. But I can't resist the easy pickin'.

1) I don't work for L804 so no paycheck and not sure what "rating" you're talking about.
2) L804 didn't lose 25 and out at any age, in fact the benefit went up substantially and was further enhanced if the party is at least 55. That info is posted on L804's website. Have you read the posting? I didn't think so.
3) Claiming no transparency? Do you even know what the term means?
4) Pension Fund meetings are held quarterly so months routinely pass without updates.

No ghosts anywhere pal, except in your vivid imagination.


Well-Known Member
Looks like it's time to open up the agitator thread again go get them boys.

O Boy, balls maybe!!! Brains none. Our e board just set the stage for a hostile takeover (Hoffa / IBT ). This time UPS will do everything to bankrupt our local, and word going around upstairs is they will look to fire every driver that followed the ill advised advice from our e board.
O Boy, balls maybe!!! Brains none. Our e board just set the stage for a hostile takeover (Hoffa / IBT ). This time UPS will do everything to bankrupt our local, and word going around upstairs is they will look to fire every driver that followed the ill advised advice from our e board.
If they fire these guys.......Its time to strike....dont want to do it......but in jmho....Hoffa lost decades of gains...in one weak contract! How many guys and ladies...have to get walked out the door? For unjust reasons? This :censored2: has to stop now.......right friggin now! ............sorry...I just feel sold out!

Anonymous 12

Non active member
O Boy, balls maybe!!! Brains none. Our e board just set the stage for a hostile takeover (Hoffa / IBT ). This time UPS will do everything to bankrupt our local, and word going around upstairs is they will look to fire every driver that followed the ill advised advice from our e board.
I will bet ups sues the local and try's to bankrupt it. Another nice job by a local that affiliated with tdu.


Well-Known Member
Worse part of all is that the BA in that video is on the record complaining that he doesn't make enough money!... Would anyone like to make over 125k? Just promise that you won't do anything like that!!