Vote carefully and thoughtfully, don't let mob rule decide your future!


Well-Known Member
After going through both the national contract and our local supplement I plan to vote NO on the national: good first serious offer but you can do better- and YES on our supplement: they got us $4000 pension and many new FT jobs as they promised. ANd dont fall for the pray for the right answer nonsense. Just look over the changes and see how it affects you and your family as well as your brothers and sisters NOW and in the FUTURE. A NO vote does not mean a strike. It just means good try but you can do better than this!!


Active Member
The most important thing you can do is vote, regardless of how. The company and the union need to know that you are paying attention or you will be screwed by both. I'm retired now but nothing pissed me off more than low votes and little to know attendance at union meetings. Just bitching and whining doesn't accomplish a damn thing if it's not at the proper time and place. Nothing would get there attention more than a no vote but at least vote you conscious. It's a long hard road to the end so fight for your life. You spend half of it in a truck(or package car).

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
In my center the only fulltime people claiming they will vote yes are the ones that only look at health care, raises, and pensions. I guess they don't care about weak language regarding seniority violations, delivering 100+ lb freight, or the fact that the over 9.5 language, although improved, is still a joke. They obviously don't care that the supposed "big catchup raise" parttimers are getting will actually only be a $0.50 raise compared to the current contract. They only care about themselves.

The contract is more than just raises and the promise of a pension. The IBT negotiators and UPS negotiators prey on those that only look at those two things. UPS knew we would never cave on health care. They only put it on the table to make any subsequent offer look sweeter than if actually is. Well, guess worked! Hook line and sinker. Yes voters are suckers.

We dont agree often, but to this end, I stand behind you 100%



Strange huh?


Well-Known Member
No certainty on the health care earns a NO vote here. I'm not falling for the Nancy Pelosi line "We have to pass the bill to find out what's in it"

smart girl

Well-Known Member
You forgot to mention vote for your future and others, even the Unborn. Would you sign a car lease for 5 yrs not knowing the terms or possible changes? If the guy said don't worry your payment could double or not? I mean I have never signed any contract with any unknowns. Send it back and demand Clear details and language clarification.


Well-Known Member
You forgot to mention vote for your future and others, even the Unborn. Would you sign a car lease for 5 yrs not knowing the terms or possible changes? If the guy said don't worry your payment could double or not? I mean I have never signed any contract with any unknowns. Send it back and demand Clear details and language clarification.

If you knew me you would know that I read each and every word of any legal document that I sign. This saved me just over $700 when I closed on my condo. I said all that I wanted to say on this subject in my post.

UPS Preloader

Well-Known Member
You forgot to mention vote for your future and others, even the Unborn. Would you sign a car lease for 5 yrs not knowing the terms or possible changes? If the guy said don't worry your payment could double or not? I mean I have never signed any contract with any unknowns. Send it back and demand Clear details and language clarification.

The problem isn't that people are voting on the unknown. The problem is that the changes don't affect us equally and UPS is trying to pit us against each other. Unfortunately we have two types of voter's here. Those that vote for the good of all the members and those that vote for the good of themselves or their local without consideration or care on how it affects others.


Nine Lives
The problem isn't that people are voting on the unknown. The problem is that the changes don't affect us equally and UPS is trying to pit us against each other. Unfortunately we have two types of voter's here. Those that vote for the good of all the members and those that vote for the good of themselves or their local without consideration or care on how it affects others.

So, essentially you are saying we only have one type of voter - "those that vote for the good of themselves or their local without consideration or care on how it affects others".
I bet that if there were thousand teamsters to vote on a contract and only 400 sent in ballots the other 600 automatically become yes votes. All I ever heard was I vote no from almost everyone I talk to yet the contracts always pass with flying colors


Well-Known Member
I bet that if there were thousand teamsters to vote on a contract and only 400 sent in ballots the other 600 automatically become yes votes. All I ever heard was I vote no from almost everyone I talk to yet the contracts always pass with flying colors
The other non voted ballots are NOT counted as yes votes. That's absolutely not true.


Well-Known Member
To all,

You all must vote according to your conscience. Not according to mob rule.

I encourage you to think long and hard as to the potential outcome and consequences of your vote.

There are potential consequences to a no vote. There are potential consequences to a yes vote.

I don't recommend you vote yes or no, only be thoughtful about your vote and let your conscience be your guide.

I wiil vote no and you? Where will your indescision leave you?