We have to change the way they think of the hourly employee.


Well-Known Member
Well...it's gonna work...maybe to accomplish...uh...something...maybe.

You claim to be on our side and yet make little snide, snorting remarks when we talk about actually doing something. What's it going to be, oh great defender of the common man? About the only thing you prove is a black man can be as big an A-hole exploiter as the white man can be.


Staff member
You claim to be on our side and yet make little snide, snorting remarks when we talk about actually doing something. What's it going to be, oh great defender of the common man? About the only thing you prove is a black man can be as big an A-hole exploiter as the white man can be.

Because the most action being taken is in slow down maneuvers instead of organizing which may improve things. But we never hear how many cards are signed and now we have no real measure of how this is working. We have folks making claims with no metrics. So I'm an A-hole because I am asking for metrics? Ok. How do you know it's working without them?


The fact is if every driver used cbp, service would go down, on road hours up, and FedEx knows this. That is why it is never mentioned anymore. It's all about route efficiency and they could care less how you do it. This is where we can disrupt their increase in profit plan.

That couldn't be further from the truth. If every courier used CBP, route boundaries would be more accurate, staffing issues would be better addressed, onroad goals would be more realistic, injury rates would go down, and accidents would drop. A manager that doesn't stress CBP needs to have his butt fired. Problems arise when managers don't focus on CBP and couriers don't use them. Engineers and seniors see this alleged increase in productivity and they start screwing with things to the point that the station can't make its goals using CBP, people get hurt, etc.

If a station is in such a state that CBP would create the drag on operations that you're talking about, then there needs to be some heads rolling at that station.

I don't know what company you work for. But the FedEx I work for does not care about methods anymore and hasn't for years. They only care about numbers. That is why your sph goal is not set on a check ride, but an average of what has been done. This goal has increased every year arbitrarily with no check ride. The company knows that drivers cut corners to make numbers and looks the other way. It's not just mid management . It starts at the top with Fred S all the way down to the ops managers.You can try and put all the responsibility on the driver and make all excuses for management. But it doesn't change the fact that this is one of the most crooked companies to work for. There should be a Forbes most crooked list which FedEx would be at the top.


Well-Known Member
Because the most action being taken is in slow down maneuvers instead of organizing which may improve things. But we never hear how many cards are signed and now we have no real measure of how this is working. We have folks making claims with no metrics. So I'm an A-hole because I am asking for metrics? Ok. How do you know it's working without them?

We have to start somewhere, and obviously getting the IBT's help is a non-starter.


Staff member
Didn't you read the thread about MT3 basically screaming at us couriers for the recent poor customer service and almost losing the entire apple account.

It's working.

Maybe. Until pressure comes to start firing couriers. Then we will see if the couriers have the will to do what needs to be done.


Well-Known Member
Maybe. Until pressure comes to start firing couriers. Then we will see if the couriers have the will to do what needs to be done.

The problem is this company got used to employees going ABOVE and BEYOND.

Now that most are doing the bare minimum, they are running into a huge problem.

They can't fire us for NOT going above and beyond, or for obeying speed limits and following THEIR work rules and procedures.


Staff member
The problem is this company got used to employees going ABOVE and BEYOND.

Now that most are doing the bare minimum, they are running into a huge problem.

They can't fire us for NOT going above and beyond, or for obeying speed limits and following THEIR work rules and procedures.

Doesn't mean they won't find reasons to fire a few across the bow, just so everybody understands.


Well-Known Member
Doesn't mean they won't find reasons to fire a few across the bow, just so everybody understands.
The company has a history of only letting go of people for theft and falsification. I've never heard of anyone being fired for following best prac. It will be interesting when managers all over being to pull drivers to the side asking why are your numbers down and they must come up. Well how bout a check ride? They don't because that would be like resetting the goals back to zero.


Engorged Member
The problem is this company got used to employees going ABOVE and BEYOND.

Now that most are doing the bare minimum, they are running into a huge problem.

They can't fire us for NOT going above and beyond, or for obeying speed limits and following THEIR work rules and procedures.

Exactly. Above and beyond has been the corporate norm for many years. So has employee obedience and deference.


Staff member
The company has a history of only letting go of people for theft and falsification. I've never heard of anyone being fired for following best prac. It will be interesting when managers all over being to pull drivers to the side asking why are your numbers down and they must come up. Well how bout a check ride? They don't because that would be like resetting the goals back to zero.

A reduction in hours then?


Well-Known Member
First off who says I hold the stock so dear? And what you are saying to do is exactly what I'm suggesting. Problem is getting the word out to other couriers without jeopardizing ourselves. If the public is told by the media that on such and such date FedEx couriers are going to slow way down in protest then other couriers will be informed to do so, not to mention panic the hell out of management. They've gone to the well way too many times as it is, time has come to fight back. We're tired of just taking it. Heck, just get the word out to follow CBP as MFE says. Follow it religiously, don't work on your breaks, don't speed, move at a safe pace. This isn't a $20k a year job, and it's time they stop trying to make it so.
No, what you're suggesting, in essence, is to lose customers. The customers have done nothing to us, they don't need to be a part of this. And why bring Media into this when all we have to do is stop doing the work of two employees. I use to see guys driving back to the station 60mph in a 35 zone. For WHAT? to save a manager minutes for their bonus and while cutting their own pay? Stop going nuts out there. Stop taking pictures of labels and delivering on your lunch and signing the customers signature. Exactly how much was your bonus this year for working on your lunch anyway? The Female drivers had it right all along. Guys mocking them for being slow and too meticulous. Talking about how the girls have retirement routes and how "I" could be done with that rte 2 hours early everyday. Turns out the guys were the suckers and the females have nice cushy routes. We now realize, prove you can do more and you will get more to do. Prove you can't do more and you won't get more. Come to work on time, be safe, follow company policy per deliver and do the minimum. " I have my numbers". "I need you to take 3 over". Looks like your gonna have 3 lates then. If you hurt someone one the road for being wreck less, you deserve whats coming to you. Slow down and be safe. And keep the customers out of this.


The problem is this company got used to employees going ABOVE and BEYOND.

Now that most are doing the bare minimum, they are running into a huge problem.

They can't fire us for NOT going above and beyond, or for obeying speed limits and following THEIR work rules and procedures.

Doesn't mean they won't find reasons to fire a few across the bow, just so everybody understands.

This is why I believe you are a company plant and union buster. Every idea on this site for organizing or getting the company to listen to us is met with negativity and discouragement from you. Even something as positive as following company policies and procedures. You follow up by saying that we may be fired for doing so? Man your tactics are just getting more pathetic by the day. And please don't say you support us to organize, it's quite obvious your intent is the opposite.