Visitors in the building


Well-Known Member
I have worked in the hub for a few years now. Sometimes we get visitors and the volume just drops. Like every normal day we work near non-stop. Visitors come and for some reason there are no trailers to unload.

Sometimes its customers, and the volume drops a little. But sometimes its people I have seen a few times and the volume is near a dead stop. Once they leave its full speed ahead. Who are these people in general? Is it corporate? Do they just not want them to see packages spilling off the belts? Or packages crushed on belts and slides? Or people climbing over hills of packages because there is so much volume no one has had time to load it for the last hour? Does corporate just not look at the numbers instead of saying, "Hey, that day we visited they only did half the volume." Or is it the union? Are they trying to hide violations like managers working and safety issue? Or is it so the company can just say look at all these lazy over paid workers, we don't need any more of them?

Like, what's the real story? Cause its obvious someone is trying to mislead someone.


Gone Fish'n
My guess is they slow volume for a bit then ramp it up once the guys leave. If anything I'd say some were investors, you want to make the impression that everything is running perfect if you got a group of hedge fund managers looking for a place to park money for the long term. Have a stack of packages falling off belts and employees looking like they are about to fall over because they can't keep up, not a pretty picture to paint.
Could also be District big wigs coming in to observe the sort. 4 or 5 guys fluttering about 1 guy. Look for out of state license plates on SUV's parked right outside employee entrance.


Well-Known Member
We are suppose to have visitors, too. Best days of the year, everything runs smoothly. I wish they were here everyday.


Box Monkey
I like when we have visitors because everything is wrapped and ready to go and we can pull out of the building immediately after the PCM.


That’s Craptacular
If one of them stopped too fast. He would have 5 heads,up his :censored2:!
More ass kissing than Sergeant Bowzer in Police Academy!



Well-Known Member
We had a preloader drop a Duce on the floor in the restroom on visitor day.

As a fellow employee I ask (who ever did or might consider doing this) please don't. We all work here and we all have to use the bathroom. Its really just childish. The only person you are hurting is the janitorial staff. Please, please, please don't :censored2: up the bathrooms as a means of airing your grievances.