Urine bottles in package cars.


Well-Known Member
You can take pictures of conditions which can be deemed unsafe. For example, a trailer dock completely blocked off with packages. Workers having to climb over the packages to get on and off the trailers. This situation would violate fire code as well. Pictures of the urine bottles probably should not have been made public. Rule of thumb is pictures must be taken only when necessary, remain in house and/or shared with union along with enforcement agencies.


Well-Known Member
Never use the restroom at a place that has no male employees. Like a women's clothing store. Learned this very early on. Plan better.


That’s Craptacular

The myth of women's bathrooms being cleaner is right up there with Bigfoot and Area51 aliens.
I'll admit you drivers have more experience in the area of public bathrooms than I do. The only ones I've seen that were downright disgusting lately was the Walmart ladies room. I've seen cleaner NYC subway bathrooms..and homeless people sleep in those.
I'll admit you drivers have more experience in the area of public bathrooms than I do. The only ones I've seen that were downright disgusting lately was the Walmart ladies room. I've seen cleaner NYC subway bathrooms..and homeless people sleep in those.

I see it where I work. I've fed barn animals in cleaner areas.


That’s Craptacular
What's a woman's excuse then?
Honestly...many women (not all, this is a broad generaliztion) are convinced that sitting on public toilet seats is gross, unhealthy...etc. So, they attempt to squat and end up getting it all over the toilet seat. Heaven forbid they should clean up after themselves. As far as why the TP in the dispensers in ladies restrooms tend to look like they've been attacked by rabid wolverines?? I don't know...lol.

And you men would be shocked by the # of women who don't wash their hands after using the bathroom....ughhh.